
Too Fast Too Furious..

Hey peeps.. after 3hrs of driving we got into KL safely this afternoon.. alhamdullilah.. it was a smooth ride.. no.. "Encik ur driving far too fast.. do u know the speed limit here on this highway?".. ahakss ur asking a F1 racer what the speed limit is on ur highway?? u got to be kidding.. i think i must hv nagged like a zillion times to hb on his driving (hes a fast driver but not reckless and reacts very quickly) .. does he listen?? not that i know off.. he however has reduced fm driving 170+km to 140km per hr tho.. yikes! Anyway, as soon as we checked in.. hb went for his first appt.. Sonia took her afternoon nap and so did her mama for a change..

I like it here.. in fact i like it whenever i get the chance to travel with him.. it makes me stop fm doing stuff.. i watch telly which i hardly do at home.. i eat a lot more which i dont like but had to hahaha.. i get to hang out with Sonia 95% of my time here and i get to take a nap without feeling guilty.. i think it has alot got to do with my mind set.. shrug

So ok since i got a few emails asking me to show how i take my food pics.. this is it..I dont use special apparel like tripod or spotlights. All pictures are taken in natural lighting mostly early in the morning ~8am or later in the evening around 5:30pm. At this time the sun is not too bright and sets the "mood lighting". If it is still a bit too bright I draw my day curtains. On the camera I set it to Auto (P) mode... I use single focusing point all the time in my pics.. Last but not least my camera: Canon EOS 500D, Lens: EF50mm f/1.8

Sometimes i will tilt my board forwards...

....... sometimes backwards... sometimes no board at all hehehe

The end product...

Few of my props used in my photoshoot.. ceeebahhh photoshots sehhh hahaha


cek chun said...

thanks for the tips.
suka bangat sama prop ibu rima.. hehehe
terbaik wooo

zarin said...

u set kat auto (P) mode je ye? "P" stands for what ye? ehehe tk reti arrr normally i use av mode and kenalah zoom in zoom out coz i tk reti guna button lelain tuh
btw,m using canon EOS 450D

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Thanks for the tips. I like it :).

Rima said...

Cek Chun
Banyak bangat yg boleh diguna kan buat props... semua pun ibu Rima suka bangat hahaha

Rima said...

P is the mode where the camera will set all for you (shutter speed and aperture).
Av mode the camera sets shutter speed but you must set the aperture yourself. Aperture is for you to create blurry backgrounds for example. A higher number (turning the wheel to the right) will create a sharper background. Turning it to the left (lower number) will create a blurry background. But I don't need to do that since I use a macro lens. So if you want camera to take full control set to P.

Rima said...

No worries.. not much pun.. hehehe

Aqil said...

serious laju cam naik jet..hu3 :D
saya bru je settle all the summons..kih3
got 6 for exceed the speed limit last year...mostly just around 122km/h...
masa drive xrase pon laju tau nk cepat smpi jek..Keje kt KL weekend kt Johor malas nk balik sunday so early monday morning jd racer..kih3 ;P
nasib baik hubby xbebel..
now happy xduk jauh2 lg ngan hubby..hu3

Btw, sis i dh try lapis prune..really2 delicious..melt in mouth..ya Allah the smell masa bake pon dh sedap giler..xcually this 2nd kek lapis yg dh penah try lepas tergoda masa BW kt blog sis, the 1st one is blueberry cheese..memang marbeles r..
ni xsabar nk cuba layer choc mud cake plak..
klu sis yg recommend mmg masuk list hu3

Sizuka said...

My favourite! 50mm! Bila ambik gambar nampak cantik because of the blurry background. Tapikan, I ambik gambar tak secantik u la Rima.. huhuhu

hana said...

tenkiuuu tenkiuuu tenkiuuuuu...mmuahhh!! akceli sama jugak lah gune kadbod putih blkg tuh... but kdg2 jer duk tepi tingkap.. haiihhh ko paham2 ajer skrg nih..hihihi

SurayaCoghlan said...


I think you should amik order photography lah, kurang sikit stress dari amik order pineapple tart.Ok tak cadangan i ni?

Yan said...

owhh... suke the designer cotton tuh..

Unknown said...

wah!!! ... my hubby said u are a good photographer ... u make food looks delish ... and how u capture ur food never fail to make us drool hahahah ...

K.Nor said...

salam & morning rima.. mmg k.nor suka tengok gambar2 yg rima shoot.. very2 nice dgn prop yg tersusun jer.. mmg hebat.. canon mmg the best kan hehe..

yep, the manager dah minta maaf dgn kita org yesterday.. hantar email dan call k.nor.. berulang2 kali mintak maaf atas kesilapan staff dia.. mmg nampak dia ikhlas masa call mintak maaf tu.. so everything settle smoothly.. alhamdulillah.. thanks for your concern ya.. :)

btw.. k.nor dah buat rainbow chiffon cake.. so yummy! thanks :) have a nice lepak2, jalan2.. away from yr kitchen.. hehehe

orked said...

kak rima ..u are so great ;) inspiring me a lot in my baking passion.

Ria said...

suke dgn sume props Kak Rima..da kt KL kn..kalu Ria keje kt KL da lme terjah concorde tu..nk ke KL pn jem..sabo jela..maybe next time le jmpe..hehe

Rima said...

Amboiiiii boleh tahan eh.. pokkk baru tahu hahaha.. to be honest i also sama tak sedap.. if drive kat highway memang tak leh rasa .. kadang sampai tak nampak jarum kat speedometer hahahha.. why bayar saman?? u shud sweet talk to this ppl ..

Alhamdullilah.. i like prune lapis alot.. tu my jatung hati.. yg lain lain i tak berapa minat but will still bake cos i know i can always gv it away.. :o)

Rima said...

If u hv the lens u sure can take good pic.. u need to know where ur comfort zone is.. know where ur spot.. know ur style.. insyallah akan dapat pic yg u sukai.. :o)

Rima said...

Adehhh ku faham.. faham benar lah hahah.. i dont really fancy pakai cardboard cos kadang gambar turn out ok.. kadang gambar turn out ko lol.. it helps if mentari terlalu terik tho.. anyway u got the lens.. u got the telent and u got the bake goods.. keep on shooting hehe

Rima said...

Pineapple tart kah.. snow princess kah.. ku stress tau.. ambik gambar.. bake yg lain lain ku suka bangat.. hehehe

Rima said...

Me too... i need to buy more of those.. too many design.. i loikeeee

Rima said...

Awwww nampak aje ke?? rasa tak dak kah?? muahahha joking aje!

Ty ty.. am still learning lah.. not good at it yet.. not perfect pong :o)

Rima said...

Alhamdullilah.. berita yg baik dipagi hari ni.. its always a nice feeling bila the other party realised their mistake..

Canon is the bomb lah .. dulu waktu my hb nak beli kan .. i told my hb .. i dont like lah.. so bulky.. now i will never leave home without it hahaha

Ye ker KNor.. hope u like the rainbow chiffon.. lembut aje kannnn

Rima said...

Awwww to be honest i am just here to share my knowledge for the benefit of others.. if u bake it well.. that means u hv talent .. alhamdullilah if my humble blog inspire u to bake more..

Rima said...

hehehe sabo aje lah kan.. KL and jam bagai tak leh dipisah kan hahaha.. i hv so many props but malas nak keluar kan bagai.. what u see is just 1/4 of my props :op

Edi said...

i love macro lens! rasa mcm nak snap sume bende dlm macro.. hehehe.. kdg2 overla pulak :P

love your work! cantik bangat ok! siap ade props tu..

Shamsydar said...

i really thought you have a lot of white walls in your home! haha! thanks for the tip, sis! :D

Anonymous said...

you've got the perfect balanced skills lah, baking, presentation and photography.

i used to arrive@nikko hotel in 2.5 hours on a regular basis. now santai always. have a safe journey back. take care

Rima said...

Memang magic lah macro lens ni.. i dont think i can even go back to using my bright colour camera that Sonia is using now hehe.. action pulak! kahkahkah

Rima said...

I do hv lots of white walls in my home but the white board is there to ensure that i hv a super white background hehe

sWeEt 'N LoVeLy said...

bukan pakar masak je...siap de tips 4 fotografi lagi...mmg power!

Anie said...


170 km/h!!!! Fuyooohhh!!! I dont even dare to drive more than 120....I tak berani whoa esp with Jannah in the car :D I heard kalau kena saman dkt sini from $350 nehi nehi and tak boleh sweet talk...hahahahaz :D

We are save here alhamdullilah, tak affected pun dgn quake dkt Christchurch situated dkt south island. Kita dkt Hamilton, in north island...tapi kesian tgk mangsa & relatives mangsa dkt tv...sedih u :'( Thanks for the concern babe...enjoyyzzzz ur time in KL ;)

Ummi said...

Salam Rima, waaaah dapat new lessons mlm sungguh, cadang masuk nak selongkar dapur baca bab ni dulu...mmg gambar2 Rima really admires me..akak guna 550D, tp x pandai sgt pun nak snap...selalu guna Manual mode then dengan mata yang rabun2 nih, duk adjust segala..kadang2 tgk kat screen pc baru perasan ada yg blur di tempat x sepatutnya..huhuuu..Kena try cara Rima la..set P and auto semua yaaa...adeeeiihhh

Rima said...

Amboi tu macam my hb waktu muda nye hahaha.. semenjak ade sonia ni dia cool sikit.. if jarum dispeedometer tak kelihatan akan ade siren disebelah dia hahha.. ty for ur doas..

Rima said...

sweet and lovely
tak de lah pakar.. still learning pong.. lots of pro out there.. den malu lah hehe

Rima said...

Alhamdullilah.. good to hear that... si suami ku ni ferasan macam racer.. actually kan dia bukan ape.. kat sg tak leh tunjuk skill.. kat malaysian road pulak nak tunjuk skill.. if we are in aust.. punya lah lembab dia drive cos he knows police sana suka sembunyi belakang pokok kahkahkah.. saman mahal weiii.. if kat europe.. dia bermaharajalela.. cos no speed limit

Rima said...

I just use auto aje.. make sure pakai single focus so u can choose which spot u want it to focus.. cakap senang.. focus.. hold ur shutter and then tilt it up or down then click hehehe..

Yat Maria said...


memangla multi purpose blog mu ini..kihkihkih...dari membaking ke mengambil gambar ke tips2 on warehouse sale..wa suka beb!!!!!!!!!!!

Rima said...

LOL babe.. by the end of the day it all has got to do with dessert hahaha.. nasib tak de orang email mintak gambar i tengah membaking.. siapa pulak nak jadi camera person i ni kan.. nak tunggu sonia besar lah boleh mama dia pulak jadi model blog sendiri ahakss

Swee San said...

very nice fabrics as props! and yeah, gonna get one of those white boards as well!

Rima said...

U shud swee san.. i hv it in small and big size.. i hv it in black too.. when choosing fabrics u hv to be a little fussy.. cotton ones are fab.. happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

ala tinginnye nk jmpe k.rima..ur artwork is very de comey mables n gorjes!da lame nk komen tp 2la speechles nk ckp pe pon xtau -au-

Zee B. said...

Apa khabar orang Singapore?
your pictures look lovely and the cake lapis looks absolutely divine.The prop cloths looks like something out of Amy Butler's collections.i love the colorful floral cotton fabric.Will definitely make a pit stop at Sunlik upon your recommendation when i go back to Sg to get coffee oil and other baking goods.cant wait.
have a good weekend rima.

About Me

My photo
Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..