Long weekend almost over and as of tmrw I will be left alone to handle everything.. one thing for sure next week is gonna be a pretty long and hectic week.. not too sure if i even hv the mood to bake every single day since there is no one to comment on my bake.. no one to hv coffee and cake with every single night.. yikes!
Anyway enough whining already.. am just hoping that Sonia is gonna behave when papa's not around.. well usually thats not the case to be honest.. but theres no harm in hoping for some miracle :o~

So anyhow.. We decided to stay home today since yesterday we were out all day.. didnt do much either.. same old same old thing.. weekend cleaning.. cooked and did two types of kuih.. well i did bake a cake but it turned out blahhh.. dont know what went wrong.. i baked it in two different types of pans.. my typical longish pan and also in a muffin tray.. the ones fm the muffin tray turned out good.. the ones in the longish pan turned out somewhat like kuih .. eekkkk.. will try to bake it again tmrw.. err well if i find the time to buy a tub of yogurt that is.. Mom and dad came over for dinner and stayed till after 9.. so all in all.. we had a good long hols..

2 cups rice
2 cups flour
2 cups rice flour
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup sugar
2 1/2 cup water
2 tsp instant yeast (mauripan)
grated coconut with little salt - steam it
Blend rice and water until smooth - (blend rice with a little bit of water first and add more water as u go)
Once smooth, mix brown sugar and sugar into it and blend till well combined
In another bowl, combine flour, rice flour and yeast.
Add rice mixture into flour mixture and stir till well mixed.
Place cling-wrap on top of ur bowl and let it sit for 3 hours.
Heat up steamer.. Brush a little oil in small moulds.
Pipe batter into each mould and steam for 15 minutes ..
Serve apam with coconut or good on its own..

My second kuih was Putri Salat... hb's fav kuih .. You can get this recipe fm my previous post..
Source: Hana Jepang

Kak rima...
Cantik mekar sungguh apam tu....saya pernah buat tapi tak merekah kembang pun.....:-(( kena buat lagi ni sebab u punya apam sangat cantik....sungguh menggoda kalbu....:-)) Bila nak turun KL lagi??? Boleh la jumpa2 kalau berkesempatan....
hi kak rima, saya dah lama bacer blog u tp ni 1st time komen..sbb tak tahan tgk your cooking yg mengancam jiwa ni kasi saya makin gemuk tiap2 hari bake cake n kuih...aduss..
btw, sonok layan blog ni satu sbb siap ader mixpod bagai, macam tgk muvie pulak....dgr lagu best2 pastu dpt inspirasi utk bake...hehhe.
well, keep this blog coz really love it...huhuhu
How hv u been dear?? dah lama tak nampak bermain main kat sini hehe.. i dont even know when we will be driving up again.. soon i guess after his spain trip.. will let u know ok..
If u nak apam merekah u pakai api besar ok.. isi penuh penuh.. insyallah dia akan merekah.. i did two types.. yg merekah and yg dome style.. dua dua pun rasa sama aje hehe
Welcome welcome and ty for leaving footprints.. glad u pong sama macam i.. bake and bake every day.. tak makan dapat cium bau cake pun jadi lah kan hehe
Eh eh dah lama tak update tu mixpod.. busy bangat lah lately ni :o(
Kak rima,
Tq for the tips....I baru pulang bercuti di Krabi, Thailand...tu yang tak tinggalkan jejak kat blog u...apa2 pun tiap2 hari I skodeng blog u...tengok apa yang u bake & cook....sungguh memberi inspirasi....
Waaaaaaaa....apam saljuu......wawawaaaaaaa..pu3 salat...niceeee...
I masih tak pandai jaga api kukus. Slalunya buat putri salat guna microwave ajer ahakksss style org malas :D Dah lama nak try apam ni, biler tgk kena perap 3 jam cam jadi tak sabar gitew.....
perghhhh cun glossss.... merekah plak tuh! tuh yg haku jeles..... klu laki xde nih tak syok kan kan... kawan mkn xde.. klu tak bleh melantak banyak2... ker sama ajer? hihihihi
cantiknya gambar apam sajlu tu...
suka3....memang sedapp apam salju ni....
You guys drove to Krabi ke?? our last road trip to thailand was 3yrs ago.. we drove fm singapore to bangkok :o)
Hehe Cik Mat.. pu3 tu macam drama kat tv kan.. adehhh if i no go kl i no chance to watch tv channel malaysia.. thats why if i go kl i macam stick to tv cos byk betul drama kat tv malaysia .. :o)
U pi prepare first thing in the morning ah.. then do ur housework.. jgn pulak waktu perap u use small bowl nanti dia berlambak terkeluar after 2hrs hahhaa.. eh tu macam ape yg terjadi pada batter ku aje ahakss.. memang sedap benda ni.. tak yah makan pakai kelapa also can..
You use micro for ur putri salat? tak pernah buat kerja tu but kan if kejadian dia cantik why not ey.. tak yah nak selubung tutup.. tak yah nak jaga api.. tak yah nak jaga air.. woahhhh ku nak cuba jugak lah
dua2 kuih tu sedap! :)
thanks rima for the wish.. erkkk.. dah jd neng yatimah ke belum? hehehe.. sabar ya, kejap jer yr hubby gi spain tu.. smoga dia selamat kembali :)
Muahahha Hana... dolu dolu laki tak de.. tak de selera konon.. sekarang.. muakahkahkah.. makan tetap makan wokey.. mana boleh miss suruk hehe
Mas dah try eh? sedap ekan.. i can makan 4 in one go.. hai tu either ku like it alot or just gelojoh ahakss
rima, janganla sedih2 boyfren xde.. cheer up k!
Terinsak insak dibuat nye si neng yatimah ni kahkahkah.. tak lah.. joking aje.. kesedihan ku pendam saje.. si dak sonia ni rapat dgn my hb.. tu sebab tak leh antar kat airport.. dia dah biasa travel with papa and when papa travel alone dia tak faham.. terpekik pekik kat airport nak ikut papa dia naik plane.. so nowadays.. papa has to take taxi to airport..
Anak Knor pergi lagi lama.. sure rindu merindu kannnn
LOL bukan sedih bf tak de.. sedih cos i hv to handle everything kahkahkah.. penat wei.. dah tu malam tak de siapa kita nak lepas kan frustration kita.. kesian my hb.. dah lah stress kat work.. kat rumah pulak bini dia lambak kan ape yg terbeku kat hati.. :op
You mean to say Spore tak dpt program TV Msia ke?? Kalau cenggitu, tak dapatlah you tengok drama I berlakun jadi bibik?? u'u'aaa..
I pun cam Anie juga guna microwave masak seri muka. Buat sikit aje, I darelah (and oso I eat alone, har3). DAN tak larat nak buat itu aFam sbb tak sabar tunggu masa perap (tapi sabar plak buat roti, hehe).
Hubby takde eh? Malam sebelum tdo, intai bawah katil okay? heheheee...
Weiiii dont remind me of that leh cik som.. i cannot think of something like that.. berhari nanti tak leh angs.. first time we moved here and hb had to go travel.. sampai tak leh tido dibuatnye.. lebih lebih lagi bila ade orang tu kata.. "eh kak.. tak takut eh tinggal sorang sorang kat rumah bertingkat tingkat" eeekkkk statement cam gitew pun boleh menjadi kan ku tak keharuan haha
No dont hv malaysian tv channel.. only tv1 tu pun tak se shiok tv3.. tv9.. tv2.. if i go kl n hb gi meetings..my kerja satu hari.. watch tv kat hotel rm hehe
kak rim..comelnya apam tu...suke suke...
owhh lama ke hubby akak outstation tu?soniaa...jangan nakal2 ye...be a good girl okay!! hehee
Izahhhh .. kamu kembali bersiaran di laman ku hehe.. welcome back to the blogger world babe! actually kan tak lah lama sangat.. one week aje but kan to Rimamelati.. one week macam one thousand week ahakss.. konon nye.. padahal macam2 plan dah buat terlebih dahulu hehehe
Salam Kak Rima..
Ur apam salju are damn gorgeous! ;)
Btw, may iknow, the recipe yields hw many pcs of apam when using the lil' red moulds?
tq! :)
Salam Anonymous.. cud u pls leave down ur name so that i can adrs u correctly? tks dearie!
I am not too sure how many as i didnt count em.. i remembered that i had to steamed it 3 times.. which means maybe 30.. slightly more perhaps?
adesss..comelnye apam2 k.rima ni..hehe..tgk kaler2 gini teringat macaroons k.rima yang kalerful tu hehehe...this year lom buat lagi kan..buat la hehehe...xdpt rs dpt tgk and ambik bau pun syok gak kekekeke... :D
Puan Rima
Ai tak pernah buat apam ni. Setelah di"translate", itu rice jadi beras. Sekarang Ai dah keliru. Ai ada 2 soalan...LOL..
Yang pertama,adakah rice itu nasi, atau rice you mean beras. Logiknya, Ai rasa nasi.
Yang kedua, kalau betul beras, perlukan beras itu direndam sebelum dikisar.
Ish..ish..banyaknya yang..yang
rice = steamed rice = nasi.. if u ade balance nasi hari ini boleh lah u buat apam ni besok.. jgn dah reserve buat apam terbuat nasi goreng pulak "op
Salam Rima.
Ala putri salat sedapnya..lagi satu nak minta tolong boleh tak?i dah buat sicilian cake tu dua kali tapi napa permukaan kek tu berlubang?tensionlah.rasa dah sedap tapi rupa tak cantik lak.aritu buat pound cake jadi ni baru je bake sicilian cake tu tapi berlubang jugak .macam mana nak buat ya tuan guru?
AsSalam Rima,
Salam perkenalan. Hari nih first time terjumpa blog u slps browsing che mat gebu nyer blog. sukeeee sangat baca entry-entry yang u tulis.
i semangat gak nak share cerita pasal places that i go to, food that i eat, kedai yg i patronize tapi.... baru tulis satu ayat, terus melalut buat benda lain. skrg nih, password blog i pun i dah lupa... hehehehhe
Berlubang? in what way?? tak pernah experience tu.. hmm i tell u what.. lain kali u bake it pakai lowest level.. wrap keliling pan dgn kain lembab and ikat pakai tali.. that will prevent ur top fm crack.. or 15mins into baking u tutup ur pan dgn aluminium fold .. cuba ok
Salam Anoi
i think if its not cos of my hb yg selalu beri i galakan.. i dah lama retire.. if i tak update blog dia yg remind me.. dia kata.. u better update ur blog or else u boring duk rumah all day long..
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