
Sonia in action...

When the cat is away.. the mouse gets bored.. not in the mood to bake anything for now.. maybe tonight i cud do so since there is no" inspector" to stop me fm baking at night lol.. anyway yesterday i had wanted to upload this video of Sonia.. dont know why the sound is so so soft.. anyway we took this video last weekend.. enjoy!!


Aqil said...

sis..cutenyer sonia ;D

Anonymous said...

lovely little girl.


Anonymous said...

cute nya,macam nak cubit2 je nasib baik anak orang kalau my daughter... cfm kene 'dera' he3

Yat Maria said...


i tgk Sonia joget2 ai teringat some time back, nampak 1 minah saleh dlm mrt..u taw, muka sebijik sebijan minah saleh tapi mak kauuuu, ckp melayu cam just cannot take my eyes off her when whe's talking to her friend, sebab just kenot match muka dia ngan percakapan dia... i know now that she ader darah melayu..tapi kelakar sket tgk minah saleh ckp melayu deli...melayu cam kita la tu..hehe..ekkk spsal ai citer ni ek??/tak der kena mengena ngan Sonia joget kan...

Rima said...

Cute mute.. macam siapa?? hehe

Yes she is.. super energetic too!

LOL nanti kena saman tauuu

Itew minah ade darah melayu.. yg my other half lagi funny... when he started to speak in malay or mandarin u shud see the look on ppl's face.. the funny part.. siap ade yg tanya pulak if he ade darah melayu or chinese.. duhhhhh soooo white macam gitew pun orang boleh tanya macam gitew hahaha

Teringat masa kat paris the other time... we were in this shop .. there was this malay family kat shop tu also.. the moment they saw me.. of cos they speak to one another pasal i lah.. ape lagi.. they ingat i minah filipino kawin dgn mat salleh..and then bila my hb started talking to me in malay.. muka they all terus terkulat kulat haha.. alamak apasal boleh terpanjang lebar niiii hehe

Azlita Aziz said...

so cute!... comel la... geram tengok...

Yat Maria said...


wahkahkah ai suker pat cam gitew..espeseli if dia orang termengumpat u, then dapat tgk muka transform terkulat2 sebab minah filipino rhupanya sama geng ngan dia orang abeh laki terer ckp melayu..muahhaha

CS said...

I like d word terkulat2. Bila lauk tak sedap or baru baik sakit, kita akan makan terkulat2 seksa nak telan the food. Ehh, got connection or not??

Niway, I nak mohon samting dari Sonia.

Dear Sonia, could you pls grant me 'one magic oven' pls?? Tq in advance laling :-) Noktah!

Bibu said...


Edi said...

oh so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi cute la you princess!! Aunty Aishah mesti nk meet Sonia in person..geram sgt...
Sis Rim, I pun ada satu incident yg sungguh embarrassing.. It happened early last year at Golden Sand Penang..Ada satu mamat salleh tu amb food byk sgt masa bila second time dia amb food tu lg, I told my sis.."boleh habis ke mamat ni?" & and he replied "suma makanan sedap2, rugi x mkn"...omg..malunya. Rasa muka tebal 6 in!! Big mistake..~ Aishah.

Rima said...

Fm Sonia to aunty som
Hv u been a good girl auntie?? hehehe

Ding ding ding.. woot2 hehe

Tell me abt it... shes growing too fast!

Ahhh berpade pade bila termengumpat hahah.. nowadays ni mamat2 salleh memang pandai cakap malay.. moral of the story if nak termengumpat.. gumpat lah dgn berbisik hahahah

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

She need her ballerina shoes :).

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..