Alrighty... so how has it been for everyone?? any differences between 2010 and 2011?? hehhe obviously not for me... I didnt hv a good start in my so called quest to loose more weight this year.. for a start yesterday Rima had to order McSpicy when hb decided to hv a quick brunch at McD and the same evening Rima had the urge to munch on banana fritters.. this morning as early as half past 7, I was already in the kitchen cooking lodeh for my lontong.. haizzz what kinda quest was i really talking abt the night we were watching fireworks in our very own bedroom kahkahkah

Anywho.. Right after brekkie i quickly whipped up this simple cake.. I think i must hv bookmarked it since i first stumbled onto Yani's blog cos when i revisited all the links that i had bookmarked last year.. I saw the link which lead to this recipe.. and when i went further down i found another link which lead me to another of her post on this cake.. I was like geeesshhh I must hv wanted to bake it but never really get to it... soooo since we are not planning anything big today.. I thought why not bake it early so if we do decided to go somewhere I hv a cake ready for our afternoon tea/coffee..

My verdict.. well .. the cake turned out good.. its soft and the taste was OK.. I must be expecting a little bit more out of this recipe since i am a butter/pound cake person.. the texture of this cake is like the Castella Cake which hb bought a couple of months back in Isetan that cost him like $30 for a small box... in fact after having it again for the 2nd time.. this cake tastes like swiss roll jam.. Hb doesnt mind this cake at all.. in fact he improvised it by burning the sugar to caramelize the top hahaha.. suka u lah babe!
250 g plus 62.5g butter at room temperature - I used 250g Anchor unsalted butter
250 g caster sugar - I used 220g
250g self raising flour - I used 220g flour,1tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda and 30g corn flour
5 large eggs
2 tbsp golden syrup
2 tsp vanilla essence
A pinch of salt
Strawberry or Raspberry Jam - I used strawberry jam

-Preheat oven at 150C
-Prepare two 8" cake tins.
-Beat butter, caster sugar and golden syrup until light and fluffy, add in eggs one by one until well incorporated. Add in vanilla essence. Fold in sifted flour in three batches. Divide the batter into two and spread evenly in cake tins, bake for about 30 minutes.
-When cool, spread jam in between the cakes and sprinkle caster sugar on top!

caramelise using the torch thingy ya??hehe..
btw, I managed to go to Sunlik last friday after half day fr work..as I was on my own kan...and u know la me no good with directions..and forgetful too, so ai photostat the map fr street directory..mengalahkan tourist :) so happy that I managed to go there at last in 2010..haha
happy new year kak rima,
cantiknya kek tu, tergoda mas tengok...
kak rima..nak tanya la..ada teknik kah time nak potong kek tu? kak rim punya potongan kek semua nya nampak sangat sangat seni halus...hahaha..any tips?
salam kak rima..
ni kek feveret seisi keluarga sy..klau dlm family sy ianya dipanggil kek opah..haha..
cuma sy punya tak secantik akk buat..
next time nk try guna akk punya resepi plak..
my chilhood favaurite cake! looks yummy! :)
salam Rima..kebetulan kita sama2 buat kek dan resipi dr org yg sama...tp kek saya xlah secantik kek Rima ni...tp saya suka rasa kek ini
˚˛*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.*★* Feliz *★* 。*˛.
˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*.★* Año 2011 *★ 。*
˛. (´• ̮•)*.。*/♫.♫\*˛.* ˛_Π_____. ♥ ˛* ˛*
.°( . • . ) ˛°./• '♫ ' •\.˛*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *。
... Happy New Year 2011
Hi , It is the first visit to your blog and I love your recipes, I invite you to visit mine.
Greetings MARIMI
haah la rim... aku pong nothing depren . . tp awal2 taun dah kene sound suh kurangkan lemak.. sadis sadiss..... br berangan nak 'malaysia cougar baking' like u! hahahaha
Happy New Year ♥
Moltissimi Auguri
per uno splendido 2011
K. Rima,
Happy new year to you! Your cake looks amazing (like always, eh?) :)
happy new year.cntik umah.mggu depan ari selasa, 1am bertolak dari mesia ke sg.naik KTM.pagi2 U.
Hi Rima. Would like to wish you Happy New Year. Looking forward to your fabulous cake recipes and goodies...
Hahaha janji dalam tahun 2010.. kira cita cita u tercapai ah nak gi sun lik.. did u like that place?? oldies kan hehe.. lagi satu tourist pun tourist lah.. orang tua kata biar ade map janji tak sesat jalan hahaha
Ye ler.. he uses itew torch lah.. kemaruk... selagi selagan dia nak pakai.. dah tu bila cake tu caramelised.. rasa sedap pulak tu.. he said i shud call this cake.. caramelised sandwich cake kah3
Happy New Year to u too Mas.. cake ni memang suka mengoda orang lah hehe
Muahaha seni halus konon kahkahkah.. ye ler.. mana ade seni halus one.. pi potong pakai pisau panjang ok.. yg buat potong kek.. jgn pulak pakai parang.. hacur lodor cake mu itew Izahhhh
Ye ker Fara.. tak pernah pulak orang panggil cake ni cake opah.. very the unique the name.. why ur family named it after ur grandmama? Cube lah ok and let me know if there is any differences..
Really?? dolu dolu my fav childhood cake.. hmm.. hmmm too many lah.. nampak ape pun suka hehe
Ah ah seh.. boleh sama pulak kita hehe.. i actually dah lama nak buat but tak terbuat buat dah tu semalam bila waktu nak clear bookmarked page boleh ternampak lagi recipe ni.. tu lah pagi ni pi try buat..
Welcome welcome and ty for leaving footprints.. will check out ur blog in a bit yah and hv a blessed 2011 to u too!
Muahahha nak tittle tu jugak?? ahhhh mana boleh jadi cougar if ur other halp older then u.. :op
Ty again Stefania!
Happy New Year to u too and ty ty.. u shud gv this easy peasy recipe a try someday.. :o)
Ur in M'sia now?? alamak akak kau ni confused lah hahaha.. ape ape pun Happy New Year to u too!
Ty Murni.. my wish to u too.. hv a blessed 2011!
Cantiknyaaaa....pengsannnn awal tahun, tgk food styling rima.....
Good morning Rima,
Happy New year to you & family..
May the new year brings good health , wealth and happiness..Sonia this year start playgroup eh?..
alahai looking at this...terasa mcm nak makan now now now!.....and am constantly thinking of your marble nutella cake he he!
Cik Mat dah tahun baru tak leh pengsan pengsan tauuu.. food styling ke ape hahahha.. kita hantam saja lah mat.. janji sedap dipandang mata :o)
Gut Morgen Ayu! likewise to u too ok.. stay healthy and keep busy to keep us feeling youngie hahahah..
Sonia tahun ni belum start playgroup pun.. dia playgroup with her stay home mom.. next year baru plan nak put her into one.. for now shes good with me :o)
Eh Yani.. cake ni just like any other cake lah.. sedap dimakan after a one night old.. this morning i had it with my coffee and it tasted even better.. tks for the recipe babe.. tu nutella jangan nak cakap u.. my anak sedara keep on asking and talking abt it.. budak2 ni memang fav nutella yg benarnye hehe
Dear Rima
Happy New Year 2011
Ty Melati.. hv a good 2011 to u and ur family.. be happy and stay healthy :o)
Hi Sis,
Nak confirm the total amount of butter needs to be used for this recipe is 312.5 gm ke? Sorry Rima..I ni naive sikit when comes to baking ni. still 'O' level la Rim...~Aishah
Yep but i used 250g aje.. malas nak open another block of butter heheh
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