I hv been wanting to bake Dorie's Chocolate Madeleines eversince hb got me her book in 2009.. didnt get to it till now actually.. the story behind my Madeleines is simple.. When i looked at the recipe in her cookbook.. it had a much diff persona...
Chocolate Madeleines are filled with marshmallow fluff..(errr naah) and dipped in a chocolate glaze..( yayyyy). Dorie's "playing around" suggestions include replacing the fluff with Nutella.. (yayyy) but i discovered my Nutella expired a few months ago.. hmm how does someone who loves Nutella allow that to happen? shrugss . then i decided to discard the idea of trying out Dorie's Madeleine for now and try out a totally different recipe .. cracked eggs, added icing sugar, whisked em, folded in my sifted flour and added in my melted butter and vanilla extract.. placed my batter in my fridge and after 12 hrs sitting in my fridge, i took my batter out.. poured batter into my pipping bag and pipped it into my new Madeleines pan.. baked it and called it a success. Then I ate them all for breakfast after my so called workout (climbing up and down the staircase) Yes.. I did. And they were fabulous! ahaksss
So this blog is about two things (actually three things)... one, a Madeleine recipe. Two: A giveway that I will be having this week... smiling fm ear to ear?.... and three my new sponsor (which is linked to the giveaway)...
You see, hubby's company deals in many different things and one of them is a french kitchen supplies range called MASTRAD. (They are the ones who started with the funky coloured kitchen utensils). So hubby's work - which receives weekly doses of cakes etc from him - decided to "sponsor" Bisous A Toi! Thank you!

So first up, is the Mastrad Madeleine pan. You prob noticed that I so far have only used metal pans. Silicone bakeware put me real off some time ago when I bought a not so cheap one from Italy. The rubber smell leaked into my cake and I threw it away. So when Mastrad asked me to try their silicon ware I hesitated. But the product is superb!! No smell, no burning, no rust, easy to wash and hv i told ya that i hv been using Mastrad digital scale for the last 2yrs.. awesome awesome product!
Also in the "starter set" that I received besides the madeleine pan were 3 bright pink utensils: A spatula, a spoon and a flipper/turner..(ideal for fliping pancakes and crepes and also for spreading batter or icing cakes)
And do you notice that there are two of each of the 3 utensils??? HELLO!! hehhe
Well Mastrad has also sponsored me for my next giveaway. yayyyy.. these Mastrad baking utensil are to die for.. take the spatula for instance.. it has a little weight and superb at scraping out mixing bowls and pans, leaving not a drop of wastage of ur cake batter or meringue .. it is also heat proof meaning u can leave it on the edge of ur pan and it wont burn or melt or make ur food taste of plastic.. all the things abv can easily cost u close to $100 and it cud be urs if u answer a simple question..
What is the colour of my MASTRAD rolling pin??
(Answer can be found in my blog. Post the answer in the comment box below (not via "contact me") and don't forget your name! Winner with the correct entry will be chosen at random!) easy peasy.. so hurry and leave me a comment.. contest ends Saturday Night at 7pm and i will choose one lucky winner using random.org.. so good luck ladies (and some gents).. cheerios!!

From: Wan
its purple! :D
Hi Rima!
Oh wow...what an interesting post! cool sponsor and giveaway too! Hehe actually I just loaded your blog to tell you that i've been trying out so many of your recipes! From the chocolate chip muffins to the steamed brownies layer cake and bingka roti berlauk and condensed milk pound cake and macarons and lots more! Was also in Jkt and KL a few weeks ago...and even sempat dragged my husband to both the Titan stores and Bake with Yen...your blog is dangerous! Heheh..but anyway...thanks again..you've really given me great motivation to start baking :)
And since i'm here...the colour of your Mastrad rolling pin is...purple? :)
Trying to cheat ehhhh? Muahahah.. I will only click on publish to all comments a few minutes bef it ends.. good luck good luck.. opsssyyyy i already got 3 correct answers!!! kahkahkah
haha..gelak giler @ ur comment.. I carik dah, kaler pink or purple kan? kat Iphone cake nyer pic.. oh sakit mate carik..hehe
Hi Rima, I am a silent reader of your blog and has been coming here on & off for quite sometimes and your orange sicilian cake is my fave! very very addictive right?! teehee.. anyway, I would love to join your giveaway.. coz like you, i love to bake for my family.. and the answer for your rolling pin is purple. crossing my fingers to win! thanks for organizing this! :-)
Hi Rima,
Thanks for the giveaway. Your rolling pin is purple.
Jamie H
kak rim..nak try my luck lagi..hehe..warna purple ur mastrad rolling pin. wah tak leh nah cheat ek..ikiki..
Of course it is my fav colour. PURPLE! :) ngee~
Name : Aracy Flavia
Email: aracyflavia@live.com.my
K. Rima,
Congrats on you being sponsored! Mesti lepas ni semakin mengganas you mem'baking' ye? Hehe!
I wanna try my luck in the contest. The answer is purple with metal color handles :D
Purple Color....
Its Purple! I hope i get the free gift*praying*
Salam Rima,
I'm Janna, stumbled upon your blog during Ramadhan and until now i am hooked! thank you for sharing recipes and tips!
Janna (simanja25@hotmail.com)
i know the answer...i know the answer..**raises hand frantically** i know..i know..aikkk...babe still tak nampak my hand in the air??? *waving red flag frantically**..i know...i know...that time ai godek2 all yr posts..satu hari satu malam..
aikkkkk...still u tak nampak my red flag ke??*raises big red selimut plak** muahahhahahahahh!! sorry arrr..nak tanya hadiah akan di post ke ada prize presentation? :) :)
Wwwwwwowwww Wwwwweeeiiii ada giveaway ;) Kita tau kalerrr apa tapi tak nak bilang kat org lain *blluuueekkkk* ;ppp
Anyway, my drawer dah penuh dgn pink kaler punya utensilllsss. Kasi chance kat org lain plak. Santeknya madelinen tu semua boncit2 mcm I lah Rima....hahahaz I like :D
Nakk juga lah!!, eh bila rima tulis "and some gent"..waaa..yg tu special untuk pakcik mat gebu ke?..hahaha (^_*).. tak pelah bagi mereka2 join, nanti saya promo kan GA rima ni di N3 DTS akan datang, kasi meriahh..ikhlas sebagai teman blog masak2...tu saja..
it's purple!!!!!!! hehehhe
SORRY TAK PERASAN TAT U WROTE Post ur answer in comment box below (not via "contact me")!
Oh forgot to say..the handle is silver and rolling pin is purple ofcoz! Takpayah cari in ur blog coz when I see it for the 1st time , I love it !
Purple!! betul tak?
Azfahanee ZAkaria
hi rima...lemme give it a go. your fantabulous rolling pin is a fantastic purple in colour with silver handles. yes? YES!!! hehehe...
*i hope i win, i hope i win, i hope i win!!* been chanting this since i started reading this particular entry. hehehehe!!!
xo, dotty.
LOL... found it! it's pink in colour. Wow! the rolling pin is really chic! :D
Salam Rima,
this time tak ulik nak cuba juga..heheh
sebab confirm I tak ada benda2 kat atas tu..
My answer is purple.
psst...mintak2lah dapat...puh kanan puh kiri!!
your rolling pin is purple! i knew it the moment i read the question! can i have those pleassssssseeee. it'll be an awesome addition to my already pink collection of baking utensils! prettty pleaseeee. loving your blog!! =)
hi rima.. am trying my luck..
the answer is: RASPBERRY RED =)
Hi Rima
I'm an avid silent reader. Your rolling pin is purple rite?
Purple is your rolling pin colour! Loving the Mastrad design!
Have a great day!
Angelina Liew
Hi Rima, ur Mastrad rolling pin colour is purple.
Homagad! I'm a silent reader of yours but still I'm gonna give it a try!
It's purple in color, am I right?
Faezza Salim
Salam Rima, the colour of your rolling pin is purple (the body rolling part) and it has stainless steel handles. :)) Manisah Mohd. Ali 14th Jan 2011
Halo Rima,
I only noticed one thing from this post...ie, lil Sonia's nail colors :)
Well, your rolling pin was pink color with gold handle :)
Warm Regards,
Been following your blog for some time. I admire your love for baking.. it really shows.
Your MASTRAD rolling pin is PURPLE.
Hi Rima,
The giveaway is so gorgeous that i have to take part to win this gift. The answer will be "Purple" hehehhe!!!!!
alaa.. tak sempat dah :(
lovely madeleines and the utensils look good
lovely review
Rima the colour of your rolling pin is purple and I would like to enter the giveaway
takpelah.. nak teka jugak.. its purple, rite? :)
purple - sarinah
sis purple kan..hu3
salam kak rima..
dah dpt 3 correct answer ke?
tapi nak jawab juga
purple rolling pin..
my word verify is 'resaing'..saya harus yakin menang!hehe
Madam, the color is red maroon, I hope I can win...anyway, I really like this blog as I found this is the first blog in english about cooking by Malaysian....
colour white kak rima.....
nak jawab.. nak jawab!! dah gali & gali past entries.. mulanya nak give up dah.. last2 nampak!
the anwser is: dark purple with stainless steel handle! hehehe
Hi Rima,
The answer is purple.
I pun nak try my luck....It's PURPLE...hehehe...babe the madeleines looks yummy like those sold at delifrance!!!..will give the recipe a try!!...
Hi Rima,
I am one of your silent reader.. sebab apa silent? sebab I pemalu.. hehehe I adore your bakings and photography.. (fuh unsur2 ayat membodek..:p)
Anyway, my answer would be PURPLE...:) take care k..
Trying my luck... Answers: Purple
From: Sarmila Sahak
is purple right?
name: diana
Oh my god. The answer is purple color. Pleaseeeeee hope it be mine..Faridah Binti Ghazali
Your Mastrad rolling pin is PURPLE! Gorgeous purple! ;)
Black kaler!
Your MASTRAD rolling pin is PURPLE in colour.
Tapi Ai suka warna kuku dia...
Melatie Saidatul Azian
wokayyyy babe...,i hear ya!!! i masuk competition k..cebahhhh...the answer is my peberet 'PURPLE'
akceli berkat godeh2 blog u satu ari satu malam many many moons back, that rolling pin pic dah lekat in my mind..including the kaler.....
tapi to play save untuk menang, aku type rolling pin at your search nar...wahkahkah...talk abt semangat nak menang...anyting ai do wan...hahaha...
kalo ai menang & terima kat opis, ai nak pakai one of the spatula on the spot..nak pok that biatch mouth ngan that spatula, sebab mulut dia cam 'jubs' ayam arr...
God hear me pleassseeee...i want to winnnn :)
the answer is purpleeeeeee...i love purple so muchhhhhhhhh hehehehe..
Its a lovely purple - the colour of Mastrad rolling pin. Love your blog very much!!
Warm regards,
Salam, Rima.
It is purple in colour with stainless steel handles.
Nur Faizah Rahim
Salam rina,
hehehe kak siti nak cuba jugalah. warna ungu/purple. mudah2an betol.geram tengok gajet n madeline tu. nak p cari buku dorie jugalah.
purple with silver hand...:->
minta halalkan resepi yang saya copy di sini ya.
terima kasih.
You have a new madeleines pan? tssk.. tssk .. what about the old ones? *tanya tanpa niat apa2*
Madeleines nih pada resipinya atau pada acuannya? Saja nak kepastian, tq.
Salam Kak Rima,
I hope you have just 1 Mastrad rolling pin ... and it's PURPLE !
- Yumiko, Melaka
saya pun nak try....kalau betullah.purple
Orange!.. eh dah habis ke hehehe
The answer is PURPLE
name: Rainani Jamalodin
the color is frambose
Dera....the answer is RED
nor aziah azizan
purple kak Rima. :)
i knw d answer..its purple right? :)
entry under "kjeldsens danish butter cookies look alike"
- atiQ -
PURPLE!!! muhahaha...
sgt santek itu pink utensils..nk try nasib lg kali ni.hopefully menang..hehehe..ria rase wrna purple..btl x kak??bit confusing la..
Ria Subiyanti
My answer is Purple Colour..Anna
I definitely know this one.. PURPLE.. LOL one of two of moi fav colours...
Sue A.
purplish, betul tak rima? norma, kl
uwaa.. nak jugak..
meh kite try..
purple in colour!
kalau tak betul,tapi nak jugak the pink-pink kat atas tu buleh? hahhahah
It's purple Rima! Thank you for hosting this event:)
The color is purple with stainless steel handles... My name is Nurbaya....
Good luck to me!!! Hehe.. Thank you Rima
*_* MamaFaMi
Hi Sis Rima..
My answer will be PURPLE metal rolling pin. Btw, i simply loves to browse your pics & enjoys reading your blog. Thanks.... :D
Ida Rahim
Hi Sis Rima...
My answer will be PURPLE Rolling Pin. Btw, i simply loves to browse your pics & enjoys reading your blog... Thanks!!!! :D
Ida Rahim
Hi Rima...
My answer will be PURPLE SILICONE ROLLING PIN!!! Thanks... :D
Ida Rahim
If I remember correctly, it's purple right? (And I do so hope I remembered correctly!) The pink utensils are so vibrant! Love them!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
- Rafizah
Hi Rima,
I remember I read the blog on your MASTRAD rolling pin before but I cant remember if its pink or purple.. so I decided to search for that particular blog and you know what its my favorite color. PURPLE.
Win or no win, just wanna say thanks for the great giveaway. Love your blog and the pics :)
You are simply the luckiest lady on bake ware. Your MASTRAD rolling pin is purple.
alerrrrr... dah ader owang jwb betol eh???! melepas melepasss... dpt madeleines ngan model cantik tuh pong takpolah!!
weeeeee bestnya ada giveaway laaaagi....tapi arrr kita malu arrrrr nak join ahaks :P
eh, eh, kaler *tooooot* kan? kihkih takmo cakap arrrr nanti org tiru nih..
anyway, malu nk join tapi tak sabar nak tengok saper menang nih...dup dap dup dap i rasa mcm tengok academy award pulaks :D
Purple Colour !!!! I loikke...
I guest its a purple color.
oppss..pembetulan - purple with silver. i hope i'm d winner...hehehe
hi there :) your madeleines look awesome. I think your rolling pin is blue :)
terujanyer nak joint contest neh! hehe
dear kak rima, begitu gegeh saya mencari jawapan finally i found ur entry Iphone Double Chocolate Cake!hikhik.. my answer is dark pink!(tp mcm kaler light purple pun ada.. tetiba confius disitew.. aiyoo!)
saya rasa hitam..
salam kak rim..
ni faradean..haha
nak teka boleh ..warna maroon (mcm pink)
betul tak?
sbb sy study dah blog kak rim..kat entri iphone cake..hihi
I wanna try, I wanna try.. It's purple color!!!!!! The Barney favorite colour.... Lilin...
salam rima..akak nk joint gak..sempat lg ke..nk jawab rolling pin kalor purple...ok x?..hehehe
Awesome...so many response. i nak join contest pun terlambat. Dah few times I passed Mastrad corner at Tangs.. tengok rolling pin dia sure teringat kat u. InsyaAllah my next trip there i'm gonna get it coz memang pun i intend to change my old wooden pin yg dah nampak kerepot.
hi babe.. I'm one of ur silent fans..:) luv ur bakings and ur photo.. very the tempting u know.. keep it up ya.. urs is the 1st blog tat I browse for baking.. Rose
Welcome welcome to this humble blog of mine Rose.. hope ur here to stay and happy baking!
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