Well helloooo peeps.. did anyone miss me?? hehhe.. I know for sure that i miss blog hopping.. the weekend was crazy.. i was like everywhere lol.. i know for sure that all this wont last long .. soon my daily routine will be back to normal and hopefully by then i dont get that "are u ok Rima.. u look tired" phrase anymore hahahha
Soooo in my last entry, i had "no choice" but to ask my permanent guest blogger to step in.. i was really really kaput.. all i cud do was to load the pics and while doing so i think i must hv fallen asleep like a zillion times! .. i remembered clearly though that i had asked George Clooney eh no my hb to finish up updating my blog... so ty George Clooney for being there in my dreams making coffee and errr err ahaksss and yeah.. not forgetting ty to hb too :op
Anyway .. yesterday was sis Wati's bday.. i knew i wanted to call everyone to our place but wasnt too sure if i was up to it? well after one sms to another with both my sisters.. i decided to go ahead with my plan and do our typical Korean bbq dinner.. went to Tekka Market.. bought our wet stuff fm there and went straight home.. i quickly prepared and marinated the seafood and meat stuff.. whipped up some quick dessert (no dinner would be complete without dessert ey) and voila.. by 5pm i was whipping up my sis last minute bday cake.. shes not into creamy cakes.. not into coffee and doesnt want anything with cream cheese.. so the best option was to bake her chiffon cake.. (I will update the chiffon cake recipe in my next entry ok).. it was done quickly and i know she will definitely loved it! Happy birthday sis Wati! may this year be ur best ever and hope all ur wishes will come thru.. stay young and healthy always..

They are huge!,, i bought 3kg of the medium ones, pealed every single one of em and marinated it and i bought one kg of these babies of which i managed to pinch like 10pcs for me to turn it into prawn lemak cili padi today hehe

Typical scenerio during dinner.. we hv two areas.. adult and kids area.. sis Lyn came with a box of nyonya kuih.. Sis Wati came after a day out by the beach.. Hairi came home with his "friend".. hmmm.. and mom and dad came right on time bef we started grilling all our foodies..

Some of the desserts that i prepared earlier.. the one at the bottom right was the quickest to prepare.. i took my left over chocolate cake.. placed it in my food processor.. poured it into individual small bowls.. poured my leftover cream cheese mixture and ganache .. placed a strawberry on top and let it set for an hr or so.. yummehhh

I prepared creme brulee even bef i started marinating all the foodies.. baked it and let it set in my fridge and while doing that i whipped up my berry callebaut mousse mixture and piped it into individual glasses.. next i took out my leftover choux pastry fm yesterday.. whipped up chocolate mousse and piped it in.. within 2hrs i managed to prepare a full set of dessert for my family .. well this is what u call rezki.. thank goodness I hv a pantry that looks like a bakery supply shop lol or else...

Sis Wati and her simple cake.. next year u will get ur Rosyam Nor cake wokey hahaha
As promised.. this recipe is the same as the orange chiffon cake recipe that i had baked bef.. the only diff was i sub orange juice to coconut milk and orange zest to pandan paste and a few drops of green colouring..
4 Yolks
80g Castor sugar
80ml Corn Oil- i used canola oil
160g Cake flour
1/4tsp salt
160ml coconut milk
1 tbsp pandan paste
a few drops of green colouring
7 whites
60g Castor sugar
1. Preheat oven 175deg.
2. Yolks + sugar, whisk till sugar dissolved..
3. Add Corn oil + coconut milk, pandan paste, colouring and salt, stir till combine
4. Sieve in Cake flour, stir till combine.
5. Beat whites, add sugar in 3 addition till just before stiff peak.
6. Fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture gently.
7. Fold remainder whites.
8. Pour into 20cm chiffon tin - I used 21cm
9. Baking time abt 50mins

7 whites
60g Castor sugar
1. Preheat oven 175deg.
2. Yolks + sugar, whisk till sugar dissolved..
3. Add Corn oil + coconut milk, pandan paste, colouring and salt, stir till combine
4. Sieve in Cake flour, stir till combine.
5. Beat whites, add sugar in 3 addition till just before stiff peak.
6. Fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture gently.
7. Fold remainder whites.
8. Pour into 20cm chiffon tin - I used 21cm
9. Baking time abt 50mins

hah! hambik ko! btol2 satu tapak tangan... seghuper ngan udang aku yg dah jd baja tuh! hahaha...... wehhhh best woooo makan2! besok ajak aku eh! nak pinjam beskal sonia bawah sinun... perghhh gerekkk klu aku naik! kekekekekeke..
note: bangkong aritu aku tak tau nak melayukan apa maksudnyer... macam gler babas la kot! hahahaha... gerek tau tak?? gerekkkkkkk... muekekekeke... punah ranah ko blajo bahse ngan aku rim! hahahahahahaaa
waaaaa...u must b very bz la rima..preparing all dat....bole hilang kg nih! pergi timbang cepat... hahhaa...
m going to b very bz this week til CNY holidays..uwaaaa....so, ni masuk tenet kejap..ambik mood, hehe
whooppppp! hairie da bwk sumone at home? keh3....cpt dpt menantu ni...gegege
Muahahhaha lu gerek lah Hana.. gua caya sama lu lah hahahha.. itew gerek aku tahu.. maklum dolu dolu kan minah motor ahaksss
Eh pasal tu hari nampak kat ur hse lemak cili api udang.. ku sanggup sembunyikan 10 ekor buat ku santap hari ini hehe
Woot woot.. ku tak relaaaaaa.. when he called to say hes taking someone for dinner.. me and my hb was like... huh?? both macam nak nangis cos tak rela kahkahkah
Belum timbang lagi.. akan ku timbang during CNY agar ku akan tersenyum kambing sepanjang minggu hehehe
This saturday my SIL coming fm Austria and staying with us for a couple of days... so kira my busy week will continue till after CNY ah.. kwang3x
You taking order too?? good luck my dear friend - evil grin hehehe
rima - byk nyer food cantik2 pulak tu..
Memang banyak sekali.. alhamdullilah semuanye habis dibaham keluarga ku hahahah
waah udang beso tu.buat gulai lemak cili api memang sedap sgt2..mau bg pedas? gulai dgn cili ijo belah..perghh..sedapnya,baru taip dah terlio.
kuih muih tu nampak sgt sedap la rim..isshh..semua sedap kat sini.
Ahhhhh macam nak terliuq pun ade now.. baru keluarkan udang.. nasib belum start masak lagi.. ok akan ku buat.. 15 lada padi and lada hijo belah.. ty dear! yum yum
That's what we call multi-tasking dgn erti kata sebenarnya. Baca aje pun dah buat I semput.
Ish..18x *sambil geleng kepala 18x jugak*
Tell me abt it cik som.. nasib baik semalam tenaga kira boleh lagi dikerah.. didnt bake any cookies pun.. kira sunday no work mahhhh hehehe
Salam Rima,
Wow udang tu masak sambal...shedappp...happy birthday to sis wati...wah cake rosyam nor..eh2 knur nak tengok juga nanti...hehe
kak rim..dah lama nak bgitau ni, ur face look like seorang actress yg shanteek kat mesia ni...kenal tak eja, pelakon melayu ala ala lemah lembut dan sompan samtun..iikikii.. i suka lakonan dia dan dia sangat cantik..macam u tau..tak bodekkk..ikikiki..
Good food, good company!! love this kinda of scene...errr...tak lama terima menantu ka??
Waaaah Rima, tengok u masak macam2 adeeiii...mcm lipas kudung, sgt cekap! Waaah udang lemak cili padi...x tahan dgr...uissh managed to bake n deco cake lgk..adeeii...you makan vitamin apa ni Rima? Superwoman tul laa...! Hehee..Nanti nak dpt menantu, forget me not k...hehee
Halo Rima,
Happy Birthday to your Sis Wati. Fantastic spread of food :)
Wah jeles, jeles punya jeles dgn udang yg besar giler tu. Punyalah susah dkt sini nak mkn udang fresh, yg kecik ciput pun susah nak nampak apakan yg besar mcm gitewww. Mostly udang dkt sini yg frozen...huhuhu :(
Bestnya byk makanan dah mcm mkn buffet dkt hotel 5*, lain kali jemput aiii eh *tak malu mode* hehehez :D
btl la..muke kak Rima cm eja dr tepi..selmat dpt menantu la ye..hehe..nmpk putri salat tu..bila ntah nk wt..huhu..kalau omit telur tu ok x??
wow...SUPERWOMEN!!!! those dessert make me drool
you looked tired rima...pi tdoq!chop...bila nak mai kl...give me a tinkle ya!
masa ni lah nak grab udang yg besar2...masak lomak cili api letak kacang panjang..huiih sedap nye!!
errr mana gambo bakal menantu??
by the way itu Mr. Rima dah pencen ke??? bagus jugak dah ada PA..hihi
Cake tu silap silap i will just do a photo transfer type.. tak kuasa nak carve the cake bentuk muka hero tu heheh..
Ku dah masak lomak cili api.. waduh buk.. bertambah ku makan ahakss
kahkahkah Ijah..ada kah kamu bermimpi disiang hari.. si Eja?? aduhhh buk.. jauh sema sekali.. si eja tu muka nye ayu dan sungguh lemah lembut percakapan dia.. si Rima ni.. kahkahkah ketawa mengilai macam pontian pun ade :op
Eh babe tak mungkin lor... makan pun masih ditanggung beras oleh mamanye.. that girl is his schoolmate.. then became ahem ahem then no longer together but still friends lor.. adakah ku in denial?? hahahha
Dont make me panic lehhh.. nehiiii.. not now.. i dont want one.. they just friend friend only.. i sudah masak itew udang.. sudah ngap and akan ku ngap lagi in a few hrs time... jarang makan nasi so bila dapat makan nasi with lauk kegemaran.. bertambah tambah jadi.. auwwww
The easiest spread Sally.. i dont hv to cook anything except rice and desert.. the rest they hv to cook it themself.. the only thing that is a lill time consuming was marinating the food.. :o)
Hehe Anie.. when u balik kampung u let me know ok.. akan ku hidang kan udang besor ni.. tu pun if musim ah... kesian lah orang duk di perantauan.. siapa suruh gatal kahkahkah
Ni lagi satu.. where got same one.. i too dark leh.. shes sooo white and look so so suci hahaha.. muka akak kau ni.. hmm.. err... haha
I make do with what i hv at home Rina... glad it came together just on time bef my guest arrived
Boo hoo Yani.. i know!!! i got asked lagi.. eh Rima.. are u alright?? u look tired.. :o(
I dont know when.. i know for sure that we are heading to Bkk and Spain in the coming months.. will let u know if i'm heading to KL ok
Tu lah.. i told him cannot lazy lazy must reply to all comment.. heheh
Gambar menantu?? no have lah .. where got hehe
Haiya... even I feel kaput reading all the things that you did and baked and cooked! Haha! Hope you get back to your routine and get some rest :) (somehow I feel that's just impossible :D)
Hi Rima, thanks for dropping by my blog and left your sweet comment. You know, it's like celebrity drops by :)
Thank you for your encouragement, that keeps me going maintaining the blog ;)
I'm an ardent fan of your blog and learnt lotsa from you. Nice platform to share, learn and made friends indeed.
love the array of cakes & pastries you have prepared for your sis party. Beautiful tall chiffon! Looking forward for your upcoming post!
LOL Patin
Tahu tak pe hehehe.. i think lepas ni boleh relax one corner lah.. maklum long cny hols kan next week.. yer lerrr hahahha
Awww Jessie... ur too sweet.. was worried yesterday when i couldnt log in to ur blog.. anyway, I am so so glad u decided to keep it going.. happy baking dear!
happy birthday to your sis.
wow! really salute arrr, dlm bz2 pun u sempat buat all that..hmmm i pun bz buat hantaran kawin for my bro, so kan my oven, my pots and pans suma kena gantung kejap ahaha :D
anyway, nk bgtau i dah try your sicilian orange cake..ooooooh yummeh bangat! we heart it so much! thanks eh dear!
Oh ye ker Zarin.. my cousin is getting married this weekend.. nasib tak yah busybody.. tinggal datang sat for nikah.. malam for rewang makan and sunday for the jemputan.. but my SIL coming fm Austria and will be staying with us fm Sat onwards.. tu lah i hv to finish all my orders by this thursday so friday i can do spring cleaning sikit.. ish ish.. macam tak boleh angs ah kadang..
Yes i heart itew cake so so much.. glad u like it dear!
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