
Auf wiedersehen...

I, Mr Rima, her permanent guest blogger, have been left with the task of finishing this blog entry after she loaded all of todays pics.. where is she you might ask? Right now my wife is in lala land dreaming about George Clooney in an apron (and nothing else) making her a cup of Nespresso.. She has been really busy the past few days - baking for orders, complaining about aching body, baking more, complaining more.....

(I think I look like Geroge Clooney)..... hahahahahahahahaha

How you doin'......

Today we were invited to my ex schoolmate Sandra's farewell party. She and her husband Stefan together with their two sons will be moving to London next week. They have been here for just over three years and it was time to move on to the next posting. It was a nice day to catch up with many old faces (we all attended school here)...

Anway, Sandra & Co., we wish you all the best; send our regards to The Queen, and for sure we will see you back in Singapore very soon!

Below are some pictures of the day. Rima baked Profiteroles and Devil's Food Chocolate Cake and everyone loved it!


Anonymous said...

Salam Rima,dlm busy siapkan orders tu sempat lagi you baking for your frens farewells.respect abis lah....patut la darling sayang...hihi...and that's very sweet of him to do his part here.ok,you take care sweetie and really hope you dreamed of clooney last nite :-)
from kak nur,terengganu

muna mahdzar-fadaaq said...

Itu George Clooney sudah pandai main kayu tiga, yah... he told me I was his one and only!! ;)
Btw, love your blog!

CS said...

Dear Mr Rima (haha, got 'dear' somemore)

If you are the permanent guest blogger, I suppose you're also her permanent sous chef, arent you?
If so, I now imagining that you also help her to 'gentel2' those CNY biscuits that she's baking now. Kesian Rima taw ..

Psst Rima .. make sure he gentels the dough, nothing else, ahaks.

Mat Gebu said...

Blog rima ni banyak memberi inspirasi....moga allah membalas jasa anda yeaa...aminnn..

Jun said...

hah! mr rima is out here now....hehehe.

looks like sonia...other than camera..she interested in bike too...bukan hairie jek....wakakaka

orked said...

Salam Rima, Hope u and family blessed always. If you don't mind, would you share devils food chocolate cake recipes. I'm looking ur recipe cause believe on urs. TQ

K.Nor said...

camna rima, mimpi tak George Clooney with the apron only tu? hahahhaa.... gelak abis.. :)

Rima said...

Muna..that is why Rima goes for someone like me: "Looks like George Clooney and boleh cakap bahasa melayu" (Mr Rima)

Rima said...

Somuffins.. unfortunately if I want to help her she chases me out the kitchen. So how to help?
So I have no other choice but to watch TV and play Xbox instead... so sad.... (Mr Rima)

Rima said...

Mat Gebu..yes I full agree. Not only is her blog an inspiration to me, but Rima is too. The way she manages to juggle Sonia, her baking, her orders, her blog AND her husband is an inspiration and has my utmost respect! Love you ma... (Mr Rima)

CTZee said...

Mr. Rima,

Kelakar jugak awak ni. R u sure you're sad when she chases you out? Mesti happy dapat main Xbox kan? But then Sonia buat apa pulak?

I know it's the weekends so Mr. Rima jangan lupa your part of the deal...kemas rumah! Same deal my hb n I agreed what r u waiting for? Start kemas!! =) Salam to K. Rima & BIG hug to Sonia.


Anonymous said...

must be some farewell party there! MR Rima, i need a guest blogger :} ein schönes wochenende

(tak sempat belajar jerman...hehe)

Me and my story said...

salam...hi rima, me ida from KL. been readi ng ur blog and loveeeeee ur baking and cooking and great photos. sungguh yummmmmmmyyy.

Pls keep on posting and baking. i hope to try one of ur receipe. bila nak share that lovely yummyyy cake of urs. devils food chocolate cake. rima, pls send my regards to rima

muna mahdzar-fadaaq said...

Hahaha.... my Mr Muna also thinks he looks like George Clooney ( used to be Tom Selleck, Clark Gable... list goes on) very difficult to ubat this kinda penyakit...

Messy Mummy said...

You have a great wife there. You are lucky enough to taste and enjoy all her delicious food. I wish and hope that I can be at least a lil like her.. She rocks with her beautiful blog and ofcoz out standing food! Luv your talented wifey!! :)

Maya Marisa said...

oooo, the guess writer is back.....
ok la, lets give him some credit...u do look like George Clooney :P.
Yup, being a woman is the hardest job in the world. We got to wear many different type of hats :P, thus more TLC & pampering pls..hahhaa betul tak Rima (node ur head hon!)

Rima said...

Nodding head to everyone hahahha.. eh hb why so nice to me?? ade makna kah... hahhaha

Edi said...

Hye Mr Rima,
u're too funny!!!! and cute, and handsome (asssuming u loook like George C), and schweeetttt...

Rima is such a lucky girl to hv u!


Rima said...

CTZee, I was a good husband.. I cleaned on Saturday morning already... But of course lah... takes some words of "encouragement" from Rima....

Rima said...

Noir... sorry I am only PA to Ms Rima! Good German though! Keep practicing!

Rima said...

Muna, the difference is I don't think I look like Clooney.. I do really look like Clooney! muahahahaha

Rima said...

Messy Mummy, I sure have a very special wifey with lots of special skills... I am blessed to have her and my tummy also agrees. Sometimes, my tummy and I talk to one another and we wonder if maybe we should stop eating so many desert... but after 2 seconds we decide that in the best interest of supporting Rima's hobbies, we better indulge more... AFTER ALL YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! :)

Rima said...

Edi, of course I look like George Clooney.. so of course I handsome lah... but don't make me blush lah.. the lucky one is me!

Rima said...

Maya... no doubt that being a woman is tough..but sometimes must consider us men too. We work from morning to night.... then at night must take care of the little monsters.... then must think about how to pass the next level of Need for Speed on the Xbox..susah tau!

Rima said...

The devil food chocolate cake recipe u can get it fm my previous post.. for this bbq event.. i baked it in a casserole dish.. double the recipe for the cake.. the cream cheese frosting remain the same and had prepared ganache using 280g of dark chocolate cake and 280ml of double cream.. once melt add 40g of butter.. stir and let it thicken bef pouring it onto cheese layer.. enjoy!

About Me

My photo
Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..