Time: 7am
Venue: Our last night in Dusseldorf
Weather: -7 deg .. light snow
Mood: Not good cos i look like Donald Duck!
Peak Agenda: So really whats new.. not much actually.. same old same old.. we go out.. feed the ducks.. play with snow .. walk to town.. shop.. lunch and take a cab back to the hotel.. my SIL has been kind enough to come by at 9am and only goes back to her hotel at 9pm.. we tease her that shes our nanny.. comes to work at 9am and leaves at 9pm.. good to see both Sonia and bibik Silvia doing the bonding thingy.. dont know if we will be in Europe again next year but one thing for sure bibik Silvia is flying to Singapore end of next month and that means.. hehehhe we hv a babysitter around :op
I hv not been super well.. i hv a cough and my flu is back.. i feel a little sick and for some reason my lips are swollen.. last night i noticed that theres something on my top left lip.. looks like a scar and this morning i noticed its much more swollen than last night.. sigh.. what cud be the cause?? Will definitely go and visit the pharmacist later .. err well if its not snowing badly that is.. theres one around the corner so no need to walk all the way to town.. honestly... i really look like donald duck right now hahaha... i know sis Lyn.. i always tease abt Dafinah lips.. now my lips looks like Dafinah hahha....
Tomorrow starts our hols.. hb's main work ends tonight and come tmrw morning after brekkie.. we will be driving to France (he still needs to visit a supplier along the way) and we will be there for slightly over a week...
So anyway.. For the past two days this is what we hv been doing while hb is at work... I dont think today we are able to do so since its predicted that its gonna snow pretty badly.. i guess we are gonna be on hibernate mode :o(

Sonia lovesssss playing in the snow.. err her mama too hehe

Feeding the ducks is a must for this Singaporean girl hehe


And More ducks coming ur way...

Errr another duck...

And more ducks hehe... sorry guys... i just love taking pics of ducks.... didnt even take pic of the shopping area cos all i care abt is to run to the store .. brrrr

Bibik Silvia being attacked by the duckies and what does Sonia do?? she laughs haha
love visit ur blog. u snap nice pic. n nice cake. yummy!
happy holiday!
rima, not only you are an accomplished baker, you are also a very talented photographer!
haiyo..itu ducks tak rasa sejuk ke...hihihi..
hope you're getting better..
alah lips to agaknye kena cium banyak2 sangat tak?mentang2 asyik go dating je?tapi ok pe sis..SEXY LIPS YOU GOT wakkakkakka..loves the ducks
Ty Aliman... hmmm long time not bake anything ahakss
Blushing.. Yani.. ty ty.. sometimes pic turn out better than u expected .. just like baking.. sometimes it turn out well.. sometimes it turn out not so well hehe
With a lips like this makin lah ku rasa sakit :o(
sexy ke ape sis beauty.. buruksss ade lah.. macam kena tumbuk bibir ku and tmrw we are heading to paris.. adehhhh buat malu aje :o(
k.rima nice pics...suka yg 3ekor berderet tue...cute ;D
I know u were thinking of me when you go duck-watching, weren't you? Mueheheheh.. I ferasan!
That pouting lip mesti ada cheritaaa belakang tabir, ahaks.
Boleh asyik bila tengok they all terkedek dedek hehe
Of cos Cik Som.. i always think of u when i look at ducks hehehe.. kalau boleh ku smuggle buat mu.. cute mute betul lah itek2 sini.. :o)
Entah lah cik som.. no cerita just happen like that.. malam ok aje.. my lips were dry.. pagi bangun .. adehhh punya lah buruks.. malu malu..
eeeeer cumilnyerrr duck tuhhhh! duck yg sepak kaki tuh pong cumil gakkk.... kekekeee... erkkk aku tau la kaki ko tuh kurus no lemak2! *ayat jeles coz my leg very daybab! huahuahuaaa..
Muahaha Hana.. kaki daybab boleh disorok dgn jeans.. bibir ku yg daybab sekarang ni.. dari jauh berpuluh batu pong boleh nampak.. so malu.. nak bayar or when nak tanya direction the first thing they look at is my bibir yg sexy hahha.. so mana nak.. kaki daybab ke bibir daybab boo hoo :o(
hi rima...apa kata u snap a pic of yr pouting lips n let us be de judge whtr they are seksi or betul menyeksakan u...i'm sure everyone here luking forward to seeing it
Euwwwww tak yah ok..sekarang ni pong kalau boleh nak sembunyi kan bibir ku ini.. mintak mintak besok pagi bila bangun tido bibir ku will be back to normal.. kira2 macam its just a bad dream lah :o(
Ahhhh....tu lah asik ckp Dafinah lips muncung aje.. Kan u Dah kene duckie curse... Hehe... Tink u feed too much to d duckies lah....dey sian so dey ask u to be d duck instead... Just kiddin... It's ok if ur lips turn dat way, tink it's too cold dats y so just apply some lip gloss or cream look sexy skt... U gonna be ok... Better stay healthy for Sonia k... Rest well cause u need to njoy in Paris... Taking care!! Muacks, Li-Lin..
kak rim..agaknya terkenan itik yg kat park tu kot..asik snap pic itik je dah terkenan..hehehe..apa pun hav a safe journey. waaa cuti cuti keliling donia yeee
suke gambr sonia ngn itikss tu.. geram betul tgok budak sonia nii
I am imagining your pouting lips just like Angelina Jolie...rambut dah panjang dah... Sexy you!!!
Halo Rima, Ducks at Dusseldorf look awesome. They are so pretty.
Hi Rima
Sonia looks so cute with the winterwear....you've got a good camera on hand.... all yr pics look great. Enjoy the trip and looking forward to more yummy recipes from you.
..cantik itik gembo-gembo tu sume :)
..oh and Rima, get well soon !
Sis Lyn
what to do kan.. tapi kan sekarang baru ku terperasan yg duckie lips itew pwetty hhehehe
Hehe tahu tak pe Izah.. ape ape pong ty dear!
Muakahkahkah jauh pangang dari api.. if onlyyyy... hmmmm hahaha
Yes they are.. tmrw we are taking her to feed the duck in Paris haha
Yes Norliza.. no matter how heavy.. ku hangkut jugak hehe
Ty Deedah.. alhamdullilah dah mula sihat ni... angin Paris lah :op
hi.. what type of camera u guna??
Hi Anonymous.. it wud be great if u cud leave ur name so that its easier for me to adrs ya..
I am using canon EOS 500D
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