We got into Singapore safely and guess what?? its after midnight and I am still wide awake.. yikes!!
Our drive fm Paris to Frankfurt took longer than we expected.. 7 and half hrs to be exact.. the weather was much better than the day we were in Disneyland and we thought what cud be better than to drive on a bright and sunny day unfortunately half way thru our drive (when we crossed the border into Germany).. the snow started falling pretty heavily..
He had planned to stop at Verdun and right after that we would continue our way straight to Frankfurt airport where we stayed at the Sheraton for a night.. upon checking in we were told that Frankfurt Airport was closed that day due to heavy snow.. feeling a little worried.. we quickly checked in.. showered.. had kebab for dinner and went straight to bed.. for whatever reason we really slept thru the night and waking up feeling fresh for our 11hrs flight to KLIA.. so heres pic taken on the last day after checking out fm Radisson Blu..

Can u imagine how pretty the backyard of this hotel wud look like during spring?? last time to play in the snow ey...

Lobby area of Radisson Blu..

On our way to Verdun...

OK. So why Verdun? hb being European of course had to learn quite a bit of European history in school... our parents/grandparents were effected by WWII, but the First World War was mostly played out in Europe. And it most effects him as that war started due to the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Anyway, the war lasted from 1914 to 1918.
One of the major battles was the Battle of Verdun along the "Western Front". It was faught between French and German armies from 21st February to 18th December 1916. It resulted in a quarter of a million war time deaths and half a million wounded.

So abv are some pictures. The road was very icy and we did not have much time. The whole area is really eerie and hubby got a bit emotional... I on the other hand was in the car the whole time he was outside.. taking pic and looking around and hence the beautiful photos taken by him..
Anyway if you guys want to read up more abt it u can go to: Battle of Verdun.. in the meantime i will try to get some sleep.. I still cant believe how time flies.. its been 2wks since i last baked anything.. i intro the french family to our traditional steamed fruit cake and they loved it.. we get to experience snow with our little snow princess and yesterday after checking in our luggage we found out that we were 18kg over the limit.. ouch!! (imagine having to pay 45 euros per kg but dont worry... with a little bit of charm and little Sonia .. we ended not paying a cent.. ty ty ty.. yippieee)
Hv a good weekend peeps.. we hv two weddings to attend to tomorrow so hopefully we will be fully awake by then :o)
didn't seem too long. was eagerly awaiting your european update and you're safely home already.
welcome back!
'Why come, why come' (bahasa auntie Mcdonalds....read welcome, welcome) home hehehez.
Alhamdullilah selamat sampai to sg and tak payah bayar excess baggage. Have a gd rest....read ur previous entry that u r going somewhere again. Isshhh, issshh untung nasib badan......hahahaz
Alhamdulillah you are home safely. Have a good rest first ... I tau you dah tak sabar2 nak berpungpang2 kat dapur tu, kaan? Cik adik manis tak beli accessories dia ke? Btw, tak nampak dia pakai 'rantai' fav. :-)
alhamdulilah u n yr family r finally at home safely,looking fwd to yr baking blogs,resipi
ps,bila nak letak gambar barang lv yang u beli?
welcome home..u takder, ai bingung tak taw apa cake recipe to try la..muehehe..
best nyer ada family history to trace & learn..makes our life richer, innit?and best jugak tak yah bayar tu excess baggage, ni lah untungnyer ada toddler kiut..bulelah saiko orang airport..anak tak tua bangka orang malas nak layan, unless laki hensen bangkai pandai story mory..wahkahkah.., tapi kalo orang airport tu pompuan arrr, kalo jantan lain plak citer..
Ty noir.. If lama lagi kat sana boleh pengsan makcik haha
Hehe anie.. U ingat auntie MD i teringat cerira fantasy island .. Err ever watch that oldies series? :)
Yeah we r heading to penang n kl in a few days time to just chill.. Relax under the sun.. eat n eat with some friends n sister.. Shud be fun cos no snow hehe
Ty n alhamdullilah.. Was worried airport still close.. We were so ready to balik kampung :)
Her old rantai she dah masuk inside her jewellery box.. Ade a few benda baru so shes been wearing that one.. She used it but inside her thick2 jacket
I also tak sabar nak membaking dah but right now my mind tells me to chill first..
Nak kena show ke?? Alahh tak yah ah.. Tak manis kaedahnye hehe plus u will see it when i use it hehe
Hehe richer yes but masa nak gi sana i rasa nak suruh my hb u turn seh.. Dah lah tak de car lain.. Dah nak senje lagi n nak gi tempat beribu owang mati.. Soo eerie tempat tu.. Lain i tak ingat.. Tu cerita pramlee antu jepun juga yg ku ingat.. Eekk thats why i was in the car all the time.. In case ade yg tak kena ku boleh drive off dgn cepatnye haha
Yg check us in was a problem lady.. When it was our turn she dah start to sigh.. Biasalah ppl like this.. After she told us of our excess baggage we aproach another guy officer to ask where was the payment counter.. That guy officer was earlier teasing sonia yg tak reti diam waktu kita check in.. He smile at me n told hb he will talk to inside ppl.. I was like alhamdulilah.. Wish him merry christmas n thats the best way to end our hols
alhamdulillah da slmt smpi umh..rest b4 start baking byk2 ye kak..hehe..luggage overlimit tu msti bli stock choc setaun ye kak..hahaha
Ah tahu tak pe.. Satu kotak penuh dgn baking chocolate hehe.. I cant wait to start blog hopping n finding new resepi untuk dicuba.. :)
tggu dapur kak rima berasap cam biasa. hehehe...
welcome back rima....seb baek x stranded kt airport ek...wah3, byk lebih berat brg bwk blik...choc bars tu dh mcm gold bar..hahahha. i cuti2 pon bwk balik lebih kilo kt badan jek, ekekeke....u jgn bake sedap2 sgt, kang susah kalau tergoda, sape nk tolong kurangkan kilo nih, hehe.
Welcome home Rima.
I'm excited to see your next recipes... with all that extra kilos of choc's.... for sure it's going to be yummyy...chocolicous!
Hope to see you in KL, may be......
Alhamdulillah! Princess Sonia, Mummy and Daddy dah sampai rumah.
Tak sabo tunggu next resepi nih. Dan tak sabo nak skodeng coklat yang dibeli nih. Kepoche tahap gaban nih.
Hi Rima,
Welcome back.
Awesome. Happy to see you, being able to visit these places, that we could just dream of at the moment.
Hope to see you posting some new recipes :) Though I do not try all the recipes that you post, I do try some easy ones, and I must say that the cakes turn out yummy. But the impt agenda of reading your blog and watching out for new updates is just because it is so exciting to read about your ramblings.
Warm Regards,
Salam Rima,
Saya Suzy dari Selangor. Just discover your wonderful blog a week ago. I really love it! Blog Rima dah naik kan semangat saya nak baking semula. I've try the simple one already last Saturday. Will try again this weekend. Anyway selamat kembali, can't wait for your awesome recepies.
Oooo...I miss your baking!
dapur ku dah berasap the very same day we got into singapore.. what to do kan .. terpaksa masak for the family..
Tengok aje tak leh tambah kan kilo dibadan.. cuba tahan napsu sikit haha
Ty ty alhamdullilah kita tak terstranded.. tak sanggup nak lama lama kat negeri owang putih ni.. bila blog hopping and tengok lauk pauk macam telan air liur aje :o)
Ty Nora.. we are home and will be away again soon so tak dapat lah i nak berbake sakan but insyallah after my last trip for the year i akan start bake as per usual...
Muahaha Melati.. kepoche part baking tak pe.. tak salah pong :op
Awww ty Sally.. it was nice of u to say something like that.. sometimes my rambling can be a little ku ku hahaha
What hv u baked so far?? which ones?
Salam Suzy
Welcome welcome.. do stay cos its nice to hear that u hv actually try one or two recipes that i hv baked... ty :o)
Hehe LS.. I missed it too!
Cantik cantik gambar you ni.
Ty Sue!
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