I am so so sorry for not updating my blog eversince we got home fm KL... busy to the max and yes ever since we got home.. i hv baked twice..will load pics of what i baked soon.. I hv to prepare rainbow jelly in a moment and at the same time start baking macaron shells for tmrw's order.. :o)
Sooo its my birthday today.. as always every year.. come Christmas eve.. we would invite everyone to our place.. i would prepare dinner and after that would gv away presents... this year tho it was a little different.. we decided to celebrate my birthday a day earlier since sis wati was to fly to Medan tonight.. instead of cooking up a storm.. we decided to treat everyone to Swenson's (less work hehe).. drove back home and spent the night away at our place.. opening up presents.. laughing and just chilling.. so enjoy pics taken last night.. i had so much fun that age no longer matters to me.. as long as i am healthy and happy.. that matter most.. alhamdullilah... am blessed to hv my loved ones around me.. :o)

I am a one happy gal every year during christmas eve.. :op

Munching away... the kids enjoyed themself with the dessert buffet!

Danish got to go first.. he was ecstatic .. hysterical when he saw what we got him for Christmas hehe - priceless!

Adik and her pressie! - priceless!

We decided to let Hairi choose what he wants this year.. ok ok new motorbike decals for u and new tshirts to go along (which he promptly wore hehe..) - priceless!

Papa got Sonia three pressies this year... shes been playing with it all day long and ty 'Ayah' for buying her a new make up set hehe - priceless!

Its so so easy when it comes to buying Marissa a present.. book, books and more books.. and yes Yayan.. we know u love ur new beauty box - priceless!

All the laughters and smiles... priceless!

Hehe hb got himself a Christmas present.. got it wrapped and placed it under our tree.. yesterday he re-enacted Mr Bean's Christmas scene... everyone was laughing so so hard... ur the best babe!! - priceless!
owh! happy birthday to you.....syoknya tengok gambar you all :D
Happy Birthday!! May all ur wishes come true. :)
Happy Birthday, semoga di rahmatiNya selalu and Merry Christmas. It is always nice to give and receive gift kan!!! Priceless pics and thanks for sharing.
Wow kak Rima!
LV tu..
klau sy dpt tu..I'll kiss my hubby 1000x.....hahaha
Hapi Bishday again to you my lovely sista... No words can describe how I am proud to have youuuuuu.... *awwwww*.. (oops..the wish come a bit too late, I noe!) and Ty Ty Ty Ty for d Xmas gift.. :) The time spent with everyone yesterday was AWESOME!!
christmas, lunar new year, deepavali, raya...i love them all when family gather. i guess that's the beauty of interracial marriages.
happy birthday and merry christmas...keep well
Happy birthday Rima...
moga ceria tambah bahgia!
Ty Zarin... moments like this are the best... memang shiok bila dapat hang out with family
Ty and InsyAllah Sizuka :op
Ty Maz.. yg memberi pun shiok.. yg mendapat lagi lah shiok kan.. i loike!
Hahaha Fara.. u ni ade2 aje lah.. buat orang ketawa!
Hehe No worries sista! u guys rock!.. ty for making it happen.. :o)
Ty Mamasya! likewise yah.. hv a good hols!
happy birthday rima. adoii.tak bleh jugak tgok LV tu yer.hehehe
Kita pun baru dapat peluk benda tu hehe.. ty Cek Chun!
happy birthday dear Rima,
semuga panjang umur, murah rezeki, sentiasa ceria & berbahagia disamping keluarga tercinta!!...
Well said Noir! happy hols and thank u!
Ty dear! mudah mudahan doa mu termakbul.. amin :o)
Happy Birthday Rima.....
Panjang umurnya serta mulia, serta muliaaaaaaa ;)
Really miss u lah kakak ku...senyap sunyi jer ur blog. Can't wait for ur new baking entries, nak cuci mata japs :D hehehez
Happy Birthday to you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Hope it's not too late to wish you a very happy birthday and a joyous n safe Christmas.
Love the pictures of everyone looking so extremely happy!
Semoga dberkati dan drahmati. Bahgia dsamping kluarga, Selamat Hari Lahir Rima.
Salam, kak siti.
I havent left you a msg for so long so i thought it would be appropriate for me to at least wish you a Happy Birthday.May Allah continue showering you with his blessings Rima.And please dont stop baking because you are so gifted with those magic fingers of yours.Happy Holidays and may all your birthday wishes come true as well.Oh and not forgetting,have a blessed New Year.Hugs for darling Sonia.
happy birthdy k.rima....ayah fara nye birthday 24th...hehehe syoknye brthday time christmas dpt hadiah beribu2 lemon kali ganda dari "santa"...woooooohhhhhhhh syok2...kekekeke
salam rima..hepi besday ya! moga sentiasa dirahmati olehNya..& stay beautiful & healthy always!! muaaaahh...
happy birthday Rima,semaoga panjang umur dan murah rezekinya selalu. saya pun baru jugak celebrate my b/day. 7th dec :] it is always wonderful to spend it with the one u love. btw my hubby b/day 8 dec,so kita orang selalu race sapa can give a better surprise :x
happy birthday babe!
many more happy retunrs :)
was smiling tgk kegumbiraan everybody with their pressies :)
have a great day today !
Happy birthday babe! errr, yang ke berapa ya?? hehehhee.
semoga dipanjangkan umur & dimurahkan rezeki...amiiinnnn.
oh ya, "Frohe Weihnachten für die Familie von der Aue"
Happy belated birthday, Rima!
sis Rima..
hepi birthday..
may Allah bless u..
besday ria 23 dec dlm birth cert..tp my mum ckp my besday on christmas..naik penin fikir..tp xkn la my mum slh sbb die yg deliver kn ria..yg 23 dec da celebrate..yg 25 dec nk celebrate skali dgn our 2nd anniversary on 26..xsabar nk tgk ape yg d baking tu..=)
Ty Anie.. kenapa ah macam terngiang ngiang lagu panjang umurnya sampai ke saat ini.. alamakkk hahaha
ye ker Anie.. akak also miss posting entry lah.. busy sampai nak melawat teman blogger also no time.. nanti i ketuk ur house ok :o)
Ty Jess.. happy holidays to u and ur family too!
Tell me abt it LG.. i also suka tengok all the pics.. pakal tak leh masuk kan semua pics hahha
Ty ty.. dah berumur but young at heart hehe
Ty KSiti.. my doas to u and ur family too!
Ty Zee.. how hv u been dear?? hows the hols?? dapat byk hadiah tak?? hehe
I dont think that i will ever stop baking.. its just that usually every year in december my other half ade kat rumah.. so asyik merayap aje.. tu lah tak sempat nak membaking :o(
Ty doc .. to stay healthy is important kan.. :o)
Alamak babe.. i very the rindu u one.. how hv u been dear?? nanti i visit ur house ok.. kejap eh..
I think slowly things are getting back to normal.. all the hols dah habis... my other half is still around and still tak penat2 jalan but i akan cuba selit kan masa untuk bake..
Ty for the wish.. haizz alang kah shiok if nbr bday ku terbalik hahaha
I think tak kita tak orang.. bila dapat berkumpul everyone is happy kannnn
Kita dah lama tak payah surprise surprise part bday gift.. usually.. choose then kasi.. lagi shiok.. both party win hehe
Happy hols to u too Maya.. kita dah tua kerepot lah... hampir separuh abad but thats ok.. what is in the age right muahahha.. ayat nak sedap kan hati kahkahkah
Ty DG.. happy hols to u and ur family!
Happy bday to u too RIA... my mom kata i was born 15mins bef christmass.. shiok tau.. dapat 2 hadiah fm my hb hehe
happy bday rima!panjang umur sihat tubuh badan boleh bake selalu!
Hehe Ty KG.. sua tua.. so bday macam biasa aje... harus jaga kesihatan now that umur makin bertambah..
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