Time: 10:40pm
Venue: Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore, Paris
Weather: 1C... cloudy
Mood: Sleepy.. need my beauty sleep
Peak Agenda: Nope.. nothing.. too many lol.. first of all i wanna wish all muslim around the world.. Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharram 1432H!
We are in the city of Paris right now... we decided to stay a night in Paris town simply cos we wanted to check out the night markets here.. Christmas is around the corner so u got all kinds of night markets that u can go to.. yesterday was the last night we were at the Bachmanns.. we enjoyed every bit of our time with them and they are indeed wonderful hosts.. I got to spend a little time alone with Vero doing the morning marketing.. so nice to be given the chance to do things on my own without having to chase or worry abt my little one going somewhere.. after lunch.. Frank's eldest daughter, Marion came over to meet us.. its been 3 yrs since i last saw her in Singapore.. anyway long story short.. we later went to their local night market there and had dinner at home.. over the past few days at the Bachmanns i got to learn a few French recipes and am loving it.. Vero was kind enough to share with me a few desert recipes and guess what.. she also took me to the best cooking chocolate shop near their place.. u see all the while i thought Valrhona is the best?? well well well.. i was wrong.. i will blog abt it when i get back to Singapore yah cos right now there are other things that i wanna blog abt .. and yep i bought loads of cooking chocolate hehe.. tmrw morning we plan to do a little bit of touristy thingy around Paris bef checking out of this hotel... we will be spending two nights in another hotel close to Euro Disney.. :op

Their Sunday market.. well this market is open twice a week.. wed and Sunday....

The local were so so friendly... every single time i was abt to take pic of them.. they wud wave and laugh and Vero wud in return "promote" and told em that i am taking pic for my blog and of cos they wud asked for my blog name and since bisous is commonly used here they wud in return said.... ahhhhhh bisouuuuus hahahha.. and ahaksss look at that guy that sells panettone.. niceeeee hahaha

Yes yes.. as always Vero wud go anywhere in style.. and that includes to the market hehe

Marion and her hunk :op

So ok heres the first few pics that were taken when we got into Paris city... it is indeed a Macarons city ey... these ones cost $55 euro a kg... we bought a few pcs and they tasted delish... oh to someone who wrote an email to me and asking where to get baking stuff while in Paris.. well this is the place BUT the things here aint cheap... their nordic ware pan cost 41 euros so u are better off buying em in Singapore... err well if ur planning to go to Singapore that is...

Yep even their McDonald sells Macarons hahaha... 0.90 euro cents per pc... not nice!

It was super cold earlier on eventho its not snowing in Paris....
just love the vibrancy of these markets.sigh...when will i ever get to travel again? i envy you madame
Salam Maal Hijrah...
waahhh best nye....
I shall put aside the 'jealousy' part but may I have that Panettone pls? Geram sebab diorang punya is so so tebal.
Where bread is concerned, do you have an inkling whether or not breads being sold there are not all halal?? Just curious :-)
My word verif. is 'hantar' (so pls hantar that panettone to me, har3)
best nya,i really envy you,hopefully next year my family n i wud be able to make the trip to europe.
Me too..memang suka tempat2 macam ni.Thanks for sharing...nak pi tu lama lagilah kot, ada 3 trailer di belakang.
i can only dream to go to paris dear...enjoy! am making your pound cake in a bit...salam maal hijrah my friend!
belom start keja lagi ni...nak tengok apa Rima buat semalam :) tks and keep on sharing the pics..seronok !!
I jeles kat U. Ai lagi jeles tengok kat Princess pakai topi berbulu tu. Comel sesangat.
Kalaulah rumah U kat sebelah rumah Ai, Ai buat muka tak malu gi skodeng barang apa U beli. Nasib baik jauh.
Gambar-gambarnya sungguh cantik. Bila nak tavel nih? Meriah sungguhkan
Have a safe journey to everywhere!
wish I can be there too!
best je tgk market die..bila la dpt p..huhu..kak..nk cooking choc..=)..xsabo nk dgr cte psl valrhona..cpt2 blik..
Oh!...kk Rima
mak oi sungguh best skali!!!
You will.. someday... they say if u hv the travel bug u will never stop travelling :o)
Welcome and ty CuteOven
Cik Som
Ni tengah nak siap gi brekkie.. makan ape lagi.. roti dan roti dan roti hehe
i never really think if all bread halal or not .. to me if i stick to roti prancis i am ok.. panettone i tak pernah makan.. tak pernah buat pong.. ape rasa ah cik som?? nampak macam kugelhupf... that one i dah biasa buat cik som.. if sama it must hv taste like roti/cake kismis eh? hmmmm
Hv fun in Europe cos theres lots to see and do here...
Hehe Mazlina.. i ade one trailer also tak dapat really enjoy Paris.. dulu tak de trailer senang nak jalan.. sekarang dgn budak ni rewel and sejuk hingga menusuk kat kepala.. haizzz
Yani u baking it?? good luck.. hope u like it babe...
Paris is nice during spring.. winter hmmm akan ku pikir dua kali if nak gi sini waktu winter lagi haha
Ty for checking Deedah.. always a pleasure to share stuff.. hv a good day!
Alahhh Melati... tak yah jeles... i lagi jeles ur back home.. ni dah ketagih nak makan mee goreng mamak hahah
Budak Sonia ni ape dia tahu.. too young to appreciate where she is.. all she cares abt is merry go round hahaha
Come come Jess.. i wait for u at the Eiffel Tower later ok hehe
Hehe tungguuuuu.. i trust the french when they told me which is the best cooking chocolate..
Hai Anie buat masa kini i dah mula home sick hehe
dah balik?? did u hv a good time in KL?
Oh my gosh!
Rima, can I just have your life? I envy you so much! Have wonderful remaining days in Europe! I could smell the snow muahahah. And dessert? Hahahha what's with dessert?
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