Time flies even faster as year end is approaching.. every weekend is like super precious to me cos i hv been counting the weeks down bef year 2010 ends; since like October.. so many things happened this year and i am not gonna dwell on it.. things happen for a reason and i'm blessed to hv my loved ones around me.. I'm thankful to God for all the sweet things in our life.. am thankful to God that i was given the chance to get to know more ppl thru blogger world :o)
For the next few days I might not be able to blog every day as i hv to settle a few things bef our trip nevertheless i will probably be posting a few recipes as i hv to use up a tray of eggs :op.. so ok.. heres pic taken today..

Every morning without fail, bef showering.. Sonia will dance and sing on our bed.. shes so so into Hi5 now.. thank goodness! hahaha.. oh oh guess what.. her all time fav song is December by Norah Jones.. she even memorised some of the words in that song hehe..

My weekend desert.. Longan konnyaku jelly.. simple and nice..

While preparing it this morning.. i recalled what Anie and Yat had commented on my creme brulee entry.. oh how true.. the simple things in life are the best things of all time.. i hear ya babes :o

Out and abt with Hairi and sis Lyn&Co...
yuhuuuu....buat jelly?kk Rima pinjam tangan jap...nak wat desert2 yg best cam kk Rima..boleh gitu?
senyap je...yelah ;..(
Anie buat yg ini tak payah pinjam tangan.. Pi pakai tangan sendiri to kacau itew jelly hehe
Huh?? Apasal gi ToTT also nak ikut? Nak li ape kat sana?
Ahem, ahem....tetiba terasa famous pulak I ni...hehehez (sungguh tak malunya diri ini)
LMAO Anie.. Every blogger memang famous pong haha
tgk rambut sonia leh tahan jugak kembang dia waktu pagi..hahaha..tapi tak leh lawan ai nyer rambut waktu bangun tido..sebijik cam rambut seripah aini yg tak sikat rambut seminggu.....begitu 'cun' & 'ayu' nyer rambut ai sampai kekadang dude did a double take jugak arr ....sometimes mcm nak tido pakai tu scarf rambut macam little house on the prairie, so rambut tame sket waktu pagi..
Ya rabbi babe.. u ni buat i ketawa lah pagi pagi ni hahahha.. i tak leh angs teringatkan ur hair macam seripah aini yg tak sihat kahkahkah dah tu nak pakai scarf kayak little house on the prairie.. eh dulo tu one of my fav drama mama tauuuuuu
kak rima..sy silent reader blog kak rima..
nak minta izin share resepi kek sicilian tu ye..
thank for sharing the recipe.
Salam Fara
Ty for dropping by and leaving footprints.. sure why not ey.. sharing recipe is good.. glad ur sicilian orange cake turned out good.. enjoy! :o)
Hi, been following your blog & admiring all your products silently. & U've been an inspiration to me. I'm so gonna try your recipes soon. I hope you don't mind.
Keep sharing & keep up the excellent baking. May Allah bless you & your lovely family...
Ty Azlin for dropping by and ty for ur doas.. pls do try some of the recipes here and let me know the outcome yah :o)
Little Sonia looks beautiful...sungguh2 menyanyi anak dara rima tu...hihi...boleh ganti mariah carey ler...hehe.
Jelly and macaroons counting down to 5...4...3...2...1...0!!hehehe..
Part menyanyi dia memang macam gitew.. nanti besok besar hopefully she can mengaji as pandai as menyanyi hahaha
Biasa lah.. kat sini cam gitew jugak sijelly.. malas nak makan :o(
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