These cutiepies have kept me busy since last night.. Ty Mitzi for the order; and Erika ur mom has good taste when it comes to gifts.. ur friends are lucky to hv u as classmate hehehe
Macarons to go..
Reviewed by Rima
November 11, 2010
Rating: 5
Tks for d super duper delicious macaroons.... I can go WILD n CRAZY if I didnt get to eat ur macaroons!!!!! Sorry those at home,sharing is not caring wen comes to MACA-ROONS!!! Hehe..
Yan belum cuba belum tahu.. kadang if nasib baik.. first try dah menjadi.. but lets be honest.. walaupun i dah buat byk kali.. every single time when i mix my ingredients or when this little precious in my oven.. i sure akan berdebar debar.. takut tak de skirt lah.. takut retak seribu lah.. takut tergagah lah.. takut selagi selagan lagi lah lebih2 bila i get order for macarons .. :o)
alahai..cantik je macaroon u.. i punya seme jadik macawrong hehe,,seme senget.. oven panaske tatau lah.. tp tgk entry u ni, rs nk buat lg..ingredients seme ade lm pantry hehe tp takot x jd lg huwaaa
No special oven lah.. just normal built in oven.. look after ur oven temp.. use silpat mat if possible.. get urself a candy thermometer, a little bit of luck and ur set to go hehe
i've been your...ehem...silent stalker (a.k.a. admirer) for the longest time. you've inspired me many times with the wonderful desserts that you've prepared.
my sister has a baby shower coming up and she wants me to make YOUR kind of macarons (read:beautiful) *gulp* to give to her guest. i was wondering if you could tell me where to get the container to fill them in.kat malaysia ni we have Bake With Yen, Chang Thung and they don't have them. unless if you happen to know other places over here yang ada? would you mind sharing the information?
Salam dottology Ty for being my silent stalker hehe...
I wish i cud help but i got that container fm one of the bakery supply shop in singapore.. so unless u want to come to sg to get it i can provide u with the name of the shop.. no worries!
singapore? OMG! my roomate (aka husband) and I are actually planning on a trip down to singapore. so, if you don't mind, could you pleeeeeaaaseeeee share with me the name of the shop and their opening hours? maybe we could drop by on our trip there. thank you soooo much! i really appreciate it!
Hi! I am Rima from Singapore and I am a SAHM to a 10 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby in Singapore and now live in Kuala Lumpur..
My love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stopped ever since.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..
, click here →
Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..
My my ... grrrramnya!
How do you charge those Rima? Mind letting me know? tq *bertanya penuh minat*
Tks for d super duper delicious macaroons.... I can go WILD n CRAZY if I didnt get to eat ur macaroons!!!!! Sorry those at home,sharing is not caring wen comes to MACA-ROONS!!! Hehe..
*sighhh* i can only dream of ur macaroons. *sighhhh*
hai 4rima ....tumpang lallu n tumpang tanya ....kat mana u beli casing tu ?
Untuk cik som.. special punya price.. sila email hehehe
U teringin ke cik som??
Dengar tak Cik N.. sharing is not caring.. if u want go ahead and take it cos she wont know haha
Wake up Yan!! stop dreaming.. pi start beli all the necessity and bake this little gems..
I got it fm phoon huat..
Rima, banyak beno cerita seram yg i dengo bout macaroons nih. tak ada feet lah, tak ada skirt lah, kulit muka berkedut seribu lah... seram i...
help help..tak tahan kalau k.rima buat macaron..nak satu!
Yan belum cuba belum tahu.. kadang if nasib baik.. first try dah menjadi.. but lets be honest.. walaupun i dah buat byk kali.. every single time when i mix my ingredients or when this little precious in my oven.. i sure akan berdebar debar.. takut tak de skirt lah.. takut retak seribu lah.. takut tergagah lah.. takut selagi selagan lagi lah lebih2 bila i get order for macarons .. :o)
Satu aje Yus?? Sonia can eat a few in one sitting.. u sure satu cukup?? heheh
will be doing my first order this weekend...dub dab dub dab.... and i baked lapis haw par lst nite kaler merah you!
Harlow Rima,
Nice macaroons. Not everyone can bake macaroons. Thumbs up.
Are you using a special oven to bake them?
hehehe..of course x ckup! nk mintak lebih kalau bg lebih, laaaaaaagii la mau! hihi.. :)
alahai..cantik je macaroon u.. i punya seme jadik macawrong hehe,,seme senget.. oven panaske tatau lah.. tp tgk entry u ni, rs nk buat lg..ingredients seme ade lm pantry hehe tp takot x jd lg huwaaa
Hallo Sally
No special oven lah.. just normal built in oven.. look after ur oven temp.. use silpat mat if possible.. get urself a candy thermometer, a little bit of luck and ur set to go hehe
Ye ker? gd luck and congrats!!
Ribbon Clown
tak pe.. buat and buat lagi sampai u dapat the right texture and right temp of ur oven for ur macarons.. good luck!
teringinnya nak mkn macaroons.. drooling ni.. hehe
Try and bake if u can if not kat sana tak jual eh?
mmg ada tmpt yg jual tp nak beli pun tak pasti halal ke tak. so maybe someday akan try buat juga. :D
Cuba lah Umi.. Inysa'allah menjadi..
salam rima...
i've been your...ehem...silent stalker (a.k.a. admirer) for the longest time. you've inspired me many times with the wonderful desserts that you've prepared.
my sister has a baby shower coming up and she wants me to make YOUR kind of macarons (read:beautiful) *gulp* to give to her guest. i was wondering if you could tell me where to get the container to fill them in.kat malaysia ni we have Bake With Yen, Chang Thung and they don't have them. unless if you happen to know other places over here yang ada? would you mind sharing the information?
thank you rima! :-)
Salam dottology
Ty for being my silent stalker hehe...
I wish i cud help but i got that container fm one of the bakery supply shop in singapore.. so unless u want to come to sg to get it i can provide u with the name of the shop.. no worries!
singapore? OMG! my roomate (aka husband) and I are actually planning on a trip down to singapore. so, if you don't mind, could you pleeeeeaaaseeeee share with me the name of the shop and their opening hours? maybe we could drop by on our trip there. thank you soooo much! i really appreciate it!
Phoon Huat.. Ang Mo Kio brunch.. they are open till 9pm i think.. u will hv to google for the actual adrs ok.. cheers!
heehee...thanks rima!!!
salam kak,
sedapnye tgk macaroon akak ni. brapa akak jual?
leh email kite tak
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