Time: 07:30
Venue: Kuala Lumpur
Weather: Typical yr end weather in KL
Mood: Blahhh.. lack of sleep.. and dont laugh sista.. i am pretty sure u know why!! haha
Peak Agenda: We got into KL on saturday morning.. checked into Concorde hotel.. gave out the congo bars that i had baked for all my kaki's and went straight to 1 Utama cos Sonia has been pestering us to take her to the art crafty since a few days ago.. so off we went there.. papa had to be in there since the teachers were too busy with other kids.. i on the other hand took mom and dad (yep we took them on this trip - refer to "mood" :) around the mall and bef we knew it.. sonia was done with her new art project.. well done dear!
Our weekend was spent doing our typical shopping aka around Damansara and KL area.. went to our "must" eat area around there and not forgetting stuffed our tummy with our "must" eat ramli burger in PS.. ohhh nothing can beat eating a packet of ramli burger lol..we also took mom and dad to their "must" go area aka masjid india while we waited for them at Maju Junction and lastly.. we did our typical grocery shopping at Tesco.. now that everything is complete on our to do list in KL.. its time for me to just chill with my parents while hb starts his working day..
Later today.. i'm gonna meet my old friend, Lyn and Kevin and also little Aaron who is abt 3wks old for the first time at the hotel lobby.. cant wait to hold him.. will take pics ok.. in the mean time.. enjoy these few pics taken over the weekend..

Artist at work heheh

Around KL and Damansara area.. look at my dad.. "hidung mu itew menjadi idaman hati mummy kuuu" muahahaha

This is what happens when u hv ur parents around.. u get to go dating.. err an hour date hahahah

Typical Sonia.. wherever she is.. "Mama i want Ben 10"... sooo yes.. a new tshirt for her complete with a new Ben 10 ball.. haizzzz.. yesterday she saw Ben 10 stickers and we bought it for her of cos.. the moment we were back in the hotel.. she spent a good 1 hour alone in the bedroom.. sticking every single ben 10 sticker in her Ben 10 book.. suka hati lahhh nakkkk hahaha
Berapa hari di KL? But I can't see you cos I am grounded from last Thursday till next Wednesday. I am on MC, actually.
Whic part of OU this art class being held? I stayed in USJ, MIL in D'sara but never come across this outlet. BTW, my younger son is 10 yo but still crazy about Ben 10. Its normal at this age that he/she adore any cartoon with super power(adiwira).
The kolam looks nice. Is it in Concorde Hotel? They are so creatif. Tapi yang naik walker anjing tu lagi cute.
Salam kenal Rima.
I stumble on yr blog last week from LG's blog. Love it so much... I've tried out the banana choc cake. Delicious. Dh and Dd liked it. Brought some to work for my friends and they too loved it. Motivated to start baking after reading and seeing your lovely cakes. Keep it up. Looking forward to trying out more recipes.
Rima...I can't wait to tell u...that I've baked the chocolate cheese cake, madelines and Congo bars!!..all 3 over e wkend!! Am so happy with the taste dat the whole family is now sugar intoxicated :)))... I've never been sooo hardworking with baking but u n yes u have definitely change it..thank u babe for the inspirations...I have more to go..can't wait for the wkend to start baking again :))
Amboi..ganasnye ler art smock orang KL..kehkehkeh..
Cuma a few days aje.. tmrw kita balik ah.. but only selepas i makan lagi satu bende heheh.. tak ah.. once my hb finish work i balik ah
Sorry to hear u on mc.. hope u get better soon..
Kolam renang?? no no thats not swimming pool.. tu deepavali decor kat lantai pavillion.. hehe
1 utama .. next to MPH.. one floor abv florsheim..
Itew statement.. u .. yes u.. buat i ngeri aje.. nanti if ur baju naik one size up dont blame me pulak hahahha
Congrats.. congrats.. tak rugi if ade peminat kat rumah yg selalu boleh habis kan ur bake.. u shud post it in ur blog :o)
Insyallah and I am happy to hear ur cake menjadi and laku.. do gv other recipes a try ok..
Hahaha ganas selalu .. shhhh
I dah buat dah Congo Bars n dah abis pun. Thanks to you for the added calories. Yg I hot tu, bila tgk gmbr u, kurus je tp org yg sibuk nak buat kek2 u bertmbh2 tembam (I lah tu). Mcm ni... Any help selain dr nak kena pegi Slimming2 Centres yg I cannot afford tu
Hehehe good girl.. now time for u to move on.. go and bake more cakes hahaha
Help? hihi.. if u dah tua kerepot macam i.. sure akan hilang tu baby fats :op
I think i shan't wait for the makcik perut mulat & just bake the congo bars..ahakssss..shall ai??so many good reviews yg buat ku tak taw lah leh tahan ke tak..even our dear CS dah buat..and ai tak tahan tgk the crumbs from her pics..kelasssss..
sonia is one tall kiddo..kaki dia cam nak jejak tanah masa ride the puppy.. :)
The deco is being done b4 deepavali is called kolam. Ai ingat U tahu. Maaf ya, buk.
Babe.. nanti makcik perut mulut merajuk kalau dia tahu u buat.. but if u akan buat for the second time.. i think besok jugak u pi buat hehehe
Tu crumbs harus jadi trademark CS hehe
Ohhhh i tak tahu pulak the deco u is called kolam.. lahhhhhh
rima...aiseh, just tau u ade around here..kalau x, i sure dh serbu u...damansara tu tempat lepaks my family, hehehe..next time dont come senyap2 eh...
i'm dreaming of dat congo bars of urs! hahaha..kidding!
aiseh bedahhhh dah ku let the world know dari hari jumaat lagi.. tak plan pun.. my hb only told me on thursday morning that we are gng to KL on sat .. congo bars? hehe pi godek godek sekarang jugak
I cuba nak call you at your hotel tapi terhenti sbb tak tau nak mintak nama siapa. Surely surname your hubby, kan? Lidah I tak reti plak nak menyebutnya (juga takut tersilap waktu kot masa tu you tengah turu or ngorok, har3).
A courtesy call just to say hi *untung nasib, dapatlah you hantar seketul dua CBs thru the phone line*.
Rima/Yat .. gambar kek n its crumbs tu mmg tak boleh belah, kan? kah3..
Huh did i just missed ur calls?? hahaha.. alahhhh cik som.. telephone lah.. kita nak dengar suara merdu cik sommm.. plssssssssssssss
Cuba lembut kan lidah mu yg kelu itew and say.. Aue as in "aw weh" or just ask for rm 954.. i'm meeting Yani aka KG in the morning but feel free to call me after 11 ok but kan cik som si congo bars tu tarak anymore.. :o(
Memang tak boleh blah pun gambar tu.. kelassss gitew hahaha
sis...should be "lubang hidung bapak menjadi pujaan hati mami" wakkakkak...dnt make me jealous sis
alahhh gi KL also nak jealous.. mentang mentang tak leh beli burger ramli abg botak hahaha
alahai rima...U ni dah macam celebrity fofular...makin bnyk peminat Mana2 ceruk negri u pergi ada aja peminat nak jumpa, nak tangkap gambar. Hols u dah tak aman dahh!!
Tak sabar nak tngk pix u ngan KG pulak.
celebrity ke ape hahaha.. no peminat but sesama blogger meet up and tukar pendapat on how to produce a better cake.. if i hv the time.. why not :o)
Untuk pengetahuan u, I ni pun dah seangkatan dgn u, dlm kumpulan MIDI kaedahnya, tp nak tunggu kecut x jgk asyik mengembang je...Ni semua gara2 tergoda dgn blog u lah...
By the way, baulu u blh tahan brp lama, ingat nak buat sikit nak bg my mom kat JB tu... (Mana nak kurus, sambil buat sambil ngap...)
Baulu yg mana??
I also bukan nye jenis kurus.. ade kala nye pun membuak jugak but now that i dah turun i hope its gonna stay forever hehehe
Thank you for about us. I am happy to hear that your son enjoyed himself. Our aim has always been to set up a place where children are able to explore their creativity without being instructed upon. Please become our fan on facebook under the name of Get Crafty. We update our iste on a daily basis. I am also happy to announce that we will be franchising in the very near future. Ww hope to be in a location near you soon.
Audrey, get crafty
No worries Audrey.. Sonia loves it there.. whenever we're in KL .. we will make a point to go to Get Crafty.. the last time we were there was last month..
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