I was super excited yesterday when hb told me that he will take me to ToTT bef driving to moms for dinner.. when we got there this was the exact words which he said to me..
HB: Eh they hv supermarket trollies
Me: Huh?? really?? must be big ah the place
HB: Its huge
The moment we stepped into ToTT.. i was like... geesshhh..
Me: ok why dont u take Sonia to the play area near their cafe.. i call u .. hahaha
HB: Ummmpphh err ok.. take what u want
Me: err really?? yahoooooooooooooo
2 hrs later.. the damage.. 4 big ToTTs plastic bags muahahha

Heheh a Nordicware box can fit 6 of their bundt pans :))
This morning i baked my all time fav sicilian orange cake for my Nyai in one of the bundt pans which i got yesterday.. pretty isnt it? :o)

Anyway yesterday while picking up a few bundt pans, I saw a bundt pan that i was aiming for a few months ago and when i saw it there i thought to myself.. hey i am soo soo gonna get that one too and since i was in la la land anyway i thought what harm is there to get the same one to give away to a blogger who bakes.. yep yep.. how abt that !! yayyyyyy

You guys hv been fun and so encouranging and also put a smile on my face every single day.. So heres a little gift to show my appreciation :o)

Enter for a chance to win :op
1. Leave me a comment on this post and show me a link to YOUR BEST BAKING POST in your blog and tell me "WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS YOUR BEST POST".. as easy as that hehehe
2. Deadline to enter is Saturday, 20th of November 2010, 8pm Singapore time (TIME'S UP KIDS! Winner will be announced tmrw.. ty everyone... it was good fun!)
3. Choosing the winner will be done randomly using random.org.
4. Winner will be announced on Sunday, 21st November in the evening and since Nordicware bundt pan is one heavy pan.. i will hand carry it if u live in M'sia or if u live in Europe (ahem.. since we are flying there next week) and if not.. I will hv to post it.. boo hoo
So ok .. good luck kids!
1. Umiyumi
i think it is my best post because i really enjoy baking apple pie since it's my son's favourite.. and that's the reason why the post is so detailed with step by step pics ;)
2. KG
why: it kick-started the baking in me, my first order came soon after that class, the class was conducted by saf whose french baking technique i really admire, met my std one friend zura after all this years...and of course that baking class make me want to bake and got me to where i am now!
3. RIA
the reason why:
Baking tuk celebrate besday my daughter..ank sulung ktekn..excited sgt nk baking tuk Amani..n bcoz of this cake dpt order kek yg sme dr ofismate..hehehe
4. Anie
Its my best post bcos.....
Its my 1st attempt at making the cake. I was so stoked that it turned out rite and yummilicous. I even got positive feedbacks frm friends and hubby ;)...I was so happy with the success of the cake lapis that I decided to create a blog to share my joy.....hehehez
5. Blu4sky
to me this is my best post because this was my first attempt in baking, my first baking experience...my first cuppies for my lil adam 4th birthday...an starting point where i got my confidence to venture in baking
6. Izahdaut
Walaupun kek ni bukan my own recipy, tapi this cake is one of my best post sebab..for me sangat tak terjangka difikiran boleh dikombinasikan caremel dengan kek span. Kepada owner resepi kek ni, bagi saya dia genius menghasilkan kek yang sedap for dessert.Dan saya juga tak sangka dapat baking juga kek yang pada saya sangat cantik dan menjadi dan yummy.
7. Lendanuar
pada lenda...bila buat & makan roti pain-au-lait ni mengingatkan lenda pada masakan ibu lenda..dulu ibu lenda selalu buatkan roti begini pada kami( adik beradik) ketika kami kecil lagi buat makan2 ketika minum petang..oh alangkah manisnyer kenangan itu....makan roti ni bersama dgn susu pekat memang sedap terasa...lebih2 lagi bila menjamu selera bersama orang tersayang & anak2....
8. Ribbon Clown
the reason why;
Hmm..My little boy is a picky eater, and I baked everything I could baked for him, but he refused to eat.. hehe But vice versa for this muffin, he ate it lots!! maybe because the taste of this muffin was different from others that I've ever baked..
9. Edi
this got to be my fav cupcakes of all! i did this for my cousin who celebrates divali.. i day dream about the design wayyyyyy before the attempt. it is special coz the design includes the bangle that my late grandma always wear. i miss her so much.10. Aqil
Devil's Food Chocolate Cake resepi, saya simpan in my list to do for birthday my son 1year old last raya aritu hu2.Coz bila tgk kek kt blog sis meleleh air liur ku kih2...lebih2 lg sis pro amik pic food and admire all the pic in ur blog....Memang sgt2 berbaloi to try it coz sedap sgt..hu3 TQ sis ;D
11. Jun
not dat special by its look..but special bcoz it has it's own stories behind..yg x pernah i lupa punye. dat time, my hubby had n operation so banyaklah we all dpt buah tangan especially fruits..just imagine..berbakul2..smpai rumah dh jd mcm kedai jual bunga n buah. x larat nak mkn, i pon buatlah ape yg boleh..salah satu, of courselah kek epel..dat month alone, tried mcm2 apple cake recipes...this one i hidang pada some of my hbby's staff yg dtg..all boys! nak jd crita, one of d boys tu big size..masa duduk on my sofa..one of d kaki sofa tu trus patah, hahahhaa...tp this apple cake still diorang makan dlm keadaan malu2, keh3. n d next day..they told my hbby..dat cake was sgt sedap..hati i berbunga2..d compliment came from boys! even my hbby pon x mkn kek..so, x kesahlah kna tukar sofa lepas tu..hehhe..Devil's Food Chocolate Cake resepi, saya simpan in my list to do for birthday my son 1year old last raya aritu hu2.Coz bila tgk kek kt blog sis meleleh air liur ku kih2...lebih2 lg sis pro amik pic food and admire all the pic in ur blog....Memang sgt2 berbaloi to try it coz sedap sgt..hu3 TQ sis ;D
11. Jun
12. Naomemandeflores
Four recipes in one post, that's gotta be amazing, right?
I fell in love with this cake when my childhood friend Anitra brought it to my house. This cake made me believe that it's possible to bake a cake without fail. My daughters love it so much! :)
k.nor suka dgn rupa paras kek chiffon ni, walau tak perfect, bg k.nor cukup memuaskan hati.
Ini resepi yang pertama saya cuba dari blog akak, dan memang menjadi,saya suka... sedap sangat. thanks akak, share resepi ini.
16. Lisa H
Why: my first time trying out to bake a gingerbread house... it takes patient and precision (to ensure all sides fit) ... to sum it all.. it was a joy and triumph to have one on display during Xmas..
17. T
The post reminds me of the great time I had with my best friend creating beautiful cookies for to celebrate her new life.
18. Norliza
This post is special because its me starting to get re-acquainted with my oven and start baking for family and friends....simple pleasures of the heart!
19. Moklong
ianya special sbb 1st time wak kek coklat. mjadi plk tu. lps tu terus bminat nk mcuba pelbagai resepi. sampai hubby ckp. bbaloi jgk dia belikan oven utk ina. :)
20. Idaman Hati
This is my first time buat kek chiffon dari resipi CMG...memang sedap dan gebu...hope everybody like it.
21. DG
This post was special because I was able to fulfill my children the cake they requested. Although not perfect, they were very happy and they are already talking about their next birthday cake ….. :D
Kan I dah cakap mesti giler punya tengok Nordicware tu.... so we can say gd bye to "you know that shop" welcome Totts.... heheh
Yep yep.. one shop might still survive but the other one.. bye bye hehe
kak Rima..best ye p TOTT..byk tol memborong..suke bundt yg bntuk love tu..nk cube nsib le ke??tp cm xde n3 yg best je..huhuhu
LOL RIA.. ur blog shows that u bake.. ape lagi enter lah.. just send me a a link to which one u think is best.. air tangan sendiri kan memang semua best hehhe.. good luck!
alamak tak ada blog. Tak ada chance lorrr.... kak aida klang
Kak Aida.. u ni buat i ketawa lah with ur lorrrrr kahkahkah.. create one lah and then post one that u bake.. cepat.. ade masa lagi ni.. contest sampai saturday hehehe
ooohhh kak rimaaaaa, itu bundt pan tersaaaaaaaaangat comei..
nak try gak tapi.. i 'tersaaaaaaaaaaaaaangat' rajin menghapdet blog.. :(
Memang cun itew nordic bundt pan Aida.. bila cake keluar pun sure meletop one hahaha
Hai Rima, lurve ur blog... I pernah jugak terkena kat "u know that shop"belikan untuk kawan2 pulak tu.... I pun suka Nordicware jugak... how much different is the prices between the two shops,might visit when I ade masa.
Salam Kak Rima,
Umi berminat nak join GA ni.. tak terrer sgt baking, boleh la sikit2.. this is my link :
i think it is my best post because i really enjoy baking apple pie since it's my son's favourite.. and that's the reason why the post is so detailed with step by step pics ;)
rima! i want iew bundt pans....dah beranga nih!
my best blog post:
why: it kick-started the baking in me, my first order came soon after that class, the class was conducted by saf whose french baking technique i really admire, met my std one friend zura after all this years...and of course that baking class make me want to bake and got me to where i am now!
of course i can never thank you enough for jump starting my desire to make kek lapis (daunting) and macarons (haunting....muahaha!!)
loves yani xox
Hai Rima, lurve ur blog, yur cakes are really lovely...Ipun pernah terkena kat 'you know dat shop',
belikan untuk kenkawan pulak tu,
anyway, how much difference in prices bwt the two shops, might visit TOTT someday.
Pretty Bundt pans, and pretty cake you have.
har3... Me shy2 cat want to join....
Reason being I dont have anymore space in my kitchen to store the bundt pans (sikit punya alasan, ekekekekke..). Anyway. Good job!
kak..ni link die:
the reason why:
Baking tuk celebrate besday my daughter..ank sulung ktekn..excited sgt nk baking tuk Amani..n bcoz of this cake dpt order kek yg sme dr ofismate..hehehe
Ty for participating KG and Umiyumi!
Ty Anonymous .. can i adrs u by name??
They are selling half of the price.. good deal ey :op
But but but but cik som.. u bake.. dont u wanna try?? i promise i will not meet u in person if u menang kahkahkah..
Ty CS!
Ty Babybeluga.. tks for coming :o)
Ty Ria for participating.. well done hehe
Nak ikut juga tapi I'm not good in baking :(.
Bestnya shopping sakan!! I wish there's such store a here...hehehez. Dkt sini kalau pegi kedai khas yg jual bakeware boleh tercabut nyawa whoaaa....mahal giler. Jadi ebay lah yg menjadi pujaan hati I....:D
Yeay yeay dpt join contest, tak sia2 create blog ni.
Its my best post bcos.....
Its my 1st attempt at making the cake. I was so stoked that it turned out rite and yummilicous. I even got positive feedbacks frm friends and hubby ;)...I was so happy with the success of the cake lapis that I decided to create a blog to share my joy.....hehehez
Mak aiiiii panjang lebar, citernya :D hahahaz. Tks to u Rima, ur blog is very informative and attractive. I really respect u lah as u always reply to my questions and enquiries....tak lokek ilmu sungguh :)
Orang pemalu gaban kalo menang pakai selubung top to bottom gi collect adiah ok ka..ada prize presentation news conference tak..dah berpeluh2 ni pikiak..(macamlah dah menang..wahkahkah)....
seronok kk Rima....bln12 turun s'pore.nak jln2 kenal s'pore...horeyyy
Ayooyooo kak rima! Voleh fengsan tgk bundt pan tu sume!! Bila belek sume2 tu mcm aliennyer patern bundt pan!! Wakakaka.... Ganas!! Ahahaha.... Tak pernah carik pulak benda2 pelik tu sume kat sini! Yg kita ada bentuk2 biasa jerr(´・_・`)
ni yang buat tak best..nk masuk contest tapi tak da blog.pelah nasib..tapi kalau menang pun nak buat pe eh dgn benda2 ni.nanti bilang kelong pulak
Not good in baking? its ok SJB.. as long as u can bake a muffin perhaps?? post it in ur blog and u tell me why that is ur best post.. thats all u need to do :o)
Hahaha Anie! ty for participating.. siapa tahu eh si random.org akan cabut nbr u :op
I know what u meant by mahal giler.. kat sini pong sebelum itew ToTT muncul.. i got no choice but to go to that shop to buy my bundt pan.. but kan its ok lah.. i hv been using all my bundt pans so its worth it lah to pay for it even tho waktu tu tipa tertipu hahaha
wahhhhh! tak tahannn... i dont have food blog. *hukkk* eventho creating one seems worth it for this wonderful giveaway. takpe lah... at least dapat berangan pun jadik lah...
Babe you buat i ketawa lah bila u mentioned nak selubung.. i teringat itew cartoon.. captain grover hahahah.. dah tu bila terbaca pikiak lagi lah aku ketawa muahahaha
Even if i handcarry to m'sia or europe i will still post it lah.. so no prize presentation hahahhaa
If u wanna join.. gv me ur best baking post link wokey
Oh ye ke Anie?? harus gi itu ToTT tauuuu.. baru complete ur "visit singapore" next month and it btw.. happy belated bday Anie!
Alien?? hahahha ah ah seh.. with the colour and the pattern.. macam alien pong ade.. nasib baik bila dah jadi cake tak macam alien hahha
I dont think kat sana ade.. not that i know of lah :op
Dahhh beauty.. tak yah join.. family members tak leh join plus i dont want itew bundt pan collect dust if u menang hahahha
You suka bake kan.. u shud hv a food blog too.. cepat pi create one hehe
alaaaa....alaaaaaa...cun sungguh...x d n3 yg bagus pon...alaaaaa.....maybe nk kna usha hbby plak la..tukar holiday plan..g s'pore sbb nk pegi tott..hahahhaha
adoiii canteknyaaa pan tu...boleh meroyan meleleh leleh air liur tengok tau! errrkk itu belum dapat GA lagi :D
nak join but ishhh where has my best post pegi maaa?
Hahaha Jun.. Harussss kalau nak gi ToTT..
You no hv good baking entry?? But but but kah3.. Tu choco butter cake is a gd entry mahhhh
Zarin part meleleh i tak leh angs tau hahaha.. Habis basah kuyup benda tu haha
hi rima,
nak try my luck with this contest..heheh..
here is my link
to me this is my best post because this was my first attempt in baking, my first baking experience...my first cuppies for my lil adam 4th birthday...an starting point where i got my confidence to venture in baking
ekekekek...kalau kak BEAUTY menang...ada harapan dia bwk balik tu pans back to u...soh u bake kan lah kak imah...ekekke...ampun kak BEAUTY.. ;)
ToTT tu katne??...
kak rima..
alahai..meleleh i tgk u punya pan..fancy....i pun bake orange sicilian cake for my mum last tuesday for eid...baunya semerbak harum..when my daughter came back from nanny she say..i can smell cake!! so delicious...tak sejuk lagi kek tu dah kena potong 1/4...my mom tinggal la 3/4...hehe..
teringin nak masuk contest..tapi sempat ke i nak baking??huhu..i pun nak menang jugakk...
rima, mmg tergoda & mengoda sungguh bundt pan tu..! secantik aneka kek yg u buat selama ini.
akak suke sgt tengok..!
kak rim..selamat hari raya aidiladha..nak join jugak walaupun im not so good in baking...tapi, seronok jugak masuk GA macam ni. dan syaratnya pun easy kan.
Walaupun kek ni bukan my own recipy, tapi this cake is one of my best post sebab..for me sangat tak terjangka difikiran boleh dikombinasikan caremel dengan kek span. Kepada owner resepi kek ni, bagi saya dia genius menghasilkan kek yang sedap for dessert.Dan saya juga tak sangka dapat baking juga kek yang pada saya sangat cantik dan menjadi dan yummy.
Thank you.
salam kak rima....
lenda nak mencuba nasib lah kat contest ni..mana lah tahu nasib menyebelahi saya...saya nyer link..
pada lenda...bila buat & makan roti pain-au-lait ni mengingatkan lenda pada masakan ibu lenda..dulu ibu lenda selalu buatkan roti begini pada kami( adik beradik) ketika kami kecil lagi buat makan2 ketika minum petang..oh alangkah manisnyer kenangan itu....makan roti ni bersama dgn susu pekat memang sedap terasa...lebih2 lagi bila menjamu selera bersama orang tersayang & anak2....
so so very cantik the bundt pan!
Kalau I join and menang, you nak dtg Perth tak jumpa I face to face, hikhikhik...
hai sis rima...if you don't mind...may i know how much is the nordicware bundt set that you just bought? kalau my friend balik sgpore nak kirim...kat totts ada tak heritage bundt pan cam yang sis punya buat kek kukus buah tu..tq..suri
To blu4sky, izahdaud and Lendanur.. ty for participating.. good fun!
Hahaha.. tak kuasa mak.. tu sebab dia tak akan menang hahahha
You try lah.. pi post itew chiffon cake mu in ur blog heheh
Hehehe nak bake ni cepat aje.. within 2 hrs pong dah boleh siap.. glad ur kid suka itew cake.. :op
Gd luck linda!
Am Flora
Ty .. ty.. Akak tak nak join ke? mari lah join the party hehehe
Alamakkkkkk how i wish upon a star lah yg i akan gi Perth lagi and dapat jumpa u face to face.. arghhhhh.. if u menang, terpaksa lah i antar mat posto jumpa u.. haishhhh jeles!!
Hi Rima. I'm a newbie to your blogland but soooo glad I discovered it (and so inspired to bake). I do bake but definitely not as often as you do. Do you actually bake every day? And what happen to those wonderful cakes and cookies that you made - own consumption or beri jiran tetangga (hmm..how i wish I am your jiran tetangga) :-)
Heritage bundt pan i tak nampak pulak but the one that u tanya yg mana satu?? both pan yg i post pic harganye hmm Sg dollars.. $48.90 or $49.90 each.. lupa pulak harganye.. but yah thats the range of price of bundt pan in ToTT heheh
Hi Rina
Yep.. i do bake everyday.. err unless i am not in town or when i fall sick.. I usually will gv it away as thats the only option for me to be able to keep on trying out new recipe.. baking is my passion and its fun to fill my time doing it.. :o)
Hi K RIma, oh oh..mesti pergi TOTT this weekend hehe.. and one day mesti try this famous sicilian cake.. everybody dah buat..hehe
I pun nak masuk contest lah hehe
this is my link; http://ribbonandcircus.blogspot.com/2010/11/friday-pear-and-ginger-muffin.html
the reason why;
Hmm..My little boy is a picky eater, and I baked everything I could baked for him, but he refused to eat.. hehe But vice versa for this muffin, he ate it lots!! maybe because the taste of this muffin was different from others that I've ever baked..
i don't have bundt pan yet hahaha that's a good excuse to get one kan..hahaha!!
sis Rima...tq for your info...i ni your silent reader...dah lama jugak...and dah banyak your wonderful recipes yg i tried..tq so much...and nak mintak izin print your recipe ek (kalau tak print susah nak refer )...i tak paste sbb blog takde lagi...hehehe
Cubalah and ty for ur participation Ribbon Clown.. good luck!
Psst.. jaga jaga bila kat ToTT.. jgn sampai tak nak balik pulak heheh
Be my guest Suri.. lagi shiok if u post what u bake if u hv ur own blog.. ahemmm :op
this got to be my fav cupcakes of all! i did this for my cousin who celebrates divali.. i day dream about the design wayyyyyy before the attempt. it is special coz the design includes the bangle that my late grandma always wear. i miss her so much.
ps: i hope that random thing picks ME! MOI!
Good luck Edi!
thks... hehe.. dekat mana ToTT tu? i dont know lah.. (rase mcm soalan bodo je..) kat singapore ke eh?
Kat sini lah Edi.. itew sebab si Rimamelati ni dgn cepat berlari lari anak gi sana petang raya hahaha
cantiknya the bundt pans!! i dont hv a blog so will hv to 4get abt trying my luck to own the pan for free..sob sob. i'll def find a gud day to go to TOTT.
Rima, can u tell me itew kedai yg buat tipah rasa tertipu tu kat mana...kalau u tak nak kasi tau nama kedai kasi nama jalan pun jadi lah. Who knows maybe i pun pernah kena cekek darah kat kedai yg sama.
alahai kak ima...u asking me to join oso...??...takmo..ada harapan pan tu collect abuk gak...eheheheh...but i juz realised....its 4 design in one eh??....cute plak...heheh
Yg sudah tu sudah lah.. tipah dah tertipu pong.. dah sebanyak 4 kali sudah tertipu hahahha
Look at the bright side.. we are lucky ade si ToTT ni.. boleh lah kita sedekah kat sana tiap bulan hahha
Collect abuk?? ahhh better not join.. nanti yang lain tak de chance hehehe.. yes it has 4 design in one pan.. memang cute bangat!
Salam Rima,
wow sambutan yg mengalakkan dear..hehe kak nur tak boleh join la sebab sama mcm yg kak nur punya...haha gigit jari ler!
Salam KNur
Semalam waktu gi rumah KNur .. Rima ternampak itew bundt pan dirumah KNur.. dalam hati berkata2.. adehhh macam mana boleh sama macam yg kita nak giveaway hahaha
Tak pe wokey.. now KNur ade satu.. Rima ade satu.. and one of the blogger akan ade satu also :op
Salam sis Rima,
Nak join gk coz teringin gak nk bundt pan itu ;D
Devil's Food Chocolate Cake resepi, saya simpan in my list to do for birthday my son 1year old last raya aritu hu2.Coz bila tgk kek kt blog sis meleleh air liur ku kih2...lebih2 lg sis pro amik pic food and admire all the pic in ur blog....Memang sgt2 berbaloi to try it coz sedap sgt..hu3 TQ sis ;D
Hi Rima,
Its me, the one that asked alot of questions regarding the garland bundt pan! I finally bought it from amazon! Yay! But the shipping fee burns a big hole in the pocket though. Twice the amount of the pan! hhahaha!! Would like to know wheres ToTT? I shall pay that place a visit when i go down to Sg. :))
Btw, how do you butter and dust your bundt pan with flour? I have a hard time doin it and after i bake my cake, the designs on the cake is not that sharp and beautiful as urs??
Aqil.. Ty n gd luck!
Yep thats why i cant be bother to order it online hehe.. ToTT is in dunean rd.. Go to their website to hv the full adrs ok.. Tottstore.com
I used melted butter.. Brush it n dust with flour .. Make sure u brush every corner properly.. Once baked let it sit for 10min bef turning it upside down..
rima..bolehlah..join d party, hehe...my n3 is http://yummylicious-jun.blogspot.com/2009/03/moms-apple-cake.html
not dat special by its look..but special bcoz it has it's own stories behind..yg x pernah i lupa punye. dat time, my hubby had n operation so banyaklah we all dpt buah tangan especially fruits..just imagine..berbakul2..smpai rumah dh jd mcm kedai jual bunga n buah. x larat nak mkn, i pon buatlah ape yg boleh..salah satu, of courselah kek epel..dat month alone, tried mcm2 apple cake recipes...this one i hidang pada some of my hbby's staff yg dtg..all boys! nak jd crita, one of d boys tu big size..masa duduk on my sofa..one of d kaki sofa tu trus patah, hahahhaa...tp this apple cake still diorang makan dlm keadaan malu2, keh3. n d next day..they told my hbby..dat cake was sgt sedap..hati i berbunga2..d compliment came from boys! even my hbby pon x mkn kek..so, x kesahlah kna tukar sofa lepas tu..hehhe..
Oh, that's such a beautiful pan, I love it! It can get any better than that!
Well, my best baking post was this one: http://naomemandeflores.wordpress.com/2010/10/04/delicinhas-da-semana-2/
Four recipes in one post, that's gotta be amazing, right?
Camila F.
salam rima,
I'd love to try my luck at the bundt pan :D
my best baking post (i think)
I fell in love with this cake when my childhood friend Anitra brought it to my house. This cake made me believe that it's possible to bake a cake without fail. My daughters love it so much! :)
Jun, Naomemandeflores and Sizuka.. ty and good luck girls!
salam rima, dr smlm duk masuk keluar jer kat n3 ni.. duk fikir nak join ke tidak.. nak join ke tidak.. hehe.. sbb k.nor bukannya bagus sgt dlm baking nih.. tp dek kerana berkenannnnn sgt dgn itu bundt pan, try gak la join yr contest ni.. 1st time tau join contest hehe..
ok ni link n3 baking tu.. http://secubitgaramnor67.blogspot.com/2010/06/demam-kek-cipon-melanda.html
comment: k.nor suka dgn rupa paras kek chiffon ni, walau tak perfect, bg k.nor cukup memuaskan hati..
that's all .. thanks :)
Salam KNor.. lahhh ape yg tak terer.. kek chiffon tak semua orang buat menjadi tauuuuu hehehe.. ty and good luck KNor!
salam Rima,
do u think i should join?...
nanti orang kata kita ni TAMAK bundt pan..heheh,,dah banyak pun nak lagi....macam nak join, tapi tapi..tapi... malulah..
Salam Ayu
Hehehe if u tak de bundt pan yg ini ape salah nye .. join the party lah :op
alamakkkkkk mmg ngidam nk mende alah tuh.. tp kan.. aku nih klu bab gini selalunyer tk penah nk menang... sob sob... oleh sbb ramalan pak nujum belalang kata mmg takkan menang, aku mintak kirim ko belikan jerk la rim! aci ngak??? ngeeee.....
kita pulak jd pemerhati jerr wakakakaka.... bukan takat shy2 cat tp shy2 gajah! ahahahaha... dlm makna tauuuuuu! :P
Helooo sista... Excuse me a min... Nak join tapi pezzen tu I dun want, can xchange to other ting!! Hehe... If I give u my creation, bukan gambar cake yg pop out...gambar crystals yg pop out!! Muakaka... As u said no siblings r allowed n i only eat dun bake n dat pan will kolek dust!! :) so....to all contestant... GoOd LuCk!!
Lahhhh Hana.. orang tua2 macam akak kau ni selalu berpesan..
Tuah gajah nampak dikaki.. tuah manusia siapa yang tahu.. ahhhh eh betul ke peribahasa tu?? kahkahkah.. tolong cikgu betul kan sikit :op
Tolong belikan bolehhhhh.. bila nak? cakap aje.. haha
LOL Ijah.. maklum.. mek siam memang selalu ade kene mengena dgn gajah.. so harus shy gajah and not shy2 cat.. alahhhh masuk aje lah for the sake of fun.. siapa tahu kan kot kot nbr Ijah nbr bertuah hehehe
ala RIma.... yg takde blog? tak semestinya yg takde blog tak suka baking and kita pun deserve the giveaway tau..... sob sob .. (mewakili mereka2 yg takde blog) ...
Hallloooo sis Lyn.. u better dont join.. wait the bundt pan u tampal with all ur crystal.. jadi bling bling bundt pan pulak hahahha
Next time i buat giveaway i will gv the chance to ppl yg tak de blog also.. i was just thinking abt ppl yg ade food blog who bertungkus lumus not only to bake but also to take pic and post recipes.. not easy tau having a blog.. macam full time job hehehe.. oh and also dgn ade nye link.. i will know for sure that the bundt pan will go to good use and not collecting dust.. :o)
Salam Rima,
Cantiknya bundt pans tu....i hope u suka dengan hasil puding i ni. It' a simple deco but i love it so much....
This my first time contest boleh ke i join... anyway this is my link.
Salam Kak Rima,
saya pun nak join jugak. berkenan sgt dengan hadiah tur.
so, ini link untuk my best baking post http://masni2809.blogspot.com/2010/11/banana-chocolate-muffin.html
Ini resepi yang pertama saya cuba dari blog akak, dan memang menjadi,saya suka... sedap sangat. thanks akak, share resepi ini.
I usually have a wooden spoon luck nevertheless I shall give it a go :)
Link to my best baking post:
Why: my first time trying out to bake a gingerbread house... it takes patient and precision (to ensure all sides fit) ... to sum it all.. it was a joy and triumph to have one on display during Xmas..
I wanna join too!
The post reminds me of the great time I had with my best friend creating beautiful cookies for to celebrate her new life.
Hi Rima
I also want to join. Love the 4in1Bundt cake tin!!
This post is special because its me starting to get re-acquainted with my oven and start baking for family and friends....simple pleasures of the heart!
Idaman Hati
I am sorry.. cud u pls gv me another link cos this contest is abt baking post.. :o(
Lisa H.. great looking gingerbread house u got there.. love it!
Ty and good luck!
T, Masni and Norliza.. ty and good luck girls!
cuba nsb gaks. ni ina punya link.
ianya special sbb 1st time wak kek coklat. mjadi plk tu. lps tu terus bminat nk mcuba pelbagai resepi. sampai hubby ckp. bbaloi jgk dia belikan oven utk ina. :)
Gd luck Ina!
Salam Rima,
This is my first time buat kek chiffon dari resipi CMG...memang sedap dan gebu...hope everybody like it.
ishhhh cik som ...where art thou, cik som..bedek ai ker.. Rims, nampak Cik Som tak?? mueheheheh...
Gd luck idaman hati :o)
Hahaha babe.. kan dah kena bedek.. nanti sure cik som akan datang dgn butter cakenye.. tungguuuuu :op
rima dear, tempting nyer la i nak join..tapi kan...kalau i menang, will i be getting all the bundt pan? :P...hehehe tamak betul i nie
anyway dear, next week im going down to SG for a meeting and guess wat? its right at 896 Dunearn Street. even told my boss this morning that right after the meeting with Sime peeps next week, I'm heading down to TOTT for a shopping spree.
p/s: im taking the last flight out, err u agakX2 do i hv enough time to make it to the airport?
mana ler tau, kot i ter'sangkut' kat sana lama pulak..
That's bundt pans .... very beautiful! I would like to join the fun and try my luck here.
Here is the post:
This post was special because I was able to fulfill my children the cake they requested. Although not perfect, they were very happy and they are already talking about their next birthday cake ….. :D
Thank you, Rima :)
Heheh actually i dah agak pun u must be working for that german co judging by the way u describe ur new toy.. of cos of cos.. its for u to agak agak ur timing kat ToTT.. if nama u not Rima i think u will not take that long kat sana hahaha
Enjoy ur time in ToTT aka la la land hehehe
Good stuff DG and all the best!
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