I am not gonna get all mushy and stuff.. but i am going to thank u guys for being great and for stopping by and visiting my humble blog.. sob sob.. anyone crying yet?? muahahha... thank you to all participants.. u guys rock.. unfortunately i only hv one winner.. and the winner is....

To the winner.. CONGRATS!!!.. Please email me ur adrs so that i can send it to ur doorstep hahahha no no so that the postman can send it to ur doorstep..(click on the "Kontactr me" button at the top right hand corner of my blog to email me)
Have fun baking with Nordic bundt pan.. they're awesome!
Congrats Izahdaut....
wweeeiiiihhoooo ;)
Syabas for being an efficient organizer n congratulations to Izah ...
We, Yat & I had fun too :-)
tahniah izahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! mesti tgh lonjak gler gler sampai atas bumbung makcik tuh! kikikikiki..
Yessss!!! Cik Som..we had fun too, don't we ;) .....ingat nak kompang tapi tak leh dengar plak.. Congratzzz Izah!!
Hurrah!! to Rims..chef yg pandai meneka that alaska dessert and megorganize this contest!!
Congratulazion to the winner!! N salute to my sis for being a GrEaT BlOgGeR n a GrEaT ChEf!! Kicks, Li-LiN.
wahhh izah!!! tahniah!! rezeki tuh.. akak tumpang happy utk izah..
tahniah izah!!! alhamdulillah.. rezeki tuh!! akak tumpang happy utk izah.. :)
thanks rima coz anjurkan contest ni.. :)
opss sori rima, ingatkan yg 1st komen tak menjadi, dah 2x komen lak hehe
YEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAA...alhamdulillah..mekasihh kak rimm...ayat biasa..mcm tak percaya. saya buka blog ni then tutp then buka balik..still ada nama izahdaut the winner..hahhaa.. trima kasih trimaksih..hari yang bertuah...sambil melompat dan tersenyum girang... trimakasih juga buat ucapan geng2 bloggers semua.. aii tak sabar nk dpt adiahhh... muah muah.. i love u la kak rimm..hihihi
Tahniah Izah..... Amboi seronok sakan.....Kalau dah tak nak blh lah pass kat akak.
Rima, keep up the good work and thanks for the superb recipes yang akan lebih meng'expand'kan my waistline...
Congrats IzahDaut.. alamatnyer kenalah ke TOTT beli sendri bundt pan nih heheh
Congrats to the winner Izah! And thanks again to Rima for organizing this :)
Congrats Izahdaut!!
To everyone.. thank you.. thank you.. no worries.. it was good fun and hopefully if ade rezeki boleh lah I buat giveaway again hehehe
To Izah
Congrats once again.. ty for participating and hope u will like the nordic pan as much as i do.. and yep i will let u know once i've send it to ur place.. cheers!
Congrats Izahdaut...happy baking ;D
huhuhu..keciwa nya..kak Rima next time wt lg giveaway ye..=)..neway congrat kak izah..
Congrats Izahdut....alhamdullilah saya tumpang gembira gak...and thank you rima bagi saya join....
congrates izah!!!!! bestnyer!
tahniah izah. mesti syok perasaan tu dan berbunga2 hati nak dpt gift yg sangat best nih.
congrates izah...mesti syok kan ...bila dah dapat nanti tunjuk kat blog nyer.
aramak! i missed the giveaway while i was away in singapore lagik! sabor je la.. nway, congrat izahdaut!! siok tu dpt nordic bundt pan! idamanku selamanya.. nk kena g seniri la itu ToTT! tq sis rima for sharing the info on ToTT! tggu june thn depan, insyaallah.. when the gss is on ;)
Congratulations Izah! post a pic of the cakes you make using the pan ok!
cheers rima....my bday is 8.5....get it get it...he he!
muahaha Yani.. my bday is christmas eve.. get it.. get it??!! hahaha
mrs plain june
u're in singapore?? lahhh u shud hv gone to ToTTs dah.. tak pe tak pe.. hopefully kalau ade rezki and umur boleh lah u come here during GSS :op
itulakan.. nak jadi cerita.. pegi jalan2 without proper plan. redah je.. kalau i bukak yr blog while in sg sah2 i asked my hubby to stop by that TOTT.. yes yes.. moga panjang umur & murah rezeki utk kesana lagi nnti.. ameen...
Congratulation to the winner.
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