Two nights ago.. right after dinner we went out to hunt for durian.. we of cos ended up in Geylang area where one durian can easily cost us $40.. anyway long story short.. upon reaching there... the only kind they had was either the most expensive.. which is $38 per kg.. or $15 each.. so typical me who doesnt understand why someone wud wanna pay so much on durian (aka that someone is my super duper hb).. i told hb that we shud just take the $15 each and get 2 durians instead so that way i can take home if there is any leftover..
Our durians came short of our expectation.. it has nothing got to do with the sweetness.. its just that its not that "rich"?.. it tasted so much different than the one that we usually wud pay for.. i ended up taking home one of the durian and kept it in my freezer..

This morning when hb showed me the tuk tuk that he had fixed for Sonia.. (dont know why wud any airline wanna gv this as kids gift.. it took hb a solid hr to finish it).. i suddenly remembered the mango and durian sticky rice that we had while in bkk.. so without delay.. i decided to try my hand on serimuka durian for the 2nd time..
It came out perfect.. the texture .. the sweetness.. Ohhhh la laaa... i ate and i ate till i felt like vomitting muahaha.. i gave half to mom and dad and they gobbled em up right away.. one thing for sure.. i know now where my durian fetish comes fm hehe

500g glutinous rice - soak for an hr with 1 tsp of alkaline water (i didnt use alkaline water)
1 tsp salt
340ml light coconut milk
screwpine/pandan leaves
1 tsp sugar (i added)
1. Prepare the steamer. Combine glutinous rice, salt, sugar and coconut in a square or round cake pan. Mix well. Place the screwpine/pandan leaves on top of the rice and steam over rapidly boiling water for about 30–35 minutes or until cooked through.
2. Discard pandan leaves. Fluff up the rice, and then press rice firmly down with a banana leaf or aluminum foil until it is compact. Return it to the steamer.

300g durian flesh
250g sugar
6 eggs (abt 60g each)
60g flour (I added 10g more)
10g sago or corn flour (I used corn flour and added 10g more)
750ml thick coconut milk (i used KARA 350g and add 400ml water)
pinch of salt
a few drops of yellow colouring
Puree durian flesh with 100ml of coconut milk taken fm 750ml of coconut milk - set aside.
Stir eggs and sugar until well combined. Add in sifted flour and slowly add the coconut milk (650ml).
Add in puree durian and continue to stir.
Strain the batter to remove any lumps.
Cook it over low heat till slightly warm... stirring it occasionally so as to avoid any lumpy batter..
Scratch the surface of the steam rice lightly with a fork... press em again and prick with fork. Pour in the batter on top of the rice. Steam over medium heat for an hour or until set.
Set it aside to cool completely before cutting into serving pieces.

Source: Rossya
Janganlah buat kuih yang I turut suka. Please dont :-)
Lepas nih haruslah Yat buat; pastu 3E, pastu KG, pastu berjangkit kat I, hehehe.. (tapi ntah bila). In my pantry pulut dah sedia melambai2 n merengek2..
Hehehe ye ke cik som?? sebelum pulut tu memberontak.. pi lah kukus.. ni i hv like 250g beras pulut.. macam terasa nak buat pulut serunding but malas nak bikin serunding :o(
Oh dear! My cravings for Asian food has now become from bad to worse after reading this.
God help the husband because I will surely have a strop!!
By the way, I've been meaning to tell you this for ages, tapi asyik lupa jer. I've stopped buying cookery books since I've discovered your blog because i keep coming back to try out your recipes!!
Keep em coming! You're the best!
Cik Som...
sadly ai ngan oulut nih ada sket nyer tak ngam..tak taw lah kenapa..dia seperti tu castard yg selalu membuat ai bingai bila membuatnya..orang lain senang jer buat..pat ai ada masalah sket..tak taw la why...tak braper geng ngan ai..
eh Rims...but the durian rally make me so teruja nak buat...wlpn hanya ai yg akan bedal menda tu..tak per ku sabar..ku tunggu makcik perut mulat datang & can buat...makcik nih bagus...geng durian ngan ai :)..
waduhhhhh ayu nyer serimuka mu rimm! se`ayu` dirimu! ahakss.. kompom ko tgh tergolek2 bwk meja dek pujianku yg sungguh ikhlas.. kikiki...
rimm..giv me ur emel add pls... ai need ur help. jeng jengggg... kekeke
i love the way u put the durian part tu lagi banyak than the pulut part hehe..i suka byk topping tu but then my dotter pulak suka pulut banyak..in the end kena buat sama banyak huhu
salam Rima..selalunya cm intai dapur Rima dari tingkap je tapi kali ni terus masuk dapur sebab tak tahan bau dirian ni hehe pasti nak cuba resepi ni..thanks dear:)
wah kak rima, serimuka durian la...terliur dah ni.....tengok jerr dah tahu gerenti sedapp punya....nak cuba kena cari dulu durian ni...he..he...
dah la mmg mengidam durian sejak dua menjak ni.. mmg kena gi market, beli durian and buat nih..
rima, harap my husband doesnt see this...sure dia suruh i buat! i loath durian!
my oh my.. durian? yummy nyer.. i wish i live behind or near your house.. just go and knock the door and say " can i have some?" hahaha.. i'm really bad at cooking. just started learning so for now i will keep peeking your blog just to get the mood - to learn more.. but can i really have some? ;)
Salam kenal Rima..
serimuka durian sedapp .
comeiii potong bulat gitu..
Oh Goshhh....i can SMELL the durian from here... i better run now.... ciabot liao!!!!!!!! *bluekkkkk*...hehehe...
Hi Fely
Awwww ty dear.. u are too! I just wish i hv the time to start sewing again.. oh and congrats on ur new sewing machine ey.. u were absolutely right abt the C class and the parodua hahah.. betul3
Its been awhile since i last beli any cook book.. the last being dorie greenspan..
Kat rumah ni cuma my hb and me aje yg suka.. si hairi tak reti makan sangat.. sonia gv that funny look bila i suap dia.. so semalam lepas bagi bagi.. i ade balance 4 keping.. this morning my hb makan 2 pcs i makan 2 pcs... ahhh baru shiok to start our day hehhe
Muahahahha Hana kau ni buat ku tersedak sedak tau.. ah ni tengah tergolek golek bawah meja sambil tutup muka lagi hahahha
Eh u just hv to click it on my blog.. cuba lihat on ur right top hand side.. ahhh nampak tak?? kalau tak nampakkkk.. hahaha
If i buat serimuka .. i prefer this way.. my mom also suka banyak kaya nye dari pulut nye.. if ur daughter suka lebih pulut terpaksa lah u buat special loyang kecil untuk dia .. baru adil and saksame hehe
Salam CM
Ohhh patut lah setiap pagi Rima perasan macam ade orang kat tingkap hahahha.. mari lah masuk.. duduk duduk.. minum coffee.. makan makan hehe
If tengah musim durian belambak kat luar eh.. if berkurangan nak cari pun susah.. if selagi stok masih ade baik pi market and get durian.. dah tu pi buat.. sedap tau serimuka durian ni :o)
Kadang tu bila dah gidam kalah kan orang sedang preggie.. i also the same.. dah kenyang makan dinner boleh keluar cari durian but ah that night it wasnt me... it was my super duper hb yg gidam haha
I hope hes looking at the serimuka durian right now.. lepas tu suka tak suka u terpaksa buat kan.. "evil grin" hehehe
Hehehe Messy Mummy.. i baru aje ate the last 2 pcs.. kalau nak boleh.. u hv to catch it bef its gone hehe.. tak lah.. joking aje.. insya allah.. if u want ape salah nye.. o)
Salam kenal to u too Mamasya
Comel macam tuan rumah nye tak?? kahkahkah.. if u hv the time.. buat lah.. sedap tau.. lemak berkrim :o)
Eh Lyn.. what are u doing in my house.. pi sana.. main jauh jauh.. bau durian atat macam mau pengsan loh hahaha
oh kak rima kak rima kak rima kak rima... aiseeyyyy! baru siap bako itu congo bars akak, akak dah kuarkan satu lg menu kehantuaan kita! huh! tgh ngunyah2 congo bars sambil resize gmbr, kain baju ketepikan dulu wakakakaka....
oh kak rima kak rima kak rima kak rima... aiseeyyyy! baru siap bako itu congo bars akak, akak dah kuarkan satu lg menu kehantuaan kita! huh! tgh ngunyah2 congo bars sambil resize gmbr, kain baju ketepikan dulu wakakakaka....
Muahaha.. tu pasal kain baju diketepikan memang fav semua orang.. termasuk lah akak kau sorang ni Ijah hahaha
Sedap tak si congo bars tu?? boleh stop makan tak?? hehe
hah durian? nasib baik i bukan peminat no 1..can eat a lil...1 bijik pon cannot finish lah...tp tempoyak i makan, hahhaa...eh, kat sana ade tempoyak k? anything wif durian flavour pon i x mkn, kesian x kat jun ni rima? heheh...
waaaaa suda nampak suda nampk.. fuhh lega panjang umor lagi aku! kahkahkahkah.... tunggu arr... nnti kapan2 aku anto BOM ke emel kamu! muahahahahahaa
Tak sangka .. ramai jugak orang kita yg tak minat durian.. my son also tak suka.. my sis also tak suka.. bau aje.. seribu batu meka meka ni lari.. my hb pulak hantu durian.. heran2
Tempoyak i never makan.. tak pernah tahu pulak if ade jual kat sini ke tidak.. barang kali kat pasar geylang ade kot.. yg lain2 kita makan.. especially lempuk durian.. fu yooohhh hahaha
Eh macam cerita P Ramlee.. eh eh Bom Meletoppp!! hahaha
Ku tunggu ketibaan email mu Hana :o)
salam kak Rima, ros mintak izin copy resepi kuih seri muka durian ni ye kak, ros ikut kak hana, ganti lempuk durian, trima kasih ya kak
Be my guest Ros.. good luck and hmmm i wonder pakai lemput rasa nye sama tak..
hi rima
semalam tried ths seri muka but i guna lempuk je. lajatnyaaaa... now tk sabar nk try guna durian raw tu pulak ;-)
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