I hv been out and abt for the past few days.. err eversince last Thursday.. I am kaput and I am so ready to return hb's car back to him tmrw.. finally I hv had enough of driving for now and am planning to stay home and be a good girl hehe
Last Saturday while we were out with my god daughter Marissa and Alysha we received a phone call fm hb's ex Adelaide school mate.. he moved to Singapore 3 wks ago and has been adjusting very well to life here.. he came over to our place yesterday for afternoon coffee and ended up spending the whole evening with us.. was good fun catching up since the last time we met him was a year ago in Adelaide..

Anyway we later took him to Ikea to look for new furniture and also took him to dinner since it was his birthday.. Happy Birthday Will!!
I woke up today with a bad cramp.. its the time of the month and I'm not in the mood to do anything.. had planned to take Sonia to Go Go Bambini but she wasnt interested.. shes too engrossed playing with her new toolbox and naming all the tools in her toolbox without having me to teach her.. imagine the look on my face when she started saying "screwdriver, spanner and hammer" hahaha.. maybe i shud call her Sonia the handygirl ahakss
So ok.. this was what i baked today to take to my aunt's place.. had wanted to bake my typical pandan chiffon but while looking for a new recipe to try out, i found this wonderful looking chiffon in one of the indon websites..

7 egg whites
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
100g sugar
7 egg yolks
100g sugar
175g flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
75 ml cooking oil
150 ml of full cream milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cocoa powder (I used valrhona)
1 tsp chocolate paste (I added BF paste too)
1. Stir (B) until blended, set aside - (I whisk egg yolks and sugar first, then add oil and milk.. I then fold in sifted flour, baking powder and salt gently and put it aside)
2. Beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until bubbly, add sugar a little at a time and continue to whip until soft peak.
3. Take 1/3 of egg white mixture and add into egg yolk mixture.. fold in gently bef pouring the rest of egg yolk mixture into egg white. Divide batter equally into two portions and add cocoa powder and paste into one portion.
4. Spoon white batter and chocolate batter alternately into a 22cm chiffon pan.. bake it at 170C for 45mins.
5. Lift, turn the pan on the neck of the bottle, let stand until cold. Once cool, remove cake from pan with the help of a knife.

Source: Nova
Girl, you make baking look so easy weasy! The pix are inviting betul, really yummy. And thanks for sharing out your recipe.
Your cake always perfectly baked. Same to this chiffon, beautiful with additional marmer effects. Love it :)
It is if u put ur mind and heart to it.. do try out some of the recipes in my blog.. enjoy browsing!
Ty DG.. some are perfectly baked.. some are not.. just like when i baked the lemon banana cake last week... ekksss!
emmmm..another delis luking cake.InsyaAllah i shall try this. Rima, it just dawned on me dat u rarely put up pics of dishes that u cook. Wud luv to see them as well.
Il tuo blog è bellissimo!
the cake is so pretty, I love the marble pattern.
Wat orang jelessss jer ngan BF paste dia..we here harus just make do with choc paste..haizzz... babe...ai like the cake..trying to find time this weekend to do it hopefully..
this week no time during work hours to do blogwalk..almaklum gi sekolah..hahah..
sis...thanks for taking the kids out and the alas meja.jangan lupa bak sini sikit cake tu..pasti sedap
Your cake never fail to amaze me... Dah berkurun rasanya I tak buat Chiffon cake ni. Guess ought
to give it a try...
Your cake never fail to amaze me... Dah berkurun rasanya I tak buat Chiffon cake ni. Guess ought
to give it a try...
rima, sonia hari-hari tengok cartoon handy mandy ke..
snap her photo with the toolbox sure cute..i really love to see that chicky face of her with her toolbox..mesti cute
santekkkk... nak buah ah!! hahahaa
Rima ... kat Spore ada ke valrhona cocoa?? BTw - BF paste tu apa yek??
Try and bake it ok ..
If i were to put up all the pics that i cook.. habis lah I.. tak de masa plus masa yg i luang kan to bake and to take pic ialah waktu sonia takes her afternoon nap.. :o)
Ty Pinella for the link.. u got a nice blog too :o)
cantiknya marmar tu...u what, i've been collecting ur recipie since the first time i stumbled upon your blog the other day and until today tak buat2 lagi..adusss rambang mata pulak la nak buat yang mana satu ni...:-)
I think any marble pattern on any cake will turn out pretty.. gv this recipe a try ok.. the sweetness is just right even my grandmama likes it :o)
perhaps i should try whipping the egg whites in this chiffon cake first before attempting my macarons kan!
ps: murahlah silpat at sunlik tu, nxt time my aunt in s'pore turun jb i kirim dgn dia...
My hb gi sekolah last week and ended semalam sebab tu kereta ku terpaksa return balik to the owner.. kalau tidak cik Rima tak reti duduk diam hahaha
Pi buat this weekend ok... if tak de BF tak yah jeles.. just use chocolate paste.. lain kali i go jkt akan ku beli berkotak kotak.. then i can bukak business jual BF paste hahha
Semalam i bake it and only simpan sekeping for myself cos my hb not into chiffon .. i gave the rest to my auntie when i visit my nyai semalam..
No worries.. if friday dah bawak kakak2nye.. sat mesti bawak adik2nye pulak..
Nak cake?? aduhh bayangannye pun dah tak de kat rumah ni.. if nak rasa pi rumah cik kiah hahha
Try and bake it lah.. chiffon cake ni kalau lama u tak bake, dia boleh merajuk tau hehe
Gd luck!
I asked my hb if he was the one that taught Sonia all the tools name.. my hb then told me that actually each time he took out his toolbox.. si budak Sonia ni sure sibuk nak main juga.. so i guess she must hv picked up the names waktu papa dia explain to her abt the tool lah :o)
Hahaha Hana.. ape tunggu lagi.. pi buat ah..
We are lucky kat S'pore ade jual si valrhona product if not.. haizzz
BF paste = blackforest paste.. u cannot get it here tho.. i bought it kat Jkt.
haiyaaa...lum sempat nak try kek pandan...da kluar kek ni...uuuwaaa...plan nye last weekend nak buat...tapi disebabkan diserang sakit kepala dan selsema...kensel!..sebab mak kata...kalau takde mood nak buat..baik jgn buat..nanti kek tak jadi...eheheh...Insya ALLAH this weekend lah nak try....
my angan2 baking list...heheh
- kek pandan
- kek marble
- marmer chiffon cake
ooo...blackforest paste ... kat KL nie kan i rasa valrhona ni takde lah ... paling hebat pun yg i penah jumpa is Hersheys .... or maybe Beryls .. tp susah nk carik!! i nk buat choc cake yg moist.. and its DARK brown in colour ... aduh..terbayang bayang .... which recipe would you reckon? the Black Magic Cake or the Devil's food CHoc Cake? (sorry ya Rima.. terbanyak tanya pulak) ... nnt i nk tgk kot ada baking supplier yg boleh send via courier kat KL nie...
Kak Rima....
Fyi, I selalu bake Orange,Pandan & Chocolate Chiffon Cake je...nak cuba buat jugaklah this Marmer Chiffon Cake.....tq for sharing the recipe...muahhhh!!!
Btw, len kali belilah banyak2 BF tu..boleh jual kat saya jugak....:-))
Dear Rima...
Hi...my name is Zelda. I discovered your blog by accident and I am so glad. I really love baking and your blog is sure an inspiration. Due to my busy work commitments I seldom have time to bake, so looking at pics and reading your blog allows me to destress. Allows me to leave vicariously thru you.... Hope to keep in contact dear.. Am myself a mother of 3 boys. Anyway, I can contact you should I have any queries with regards to where you purchase the ingredients and also equipments? Thanks.
love and respect
Zelda M. Ibrahim
Bellissimo così con questo disegno a " zebra " , ciao
Lahhh I also like to write down recipe yg i nak bake .. some i makbul kan niat i.. some belum kesampaian..
Rambang mata online tak pe.. jgn rambang mata kat shopping mall.. tu bahaya tau heheh
If u want i can always get it for u but kan u hv to wait till i go KL again ah... ishhh dah more than 3 months i tak turun KL.. usually once a month tau..
Yes once u get the right texture of whipping egg white in baking chiffon..insyallah u will know how the texture of egg white shud be.. or let me tell u what i usually will do when beating egg white.. u make sure u stand kat mixer tu waktu u whisk ur cooked egg white.. bila dah soft peak gitew.. u tenung si egg white tu.. if once it turn berkilauan.. u off ur mixer and mix ur almond/icing sugar carefully making sure dia tak deflate.. ala ala macam u bikin chiffon gitu ah :o)
Panjang list nampak muahahha.. kesian nye.. bila dah baik jgn pulak masih tak buat buat.. bila dah menjadi.. let me know ok.. :o)
Of cos the devil food chocolate cake.. eh we found out that kat KL also got valrhona.. slightly expensive i heard.. u can get it fm Hilton KL or if u wanna get it in bulk (3kg) u can get it fm Classic Fine Foods
Hehehe 3E.. Insyallah.. nanti next time akan ku kotakan permintaan food blogger ku sekelian.. masa tu everyone can call me.. Rima Black Forest muahahah
Try buat ah and let me know ok :o)
Hi Zelda
Awww ty ty ty and a big Thank you for leaving ur footprints.. much appreciated :o)
Of cos u can ask me just abt anything Zelda.. ttyl
Thank you Stefania.. a zebra look can never fail to amaze me too :o)
haaa....next time u jadik supplier kat KL lah ... u beli banyak2 BF paste tu, pas tu si valrhona tu.... ambik order... datang KL..kitaorg collect!! heheheee.... ok ok..I shall try the Devil Food choc Cake and let you know the feedback!! (cepat lah weekend .... sbb weekend je ada masa nk bake!)
errr... Hilton KL? u mean kat dalam tu ada kedai yg jual goodies / chocs tu? but i bet those must be yg choc block kan?? hmm, nnt kalau u dah sudi jadi 'transporter' BF paste ngan valrhona kat KL... bgtau kitaorang yek! hehee....
Jadi supplier eh.. errr.. err errr haha
Let me know how it turns out.. good luck!
I noe u told me tis CAKE has gone with the wind...bau pon tak dapat! hehehehe.... satu lagi kek padan for saturday! muakakakaka... i am d tester REMEMBER! Li-Lin
Kek pandan.. i bake u take ok.. nyai pong nak seh kek pandan.. nanti si beauty pong nak if dia baca comment ni kahkahkah
oh rima....tqs a million for the tip...now nak collect egg whites first...got to make lapis...lepas tu kita tenungg itu egg whitse :p
Ahaakksss tenung jgn tak tenung tu egg whites haha
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