Actually i didnt wanna write anything except to post our weekend pics but unfortunately I hv to vent my frustration somewhere and it has to be here cos i didnt want others to make the same mistake..
A few days ago i decided to invest in my long awaited Silpat mat.. i had wanted to buy it since day one but hv always been postponing it since it isnt cheap for a baking mat.. i wud usually use parchment paper for all my baking and that includes baking macarons..
Anyway the day i decided to get not one but two Silpat mats is the day i found out that i had invested way too much! The amount of money i paid for two mats is the same amt of money where i cud hv gotten 3 Silpat mats at Sunlik instead.. arghhhhhh!!!! how cud i be so grrrrr!!! i got home feeling a little agitated with myself.. took out my egg whites and baked three batches of macarons.. and the end product.. smiling fm ear to ear.. ahhhh what a wonderful weekend.... :o)

Baked on Silpat .. I wud say.. its a perfect backside haha..
So ok.. here are some of little Sonia pics by the pool.. shes one tall girl i must say hehehe

Note: The cost of the Silpat mat at Sunlik is ~S$29.00. (I paid S$49.00 each)
I am looking into purchasing the silpat mats as well but was always skeptical about using it since i didn't think it would make much difference from parchment.Now that you have used it and was satisfied by the end results of your baking,i too am convince to purchase one now.hehe.I kene ade testimonial dulu before i purchase things like these.
Alahai,tengok gambar Sonya dgn bapak dia,she is so manja.What a cutie pie.Sayang dia dgn bapak dia.
Hehehe Zee.. i know si silpat mat ni bagus but kan rasa macam tak worth nak spend so much on it nevertheless its worth the investment lah if i had bought it kat Sunlik grrrr.. alamak macam mana masih rasa geram ni hahahha
Shes close to papa.. do lots with papa.. tu sebab if i tak ikut hb outstation hari hari pun dia tanya papa dia.. tiap malam pun nak skype with papa dia.. haizz
Gorgeous looking macaroons. So envious bila tengok orang terer buat macaroons ni :-). I'm not that patient with details :-(.
Sonia does look tall in the photos and so cute. if only my kids were taller but unfortunately diaorang ikut Mak diaorang yg vertically challenged ni! hehehe
A mistake worth S$20, OKlah tu, kot?? Berbaloi juga tu as you managed to have a 'perfect backside'.
Psst.. daddy's gal (siap kena incang).
Hehehe LG.. si Sonia nasib ikut papa dia.. if ikut i.. kemetot jugak..
Tak yah envious.. gv it a try ah.. lama lama sure u terer jugak buat macarons ni :o)
Sob sob CS.. I wish cuma $20.. sekeping silpat mat i dah rugi $20.. i beli 2 silpat mats.. so dah rugi $40.. lepas jugak tau if i beli barang barang baking dgn $40.. nasib baik cik Rimamelati tak beli more than 2 keping :o(
alah..the price u paid for a perfect backside...LOL!!! tak per lah montot tu perferct kan..i meant the macaroons lah..muehehehe!!!
tapi kalo pay extra to get all our backside perfect sgtlah berbaloi..kahkahkah..apa ai dah merepek nih...haha...
ok..lah u akceli sengajakan tayang amcaroons tu kasik ai jeles tahap gabanzzz...ka..kan...kan...
girls closer to dads, sons closer to moms?? tapi mine tak jugak..except when asking for moolah...hehehe..sebab dia orang takut kena soal siasat nagn dude..
Nasib we're on the same page.. talking abt macarons backside if yg lain punya backside i tak rasa its gonna cost me under $100 .. if murah sudah tentu all the cellulite masih bersepah muahahah
I think so too.. my son is closer to me than his dad.. sonia is closer to papa eventho papa discipline her
he he, i oso hv a confession to make...i bought a candy termometer, heat proof spatula (ouch mahal...) and a silpat (not silpat brand...double ouch) and been failing my macaron (tripple ouch ouch)....hence my macaron chronicle story...a long awaited blog post entah bila! hv a brilliant week rima!
Failing ur macarons?? i nampak kat ur blog macam ok aje.. ape yg tak kena tu??
Waktu i bought my thermometer and what not pun macam ouch ouch but manakan i guna kan semua bende tu i tak rasa lah ouch nye.. ni silpat mat i dah guna kan to bake my famous amos chocolate chip semalam.. pendek kata.. i no longer geram anymore.. what to do kan.. u gain some u loose some...
U too gf.. hv a good week!
Oooooooop! tu lah terlampau berhati-hati, terjebak juga. Aku pun penah kena, tapi aku diam je sbb takut laki aku perasan. cool giler nak sorokkan kesalahan sendiri. Pastu lebih berhati-hati.
LOL I tak sorok pun cos my hb tak kisah pong.. when i told him he said.. its ok lah.. what to do kan.. u bought it already haha
aduhhduhhduhhhh..tersangat jeles tgk macaron tuh yg sangat santekk kejadiannyaa... masih terbayang2 macaronku yg gepeng! ohh tidakkkk hahahahaha
LOL Hana.. cuba buat lagi dan lagi dan lagi.. sure menjadi.. if nak kan si backside dia lagi cun.. pi beli si silpat mat tapi jgn kena tipah tertipu pulak hahaha
She so happy.
Especially when papa dia balik work.. happy sangat dia and when papa gi outstation n we tak ikut, she will ask for papa dia..
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