The second layer cake that I've baked.. have been wanting to bake this cake eversince I first saw it in KG's blog.. just like any other lapis cake that uses fruits.. this one tastes slightly different than my banana and durian lapis cake.. it has that sweet thang taste and I think mom wud love the taste of this chempedak lapis cake as much as the other two!

500g butter ( I used Golden Churn)
1 tbsp vanilla extract (I added a tsp vanilla powder)
14 yolks
6 eggs
275g caster sugar
2 tbsp ovalette
(C) sift together:
100g HK flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
(D) blend together:
500g cempedak flesh
150g condensed milk
1. Preheat oven.. 175C.. prepare a greased 8x8x3.
2.Beat A for about 3 minutes, set aside.
3. Beat B until light and fluffy, about 10 mins
4.Fold A into B until well incorporated.
5.Fold C into the AB mixture, mixing well.
6.Start layering batter.. I weigh 75g for each layer and bake using upper fire (grill).
7. Once bake.. take 2 tbsp of chempedak paste and spread it evenly and bake again for abt 3 mins or till chempedak layer is well dried!
8. Continue to do so till ur done with ur batter... batter-chempedak-batter-chempedak.. lol i think all in all i had to take in and out my baking pan more than 40 times!!
9. Bake last layer using upper and lower heat.. 150C for abt 20mins.
I also baked four other lapis cake.. lapis prune, lapis rempah, lapis nutella strawberry and lapis nutella.

Recipe of lapis prune and lapis rempah u can get fm my previous post... recipe of both lapis nutella u can get fm abg Rozzan blog.

Sorry but u guys hv to do ur own google translate for now cos I need to sleep early as tomorrow i hv a few more cakes to bake.. nite peeps!
Just a short one .. OMG! Menciii..
Cik Som
Alahhh dont menci lah.. I lap u tauuuuu hahaha
ya allah...cantik banget cake lapis ni..rasanye mesti sedap sehingga menjilat jari tangan dan kaki kan..(PUJI ADA MAKNA K)minta cikit..SELAMAT HARI RAYA
Wow! That's one crazy awesome baking weekend!
Yg mana yg cantik banget?? u think i dont know u like the one that uses 34 eggs?? sudah sudah.. tu cholestrol tinggi tau.. tak leh.. harus jaga kesihatan.. nanti i gv marble cake instead muahahah
Aduh KG i am not too sure if i shud publish ur comment.. ade phone nbr ade car nbr lagi.. nanti if i publish kang orang lain yg serbu heheh..
Insya Allah.. if ade kelapangan ape salahnye.. if ur in sg do let me know boleh i rebake again cos all of my cake will go to moms place for now.. maklum orang muda mana ade orang datang first week kan heheh.. I usually will bake a different batch after raya.. kira macam nak super fresh lah gitew muahahah
Anyway selamat hari raya to u and ur family.. if i terkasar gurau ke.. harap maaf kan ye.. oh in btw my email adrs is auefamily@gmail.com
Kak Rima,
I sungguh impressed sangat2 dengan u sebab u terror giles buat kek lapis..Cantik pulak tu...Kek lapis ni blom pernah sekali pun I buat...
kena pergi berguru dululah nampak gayanya....
Btw, Selamat Hari Raya buat Kak Rima & family ya!
Salam Rima, agak2 biler la i bole dpt kek2 yg end results mcm u punye eh..btw i tied d lapis nutella..fulamak, best laa, tks again 4 ur tips eh..lepas nie rase2 da tk payah beli lagi..n my lapis strawberry cheese pun menjadi u...Nway saje nk ucap Selamat Hari Raya to u nfamily...misah..
Tell me abt it.. its been one crazy week and I am glad i've done 80% of it :o)
Aduhh tak de lah seterror mana pun.. am still learning to perfect myself.. last time also my layers selekeh until i learn how to timbang my batter heheh.. harus trial and error lah kek lapis ni.. tak yah berguru if u tekun :o)
Selamat Hari Raya to u and ur family ok.. hope u will hv a good one.. :o)
Alhamdullillah.. senang hati bila kek kita menjadi kan.. I used to like nutella lapis but lately i am so so into indon lapis legit that no other kek lapis can satisfied my craving.. ni lapis surabaya and the new moscovis.. macam tak leh dipisah kan dari my mulut gitew hahahah
Selamat Hari Raya to u and ur family too..
My goodness kak rima!!!! so many favours ... fuuuuh!!! ... power2 ...
it looks so pweety and yummy ...
Salam Kak Rima,
I wanna check with u, for the lapis nutella strawberry cake, what is the measurement of ur baking pan?
Salam Liza
It's 8x8.. U can use 9x9 too
Salam rima, akk nk tanya tips buat kek lapis yg lembut dan moist..akk tgk kek lapis rima semua cmtu...apa rahsianya..tq
i honestly believe it all depend on the recipe that u use.. after baking lapis for more than 20yrs.. i much prefer the ones that uses lots of egg yolks.. cake will definately turned out lembut and moist.. lagi satu waktu membakar .. u cannot let it bake far too long.. nanti ur layer kering..
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