A few days went past and bef I know it.. its been 4 days since I last updated my blog.. busy with my kids.. Eid visiting.. yadda yadda yadda.. Sonia didnt get her booster jab last friday simply cos she still has flu and will only get her jab in two weeks time.. doc said she has an ear infection cos of her bad cough.. shes no longer coughing and no longer needs to blow her nose all the time but still has to take her ear infection medication till end of this week..

Hairi on the other hand is resting at home and will be going for his second appt this afternoon... my nyayi is still in hospital and it was nice to finally get to visit her last friday.. she looks ok except shes in pain when u touch her swollen leg when we visited her again last sat. Dont know when i will be able to visit her again cos this week I am gonna be busy baking for this weekend event... oh and finally we managed to cover a few "must" go houses for Eid.. yes yes we are very much still into Eid mood hehehe

Anyway hv u heard of layer cake using egg whites only?? well this cake uses egg white and its funny how many cake recipes u can find online using egg whites alone.. try it and who knows u might like it :o)

270g butter
1.5 tbsp condense milk
450g egg white
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp emulsifier
180g sugar
115g HK flour
25g milk powder
a drop of yellow colouring
chocolate paste - (i used BF paste)

Preheat oven 175C
Whisk butter for 30mins and add in condense milk..
Fold in sifted HK flour and milk powder - put aside
Whisk egg white, salt and emulsifier till fluffy.. add in sugar a little at a time and continue to whisk till soft peak.
Fold in egg white mixture into butter mixture carefully.
Divide batter into two equal part.. add BF paste to one part and yellow colouring to another
Bake every layer (80g) using upper fire (grill).. bake last layer using upper and lower fire 150C for 15mins.

Note: I used chocolate chip on every chocolate layer..
Source: Fm an indon food blogger whose name i had forgotten to write down in my baking book.. all i wrote down was Saji (a book where she got the recipe fm).. so ty dear blogger for sharing!
my chinese colleague tat day gave me 4 recipes...3 kek lapis gulung recipes tat uses egg yolk...pastu another one marble cake recipe tat uses the egg whites...hehe..so clever...make use of all the eggs...tak waste....
Of cos Ain.. no wastage in a baker's life hehhe.. marble cake using egg white tu macam fly african.. u can use egg white to bake lots so jgn buang.. simpan kat freezer and when u wanna use it.. keluar kan.. put it to room temp then use it..
Hi Kak Rima...
macam teruja nak try bake this lapis legit choc ni...tapi I tak pernah buat kek lapis. Adakah setiap kali kita bake lapisan kek tu, kita kena tekan2 lapisan tu sebelum masukkan new layer???
Pastu, boleh tak saya dapatkan email kak Rima supaya lebih senang nak berkomunikasi...?
3E.. I selalu encourange everyone to cuba and bake it sendiri cos tak susah mana pun once u dah biasa buat.. all u need is a little patience hehehe..
Ah ah.. every layer u timbang batternye, bakar, press press (harus pakai pressernye baru cantik ur layer) then brush with a little melted butter bef tuang another layer. buat lah sampai habis :o)
My email adrs is auefamily@gmail.com.
sunnguh bagus and akan ku cuba....the egg whites yg left over hari tu buat lapis banyak banyak i buat macarons you...and jadik you la la la la....tqs rima!
Macarons is a must every single time u hv left over egg white.. tak buat rugi heheh..
No worries.. am happy ur macarons and kek lapis semua menjadi la la la la hehe
Alamak dear..baru ai gunakan the balance egg whites..miss setapak lah..
macarons is another recipe yg lum berani dicuba..nanti2 lah.. :)
hope sonia is getting better ... i think aside from the festive season ... the weather pun macam skejap panas den ujan selebat2nye making us tak sedap badan gitu ...
anyway the lapis chocolate awesome!!! actually ape2 yg chocolate semua ilah suker hee hee
Hi Rima,
Found that your kek lapis is amongst the most interesting cakes in your blog. The pics were all so well taken ... it just makes you drool each time you look at it. Have tried a few of them and they all turned out very nice ... with such clear guidance written, how can anyone fail ??? ;)
Will try baking Bolu Hong Kong this evening. They looked so pretty !! Just like the ones at BreadTalk ...
Once again, thx for sharing your recipe & experience ..... ciao
salam Rima, misah here..hope u n family r well, esp sonia, kesian kan, pd i biar kita sakit drp anak yg sakit.. anyway nk tanyer kek lapis yg ini jenis lembab ke yg kering sikit eh coz org kat ruma ni kalau yg dry tu tk minat...lagi satu nk mintak tips frm u la. i buat kek gulung tapi dier slalu melekat kat paper or plastik yg i guna mase i nk menggulong tu , canmer eh?? TQVM sangat2...
kak rima...
nak gak buat.. tp tak tau 450gm teloq tu agak2nye bape biji ek..
looks so rich and chocolately, yummy. Hope your gal get well soon.
Nevermind.. there are lots of recipe that u can try when it comes cake lapis and fm there u kumpul kan all ur egg white.. nanti sampai nak termuntah bila tengok bertingkat tingkat tupperware u in the freezer hahahaha..
Macarons u hv to keep on cuba.. if u know how to fold in egg white bila bake chiffon i am pretty sure u will get it right but of cos tak semudah itew.. i also hv to keep on trying sampai my macaron pakai skirt and tak keluar jerawat kat pipi macarons tu wakakaka
Ty Ilah.. si budak sonia ni dah ok.. dah terpekik terlolong pun kat rumah... I know u like chocolate.. if u hv lots of egg white to spare u can try and bake :o)
Hi Winnie
No probs.. sharing is caring hehehe..
I am so so happy to hear that u hv tried a few of the recipes fm my blog.. so glad that it all turned out nice.. let me know how bolu HK turn out ok.. gd luck!
Ty .. hope ur family pun sihat sihat..
Any cake recipe yg mengunakan only egg white tak mungkin akan dapat cake yg super moist.. this kek lapis is not dry either.. my hb suker pulak.. maybe cos i letak chocolate chip byk2 tak kahkahkah
Bu.. kalau mau lapis yg super moist harus cuba resep yg irit telurnya hehehe
Oh regarding swiss roll.. i usually will let it sejuk sikit baru i gulung.. kadang tu it will melekat jugak tau.. part part gitew lah macam frust tonggek sikit :op
Actually i usually ade egg white kat freezer tu sebab kalau tak kerana i hv lots i tak akan dapat mencuba this recipe.. anyway one eqq = abt 40g.. u agak agak ah ok.
Hi Jess
Ty.. shes better now.. i wouldnt call this cake rich rich but definately chocolaty and not dry.. a cake that uses only egg white can never taste the same as the ones that uses 36 egg yolks in one cake hehehe
Ya Allah Rima, I baru je tgh bkr lapis prune. Tak siap lagi you dah post lapis coklat ni. Rasa cam nak try tp I think I need to go to foot reflexologist dulu kot. Tak larat nak diri lama-lama maklum umur-umur midi ni... hahaha...
you ni very smart la. Berlambak putih telor dlm peti sejuk tak tau nak buat apa. Lepas tengok blog you terus rasa bersemangat nak cuba dari membazirkan putih telur tu. tq kak aida klang
hai rima, misah again, thank you soo much eh u melayan all my queries....btw tadi siang i tried baking the swiss rolls again, this time Alhamdulillah dier tk melekat pulak, cantik jer nmpk lorek2 kat kulit dier..tk tau la wat went wrong d other time..p.s tgh nk kumpul putih telor gak ni, ingat nk try ur lapis putih telor yg berkaler2 tu tapi tgk yg ni pon mengancam!! Tks again rima...
Mrs &
Hehehe part part umur midi ni macam tak betul tau.. we are still young.. at heart hehehe
Dont know why this few rounds I am so into baking lapis.. probably cos masih musim raya so kek pun harus yg ala ala raya gitew .. nanti lepas raya lain pulak yg berlapis muahahha
Kak Aida Klang
Memang pun.. selagi putih telur tu kat dalam fridge.. selagi tu lah otak kita tak tenteram.. nak buang membazir.. nak bake terpaksa lah cari resepi.. cuba lah.. siapa tahu u might like it eventho its not as moist as the one that uses only egg yolk :o)
Salam Kak Rima (kih3.. ngader2 betul I kan?).
Tak larat I tengok kueh mueh you (tak larat bukan sebab tak sedap ke apa; I hope by now you taulah sebab musababnya as to why I tak larat tengok *tssk tssk am green with envy*.
Ehh, you nampak comel bila pegang toy kuda tu, hehe.
No worries Misah.. lah kenapa ur comment baru terkeluar kat my comment box padahal i dah approved tsk tsk.. anyway alhamdullilah.. kadang swiss roll ni kerenah sikit part mengulung..
Muahahha pasal dah tak comel lah harus memegang benda yg comel comel.. sudah ku duga.. rupe nye kuda tu membuat ku nampak comel wakakakaaa
I know lah kak CS what u maksud.. no worries.. kita geng chinchai one tau :op
Salam alikoum!!
Thanks for sharing your amazing recipes!!I'm from France and I looooooooove your blog!!I'd love to try the lapis and I want to know what HK flour is ?? Is the emulsifier nececessary and last question can I replace BF paste (don't know what is it) by Nutella?
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse!
P.S : Mash Allah, you have an amazing gift!!
Salam Zwina
Thank you and Welcome to this humble blog of mine.. hopefully ur able to try out some of the recipes in my blog..
Hong Kong flour is best used for making delicacies, mooncakes, steamed buns, sponge cakes and all flour-based products that require especially light and soft texture.. if u cant find it there.. u can op for cake flour or any other flour that is low in gluten ..
Emulsifier is necesarry in this recipe as its responsible for the softness of ur cake (since this recipe only uses egg white)
BF is black forest paste which i got it fm Jakarta Indonesia.. i dont think u can find it there tho.. u may sub with chocolate paste or even nutella..
Happy baking!
Thank you for answering Rima!!! Can't wait to see your new yummy post!!Bises!
Hi Rima, I can see that u are good with cake lapis. Not many young people loves baking cake lapis. Thumbs up girl......
Salam Kak Rima,
May I know what is the size of the baking pan u used for this recipe?
Thanks in advance.
Salam Liza
Its 8x8"
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