When the cat is away.. the mice got bored.... yep yep.. hes not in town again.. hb flew to HCM yesterday and will be home on Friday.. I shud hv just rest at home after a hectic wkened but instead I decided to take Sonia to the zoo this morning and stayed there till after lunch.
By the time we were done and back in the car i was so exhausted that i had to wait a few mins bef i cud even start to drive.. honestly my greatest fear was .. falling asleep while driving... :o(

We got home safely.. alhamdullilah.. put her to bed and after sholat i managed to nap for an hour .. I woke up.. baked Hairi his fav cheesecake.. (yes my son is still on MC and will hv to go back to take off his stitches this friday... the same day i hv to send Sonia for her booster jab which i think i might call them up tmrw to defer the date.. the same day I hv to go to the airport to fetch hb..)

Anyway i cant stay long.. Sonia is sleeping next to me and i dont want her to wake up to the sound of my typing.. for some reason she kept on saying "takut" "takut" after i fixed her new thomas train track two hrs ago (I had bought it for her earlier today when I was in town to meet up with sis Lyn and Wati for a quick coffee) she was all ok at first till i went down to get some batteries for her new toy.. she suddenly started shouting for me and looked really scared when i got to her room.. she said she doesnt want thomas and wants me to put it away.. honestly i cud sense something wasnt right when she keeps on saying that she wants her roller blind to be up too.. hmmm .. it was almost midnight.. Hairi is not home.. alone in our 5 storey house.. best solution.. sleep together hahaha
50g flour
50g cornstarch
60g unsalted butter
250g cream cheese, leave at room temperature
120 ml whip cream - (I used double cream)
5 egg yolks
2 tsp grated lemon peel
5 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
125g caster sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
toppings (I didnt use any topping)
2 tsp apricot jam
2 tbsp water
* Prepare a round baking pan 22 cm, Cover baking paper, spread butter. Preheat oven to 150C.
* Mix the butter, cream cheese and whip cream in the container. Simmer, stirring until soft, remove from fire. (double boiler)
* Add sifted A (flour mixture) and stir well. Add egg yolks and continue to mix well.
* Add lemon skin, mix well, set aside.
* Beat the egg whites until frothy, add sugar and lemon juice a little at a time and continue to whisk till soft peak.
* Pour 1 / 3 egg white mixture into cream cheese mixture and stir well. Pour this mixture into remaining egg white mixture and stir well.
* Pour batter into pan, bake au bain marie way, about 75 minutes until the surface of ripe, golden yellow. Remove from oven.
* Once completely cool, remove cake from pan.
* Heat the apricot jam and water, apply to the surface of cheesecake.

Note: I shud hv waited till my cake cools down bef slicing em!!
Hi!!! I absolutely love your blog!!!! My mom sent me a link to your blog and it blew me away.
I think your creations are amazing and your photography is just as amazing! You are so talented! Well done!
ishhhh...ai baca pun seram gak ah...ai nih jenis takut-takut berani..lebih takut dari berani..
sometimes must listen to the kids bila part cam nih..ai pun akan sleep tog & berselimut dari kepala sampai kaki....haha..
kat umah ai my 1st son steady jer pat seram2 cam nih..mana2 ceruk gelap dia steady jer pegi wlpun dah tgk & dengar citer seram, lagi seronok..kemarin dia orang malam2 buta gi jalan kat changi hospital..ai apa lagi bila dapat tahu, membebel tak renti, suruh dia mandi, solat, ngaji..ialah takut menda2 ikut..bila ai tanya nampak apa2 tak? dia bilang ada tapi tak jelas..sudah tak yah citer..ai made him promise ai jgn pi lagi this kinda place..tak yah carik menda2 cam nih kan.....hmmm.. my kids ni 2 opposite, yg 1 part mystic tak reti takut yg 1 ya rabbiiii...bunyi menda jatuh sket kat dapur dia bule lari lintang pukang lompat atas katil ai..hish!!!
looks delicious, cheesecake is always my favourite :).
thnks for the treat sis...anyway tell hairi to stay home today and keep both princess accompany k
sedapnya nampak kek ni....nak try la buat, saya ni memang giler kek kek cam ni... napa sonia takut tu? mungkin mata thomas train tu besar kot dengan bunyi kuatnya tu..anak2 saya pun, kalau beli toy baru yang bernyawa ni, mmg takut, but 3,4 hari lepas tu ok..
Oh wow ur mom sent u my link?? ty ty to both of u..
Honestly, I still hv a long way mastering my photography skill.. nevertheless am just glad that each time i hv to take pic of my bake.. it doesnt take more than 10 mins to get it done.. ty again Ju'eta and say hi to ur mom yah..
Babe u tengok lah .. i dah type panjang panjang aleh aleh my lappy shut down by itself.. haizzz
Pasal semalam tu.. i actually dah rasa semacam tau but as always lah i ignore aje feeling2 cam gini .. to me kalau tak rasa takut to the max i boleh handle lah.. after all if ade orang lain kat rumah ni tak pe jugak.. ni tinggal i and sonia aje.. so if takut pun harus force kan diri rasa berani..
At first after i fix her train set she was all ok.. then i went down to get new batteries.. thats when i heard her jerit jerit nangis.. i pun ape lagi terus lari atas and i saw her crying and heard her saying takut takut.. dont want thomas.. dont want battery.. mama keepppppp.. lahhh tadi kat mall nak sangat train set baru now tak nak pulak.. so i simpan balik dalam kotak and shower her.. hati ni tak sedap aje.. bila dah mandi tu i put her to bed and thats when she pointed kat window and told me to roll up her blind.. i rolled it up.. took her to my room.. sholat.. baca yasin and terus selubung under blanket.. bila dah baca ayatul kursi banyak banyak rasa seram pun hilang.. dah tu boleh update blog and skyped dgn my hb pulak muahahha.. ade ade aje!
This is my son's kinda chessecake,.. light and melt in ur mouth.. he can eat the whole cake by himself.. both hb and I like prefer the rich kind.. u feel contented just by eating a few spoonful hehe
sis Beauty
Haizz dah berbuih.. if tonight dia nak keluar lagi.. i will hide his motorbike keys!
Entah lah Izah.. shes into train track and she has a few thomas train track.. selalu tak ape ape.. tak tahu apasal lepas i dah fix the track and place thomas and its friends kat track dia behave macam gitu.. padahal dia jugak yg nak pasang battery.. dont know what happened waktu i turun bawah sekejap ambik battery tu yg pasti kita berdua terus cabut masuk my room hahaha
I'm so impressed with your baking creativity and passion. Wow, i wish that i'm always in the mood for baking like you. Thumbs up to you and keep up the good work.
Kat sini hantu omputih i tak lah berapa seram sangat, tapi kalau kat sana hantu melayu ke, cina ke agak ngeri bila membayangkan...hehehe.
Mrs Ong
My passion for baking has now becoming addiction to baking hehehe.. Ty ty i am so glad to hv u onboard n to see others enjoying my rambling n baking creavity is a blessing.. :o))
Muahaha hantu omputih tak seganas melayu n cina punya.. Hantu omputih muka tak takut.. Tengok aje si dracula.. Hansem aje.. Paling pun dia hisap darah aka kasi love bites.. Yg localnye.. Ternampak yg lompat2 aje kita dah gerun Hahaha
hai kak rima...bestnyer tengok blog akak ni banyak gmbr kek yg mengghiurkan hmmmm sodap tul nampaknyer...klu la kak rima jiran saya heheh tiap2 hari dtg minta ckit(muka tak malu)..mana k rima blaja buat kek ni ye..sungguh kagum..semoga k rima buat the best lagi for the cake tu ye...hadios..fr..RINA
Hi Rina
Tak pernah gi belajar pun hehe.. The only time that i ever attend class was belajar menjahit baju.. Baking ni u hv to practice n pratice baru dia ok.. Piping i belajar fm youtube hahaha
Eh if u my neighbour lagi bagus.. Boleh tolong habiskan tak yah suruh orang dtg amik hehe
Eiiiii...told you the other day Sonia react the same way wen i was at ur house rite---tan picaya lagi.. hehehe...
Alah,panggil jer ghost buster k...
Kak Rima, rumah 5 tingkat eh.. macam maner tu bersihkan rumah.. dengan anak, dengan membaking lagi.. ish.. tabik!! i rumah lima bilik, takde anak & tak baking, pun malas & tak larat nak bersihkan rumah...
fm: idah
Tak ape ape lah.. cuma semalam tu memang both of us penat giler.. tu sebab rasa yg bukan bukan.. eh dont remind me eh.. i still hv one more night to go wokey :p
Hehe Idah.. if dah tinggal rumah yg bertingkat.. suka tak suka terpaksa jugak buat.. how to tengok serak serak..
Baking tu meringan kan stress yg benarnye.. during sonia nap time lah i buat kerja rumah.. lepas tu harus baking.. lepas baking boleh hv a cuppa with a slice of cake ahakkks
Alaa Rima, u buat lagi eh? Tapi kali ni mmg nampak gebus dari atas ke bawah lah. Ehh and this recipe tak pakai cream of tar tar eh? Leh naik eh egg white tu just beat guna sugar n lemon juice?
p/s bebudak kecik mmg some of them gifted kut leh nampak benda2 nih. like my daughter when she was little.
Ni different recipe.. It uses salt instead of cream of tartar n the amt of flour n egg pun lain.. To me yg ini lagi shiok ke ne ne hahaha.. Super melt in ur mouth sampai tak perasan berapa keping dah masuk kat tekak hehehe
Budak memang senang nak nampak.. I also can since kecik.. :(
wow 5 storeys!
bila nak dapat rumah gitu?!
and the cake we like too!
ur food always look so good :)
We live in a town house type.. so our 5 storeys tu tak lah sebesar yg u sangka kan but jenuh jugak bila part nak mengemas.. imagine kemas fm one flour to another and bukan senang nak hangkut si mr vacumn up and down.. after living here for a year now i rasa rumah lama i yg 2 tingkat tu lagi senang.. luas but i dont like the big garden pulak cos tak siapa nak kelolekan muahahha ade ade aje.. queen complain nbr one ahakkss
Yup, i notice the diff of ingredients measurement too but almost the same type and same method. I will DEFINITELY try this one too. *u lupa nak bgtau letak salt dlm method masa beat egg whites tu ek. he he.. masa bila nak letak salt? sblum beat ke?
Oh ye ke Yan? Lahh .. Yes u add it sebelum pukul egg white
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