I had planned to post this one after my puding post but didnt do it cos i was like a zombie lol.. trying very hard to type properly and at the same time creates a lot of typo error ha!
Remember when i said last night we were out and abt on our own - very precious time for us since we dont get to do that as often as we want- well I managed to get a few stuff for my two boys.. "butang baju aku mana pahhhhhh" hehehe .. baju kurung melayu for both (usually i will get one but this year hb decided to wear one too.. woahhhh) and kain samping.. (woaaahhhh again hahahha)
There is a simple explaination as to why this year he decided to wear em.. for the past few years.. come what may.. we will make an effort to drive to KL to get his baju datok datok aka batik sutera shirt fm Noor Arfa but this year it doesnt look like we are able to do that.. sooo it was either he used whatever he has in his wardrobe, drive in to JB this weekend to find a nice batik sutera shirt and get stuck in a massive traffic or buy something that doesnt make him feel warm while visiting on the 2nd day of Eid..

All the pic abv was taken last night after Iftar.. very crowded and there is no way I am able to take pics like this on weekend cos u simply cant even walk.. too many ppl and what u saw is just on one side of the road.. they have another super big bazaar on the other side of Geylang.. ppl auctioning carpets.. ppl selling all sort of stuff for upcoming Eid.. ppl selling all kinds of yummy food.. and best of all u get to bump into old friends and relatives.. and to be honest.. both hb and I wouldnt want to miss out on this once a year affair ... especially going there on the eve of Eid.. its super crowded and at the same time its fun to do ppl watching hehehe..
so colourful ni Geylang nih.. 19 years & counting dah tak pegi Geylang masa eve of EID..err..come to think of it, masih belum pegi Geylang lagi semenjak Ramdhan nih..suddenly teringatkan dendeng arr..
I only gi Geylang if i nak pi cari baju kurung heheh.. Eve tu kira nak kepo kepo tengok gelagat orang..
Why u havent go there?? tak yah cari "butang baju aku mana pahhhh"?? hehhe
Dendeng i dont know how to eat.. if i go there i sure want to buy putu piring and karipap yg famous tu :o)
Ohhhh tu putu piring jgn cakap lah...bikin perut ku lagi keroncong...karipap?? oh yess..baru gak dpt rezeki karipap..
Dendeng berebut makan kat sini..dah lah mahal plak tu..ai prefer beli yg frozen..leh ai sembunyikan kat ceruk2 pfreezer..
err.. tak gi Geylang kerana Dude punya baju melayu is Johor style not the musang2 yg ada byk butang tu..As baju teluk blangah ni 1 jer lubang butang tu..maka ai selalu play cheat & beli baju yg dah siap butang melekat tu..
dolu2 bila pakai baju melayu lengkap ngan songkok & samping..sejak dua menjak nih..ntah samping dia dah ke mana dah...
Al-kisah in the early 90s semasa this SAHM was a career lady had to attend a class in Singapore dalam bulan puasa plak tu.. maka beramai2lah kitorang ke Geylang sipaku Geylang menjamu mata dan mencari makanan. Kenangan manis ...
Cik Som..
As such maka haruslah kita menjadikan kenangan manis Cik Som itu satu kenyataan.. Rims nak ajak kita ronda2 tahun depan..pun dgn kete sepot dia jugak..sama league ngan Mckaren ke tak, ai tak tau lak ah...
So Cik Som...amacam??? MOu kat tgn Rims skrg..
Babe and cik som
Kereta sepot ke kereta semput hahahah
Baju kurung johor i like tau.. hairi also like baju kurung johor but my hb tak suka.. he said macam baju pyjamas.. ade ade aje.. tak tahu peshion lah deni
Cik som
Siapa tak pernah gi geylang si paku geylang waktu ramadhan.. kira satu singapura turun sana.. kadang tu bukan nye boleh cari barang.. orang penuh sesak.. if nak beli harus gi weekdays hehehe
Salam Rima,
waaahhh....jelesnya we all tgk gambar bazaar tuuuuuu...skaaali we all homesick daaaaa....love the photos.
Woahhh Mami.. long time no hear.. ada baik kah??
Bazaar Ramadhan selalu dinanti nanti.. bukan ape.. suasana nye lain.. kalau tak kerana ramadhan si geylang ni sepi sikit.. i remember a few years ago kita raya kat aust.. we went to aust 2 wks bef raya dah tu macam tak keharuan asyik ingat nak raya kat sg.. sampai every single day i make sure i on my lappy to listen to sg radio.. siap kasi song dedication lagi.. bila balik a week after raya.. semua my auntie usik usik I.. hehehe
Nah... I dah beli 'blanco' sedojen nih.. Sila 'blanco'kan mana2 part of the MOU yg I dah TERrrr sign tu.
Terpaksa retract due to:
. Spore tu jauh
. Nak cepat sampai tapi takut naik plane
. Weight masih membimbangkan
. Kedutan masih lum tegang, auww
Cukuplah 4 tu dulu, eh eh eh???
Word verif: nonathop = nona melethop?? moi kah? kah3
kah kah kah.. cik som.. sampai beli blanco.. dah lama tak nampak si blanco in my household.. tak siapa nak pakai.. i think the last time i even think or nampak blanco was when we went to mustaffa center many years ago.. haiz teringat waktu sebelum jadi SAHM.. hari hari kat kerja benda tu kat dalam my drawer.. incase ade typo error.. then later no one uses blanco anymore cos semua pakai computer.. boleh delete delete.. memoriesssss
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