We took everyone out for iftar to show our appreciation to them for being there when we needed them the most while we were in Jkt.. so ty everyone...

Anyway.. My son came home with his bike yesterday.... Theres not much I can say to u son except pls do take care of urself while riding.. seeing him riding off with his bike reminded me of the time I send him off to primary school.. how time flies.. hes all grown up now..

.... and no dear.. u cannot take motorbike licence! hehehe
Well ok.. I'm off to bed early... been yawning non stop.. so gut night!
Hello there.
Were you and family in Serangoon Road, Mustaffa Ctr on Saturday night? If yes, then I might have seen you tapi segan nak tegur cos tak sure it was you.
Ok lah, selamat bobok ya. Sweet dreams.
Hahaha Sonia pun tak mahu ketinggalan.
hi rima...wahh, motorbiker dah...ur son mmg dah basar lah..x lama lg u kna tgk ade passenger plak kt blakang dia..hahahha..mmg time flies so fast now!
it was a good wkend.Thanks for everything sissss...luv u all to the max
Hehehe yes we were.. unfortunately we didnt get to stay long cos Sonia was super rewel that night :o)
Were u at the cushion cover area?? hehehe.. small world isnt it?? :op
Dia yg sibuk sangat.. tak habis habis nak naik motorbike
Dulu dulu kita pun sibuk nak naik father kita punya motorbike kan heehe
Haiz.. dulu tak de motorbike pun dah de mata air .. now dah single balik.. n ade motorbike.. lambat sikit lah nak ade mata air cos maklum mata air dia sekarang tu bike lah.. tak habis habis membelai benda tu haha
Woahhhh Beuty.. to the max seh hahahha.. ye ler.. ty cos semalam belikan black treacle kat JB
Million tank kayu for d *hei hei hei, sedap hei tak bole angs!!*... njoy till I got most breathless!! Muacks, li-lin.
Muahahha sis lin.. hei hei hei
Go n see a doctor! grrr
hmmm....handsome anak teruna you and the little princess....hmmm....
Hehehe thank u KG.. budak budak ni membesar dgn cepat nye.. thats why bila tengok dia ride motorbike next to our car that night i rasa macam terharu sikit cos dah besar anak teruna i ni.. si little princess tak lama lagi masuk sekolah by then mama dia stuck kat rumah lah tak leh ikut papa outstation lagi hehehe
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