No no no.. when I say Snow Princess.. I dont mean.. Dora the Explorer hehehhe.. this cookie is actually called Putri Salju.. direct translation wud be Snow Princess ahakkk... I'm planning to bake this gem again bef Eid cos after dividing it and munching on it non stop last night.. I dont think this cookie is gonna last till tmrw hahaha... I am crazy over this classic super melting moment cookie.. super easy to do and pls watch ur fingers when u roll ur hot cookies into the powdered sugar.. cos this cookie not only burns ur fingers.. it also burns ur dream of looking sexy for Eid muahahha

250g margarine - I used butter
2 tbsp milk powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
450g of low-protein flour - cake flour
200g powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilli powder - I used 1/2 tbsp
- Preheat oven to 160 deg C
- Grease a baking pan with margarine
- Beat margarine, milk powder, and baking powder until smooth
- Add flour, stir well until ur dough is good enough to shape
- Shape it like crescent
- Bake for 20 minutes, lift it immediately while its hot and roll it into ur powder sugar + vanilli (I sieved my sugar and pls be careful when ur roll em cos it break!)
- Store in airtight container

Source: Ningnong
this kukis kira sepusat sepusing mak bapak asing2 ngan tu makmur kan..cuma ni no rasa ni ai bleh makan 5 sekali gus, no hal..bila makan menda ni sila ingatkan ai :)
Cik Som, tak yah ingatkan sbb buah ati dia si JP..
Jangan endahkan pesanan Yat itew. Dia memang NOTI!
Rima, belum apa2 lagi I dah mula nak menderhaka, hihihi. Kalau kita tak buat shape crecent, kita buat shape sesuka ati jantong pisang kita, boleh tak? *mata terkelip2* AND why do we have to use the low protein kinda flour?? (mulalah malas nak gi kedai beli tepung jenis tu).
Lain binte aje tak?? hahah but kan yg ini macam virgin gitew cos tak gedek gedek.. halus and melt gitew.. macam si anak dara sunti hahaha
JP tu adelah.. jemput pisang??
Cik SOm
She memang noti .. nak kena rotan agaknye
Lahhh JP tu rupe nye jantung pisang.. ouwww if dah lepas buat satu loyang and dah terasa kepenatan nye mengshape kan cookie ini.. si jantung pisang akan look like.. err Yat tolong sambung kan.. sesungguhnye ku berpuasa :pp
Lahhh lupa pulak.. cake flour to make ur cookie lagi lembut membelai lidah tak?? u no hv cake flour.. u do ur own mix ah to get cake flour.. cuba google .. cos u can find it online cik som :o)
Yat pun berpuasa juga n so am I. Maybe jwpnnya akan timbul malam nanti kot siang2 nih hukumnya makruh, heheh.
Abaikan part jantong pisang tu Rima cos I melalot masa menulis tu (u know me kan? QL = queen lalut). JP stands for jemput pithang, always..
Abt the flour, OK thanks. I got a bit of ilmu there. :-)
No worries cik som.. ilmu harus dishare.. banyak pahala nye tau hehehe
One of my favourites too :)
Mine too! :))
Hi, Rima
Once again, I'm ur big fan! :)
My recipe for kue putih salju (I never call it putri salju)
100gr butter
100gr margarine
80 gr powder sugar
300gr flour
150gr ground cashew nut
provide some more powder sugar for coating,
Thank You
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