The holy month of Ramadhan for Muslims is just a day away and already supermarket shelves are loaded with a huge variety of fresh, dried and stuffed dates since a week ago... I hv been waiting for the month of Ramadhan since like forever.. its a time for spiritual reflection, prayer, doing good deeds and spending time with family and friends.. dont get me wrong yah.. u do good deeds whenever u can but doing it in the month of Ramadhan is something special..

As we already know.. fasting is intended to help/teach Muslims self-discipline, self-restraint n generosity... It also reminds them of the suffering of poor ppl.. who may not get to eat lavishly all the time... It is common to have one meal (Sahur) just bef sunrise and another (Iftar) right after sunset... This meal will commonly consist of dates, following the example of the Prophet Muhammad and bec Ramadan is a time to spend with friends and family.. the fast will often be broken by Muslim families coming together to share in an evening meal...

Well anyway.. long story short... this is the last cookie that I will bake bef Eid.. as always I usually will try to post pics and recipes of my desert/kuih during Ramadhan.. sooo.. I would like to wish u guys a peaceful Ramadhan.. May this Ramadhan be filled with many blessings for u and ur family.. May u hv a very happy Ramadhan..

250g Margarine (I used butter)
3 tbsp powdered milk
1/2 tsp vanilie powder
200g powdered sugar
180 ml egg whites
250g of all purpose flour
poppy seeds/ grated cheese/ sprinkles for decoration
• Preheat oven to 180 deg C
• Grease a baking pan with margarine
• Beat margarine, powdered milk, vanilie, and powdered sugar until smooth
• Add in egg whites a little at a time until blended
• Add in flour a little at a time and continue to whip until smooth
• Put the mixture into the bag bag. Pipe into the pan (abt 5 cm long)
• Bake for 15 minutes.
• Quickly remove cookies from pan.
• Cool down, and place in an airtight container

You may sprinkle it with grated cheese, poppy seed, or sprinkles for decoration.
To make Chocolate cat tongues u need to reduce the flour by 50g n add 50g of cocoa powder... I added 1 tsp of mocca paste to half of my batter to get mocca cat tougues
And in case u wanna know how I get my cat's tougue in similar shapes and sizes.. this is one of the pans that I bought while shopping in that supermarket in Jkt :o)

Source: Ambarini
Source: Ningnong
Hi Rima, was at Yat Maria's place noticed your callsign and busybody over.
Wow! I have never seen, nor heard or tried these 'cat's tongue' cakes.
They sure look good too.
Anymore left? I think 6 pieces with iced coffee will do me fine, ha ha.
You have fun and keep a song in your heart, best regards, Lee.
salam rima, misah here..selamat berpuasa utk u n family, semoga kita semua dpt menjalankan ibadah dgn lebih sempurna...Ameen..
salam rima... slamat menyambut ramadhan for u n famili! bak sebalang sekut tuh! nak wat sahur! errr kenyang ke erk mkn biskut ajer? wat rayalah! hihihi
Hello Uncle Lee
U sure 6 pcs is gonna be enough?? my daughter can eat 3 in one go hehehe
Salam Misah.. selamat berpuasa buat u and ur family too.. doa I untuk u jugak.. :o)
Hana.. mana cukup nak buat sahur.. nanti karang baru azan zohor dah "terbuka" puasa hahaha
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al Mubarak to u and ur family too .. must behave ok hehehe
Hmm... looks ez enuf to do even during Ramadhan. I'll definitely try. But a bit put off i dont have that special pan. huaaaa...
Bef i got the pan.. I used to do it free hand.. U will not get the same shape n sizes of cos but taste n texture is still the same.. That pan i bought to make my life easy hehehe
Kak Rima,
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan ya...:-))
psstttt...biskut lidah kucing tu nampak macam sedap....boleh dicuba ni...
Selamat berpuasa to u too 3E.. semoga ibadah kita diberkatiNya ye..
Cuba lah.. easy and addictive too hehe
kak rima, selamat menyambut Ramadhan & semoga amal ibadah kita diberkati.
nanti post ye kat sini all your dessert/kue mue during this fastng month.. aida nk menjamu mata lak.. 'sharing is caring' hehehe.
Sama sama lah kita berdoa ye.. selamat berpuasa to u and ur family too..
Sharing is caring of cos.. Insya'Allah I will post it whenever i can..
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarak.
Same to u too Melati.. semoga ibadah kita diberkati olehNya :o)
salam Rima,
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan
Semuga amalan2 kita diterima ya Rima.
Insyaallah..Kita dah aim a few of your cakes tau..siap awak..hehe
Hehe ayu kalau nak aim harus aim ngam ngam tau.. Likewise dear.. Semoha diberi kesihatan ye untuk menjalani ibadah puasa tahun ini.. :))
Goshhh...I n Dafinah just can't stop munching on Sasha's tougue!! Hehe... True enug it is eddictive.. M lovin it!! Thanks my sis for d delicious yummilicious biskut!! xxxLi-linxxx
Yep yep.. its super addictive.. Hari Raya satu botol kasi hahaha
Salam kenal dari kak gerau...
errr...mana nak dapat bekas cam tu ek...kat oberseeee jer ke ada benda tu?
Salam kenal kak gerau..
Rima beli benda ni kat jakarta.. tak pernah nampak pulak kat sini.. cetak nye comes in that pattern.. round and love shape..
salam rima i really loves the way you do yhe biscuits. may i know do i need to do meringue first for the egg white thx dear
Salam Aida
u dont need to whip ur egg white.. just pour ajer
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