Let me just finish up posting another cookie recipe which I managed to bake last weekend.. was curious on how this one wud turn out cos I hv never used lemon juice in making cookies bef.. very refreshing I must say.. and very addictive too cos u can never get tired of eating something that has a lemon tint in it - dont u just love new recipes?? not only u get to try out new stuff.. u get to taste new type of cookie too :o)

Oh if ur curious if this cookie is really a crunchy type or not.. All I can say is.. krup krup krup hehehe
275g Nestle Corn Flake - roughly mashed
200g butter
50g shortening
100g granulated sugar
150g flour
1 tbsp full cream milk powder
2 egg yolks
1 tsp emplex (optional) - I used
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tbsp grated lemon zest

Place Corn Flake in bowl, set aside.
Beat butter, shortening and sugar until smooth, add eggs, beat again for a while, add the emplex and baking powder, whisk for one minute. Pour lemon juice and grated lemon zest, mix well.
Add the flour, stir well. Place batter in a Piping bags, snip tip with scissors 1/2cm. Pipe batter onto Corn Flake, roll, lift and place in a greased baking pan
Bake in oven at 150C for 30 minutes..(mine was done within 20 mins)

Source: Fatma Bahalwan
interested to try on ur recipe esp cheese cake.. but i cant print d recipe..can u assist me?
Salam Hazie
Highlight text.. ctl C then paste it on any word doc.. then print it
Good luck!
I pernah bubuh mixed peel to my cornflakes mixture; and the taste is very nice. Thanks for the recipe, nak juga try with lemon zest (I have sebijik lemon yg dah lama bertahan dlm fridge).
rima!!!! you are turning me into a cookie monster (as in i wanna bake them all)...tapi masanya bilakah biala???? baju raya pun i tak beli lagi....oh......
Kenapa eh whenever i baca ur comment i mesti nak gelak.. u ni kelakar tau.. lemon u tu dah lama bertahan eh dalam fridge.. I also.. dah tu bila dah nak terkecut baru lah kalam kabut nak do something with it hahaha
kekeke fara gagahla dok menyalin hahaha...
I dont print out recipe .. i dok salin all the time .. now i hv 2 thick notebook khas for recipes that i got online.. most dah try pun so tak rugi lah mengagahkan diri menyalin recipe hehehe
Wahh... rajin nye org2 yg dok menyalin ni ek. All these time i've been printing out recipes from u and others which i think i can do lah (copy n paste kat Word). And i have a few files dah kat umah. Ermm... nak tanya sket la madam chef, "Pipe batter onto Corn Flake, roll, lift and place in a greased baking pan" ni means camne ek? pipe tu sikit2 ke? pastu cover dia ngan cornflake tu ke?
For me is more to habit.. I suka writing i sangat lah sampai kadang tak leh understand haha.. I used to print n hv folders but if too many folders macam messy.. Buku u leh simpan n my daughter can keep it n remember my handwriting bila i dah tak de..
Yes just like cam gambar.. Benda ni will flatten by itself ok while in oven
salam rima, misah here..nk tanyer u sikit la..i nk try buat lapis nutella, if i were to use smaller eggs,wil it chge d outcome n shld i reduce d amnt of flour use?? another thing if i buat 1 wk b4 raya, kek ni bole thn tk??sori eh, bnyk pulak soalan..hee3 tgh ghairah nie nk buat, hope u can help me..tks alot ya rima..
Salam Misah
That nutella layer cake pakai 10 eggs.. Thats abt 580 to 600g so if ur egg is small aka weigh lighter u hv to pakai more eggs.. Best is to weigh ur eggs ok
Usually i bake 3 to 4 days bef raya.. Can tahan lama if u wrap properly dgn aluminium foil n place kat fridge so yeah u can bake it a week early..
Hope that helps..
Salamz sis, thank you for your recipe.. so much of a help.. merci boucoupe!
Btw, I blogtag you lah --> http://anasuki39.blogspot.com/2010/08/grammy-or-granny-award.html
Jgn marah yerr.. wishing you ^ family Ramadhan Kareem..
Hello Rima,
I'm a big fan of yours, just so you know! I especially love the chocolate chunk cookie recipe; amazing one indeed! I brought them to college and everyone loved it. Thank you for sharing :)
Keep it up!
Masih ade masa lagi .. belum terlambat.. last minute shopping yg excited tu hehehe.. I bought mine when i was in jkt the other day so kira dah settled lah.. baju dress n kasut sonia pun dah beli waktu gi europe the other time... so tak lah i kalam kabut.. I ni kan super kanchong hehehe:o)
Aduh Ana Suki.. patut macam tersedak tadi waktu minum heheh.. will go and get it when i am little free yah.. right now i busy bangat deh.. anyway Merci
Hello Faeezah
Ohhhh that cookie.. i've not bake that for the longest time.. glad u like it!
Anyway tks for dropping by and glad u like what u read/see in my humble blog
hello Rima,
Plssss help .... the first time I made the steam mocha cake, it was fine, balanced layers. This morning when I tried to steam another one ..... OMG !! the surface was wavy ( berombak-ombak ) so, so very uneven. Definitely when you cut/sliced them ... eerrr ... ugly looking thing ... sigh !! Where did I go wrong ?? Am puzzled ....
The first time u made it.. did u wrap tutup kukusan dgn kain??
I can only think of two sebab.. one u kukus using high heat.. ombak ombak probably caused by steam..
Hi Rima,
I baked the lemon crispy cornflakes. wow so nice and like u said krup...krup like that.thanks for sharing the receipe. always drop by ur blog to try some of the cake receipes...
Yes Zana i can still remember how crunchy it was.. glad u liked it! :op
Salam rima,
1st tray cookies i burn baby burn, 2nd tray alhamdullillah mmg sedap. I didnt use emplex bt still krup krup krup. En hb & my daughter loves it. happenning raya ku hheheh. Tq rima once again.
nak jaga jaga.. benda ni waktu bakar nak jaga.. waktu nak simpan also harus hati hati if not hancus hehe
salam sis,
nak tanya apa ye bole ganti ngn shortening.sya duduk germany and dh mula nk buat kueh raya;P tp xda shortening.nk gnti ape yea
salam sis,
nak ganti shortening guna ape ek? kalau omit ajer,beza x agkanya
Salam once
Hmmm can u find margarine there? if tak de u increase ur butter to 250g
ouh margarine ada!thanks sis! nak try today jugak;P wee
salam kak rima.. nak tanye pasal cookies ni.. planning nak buat mlm ni. barang2 semua dh siap sedia..tgu nak bersilat je..hehehe. nak tanye sket, adunan tepung tu memang mcm krim ke nanti time kite dropkan dlm adunan cornflakes tu.. and boleh ke tambah tepung kat adunan yg belum dimasak kalau biskut yg dh masak tu terlalu lembut(mcm kurang tepung) hope kak rima membantu yea...
Salam mrs hakim
Sorry.. Was out the whole day.. Yes dia almost like buttercream.. Jgn tambah ape ape lagi or else biscuit jadi keras.. Supposed to be rapuh n a little fragile.. Gd luck!
thanks kak rima... try baking tonite...esok saya update akak..hope menjadilah ye...wish me luck..
Alhamdullilah.. this lemon crispy i baked waktu raya tahun lepas..bottle cepat surut hehehe
Famous amos chocolate chip is our all time fav.. did u use coffee oil?
Yes kak..I use Coffee oil..nasb baik jmp kat kedai bakery tu..kalau tak, mau jugak oter dgn bnd lain..hehehehe..bau tu sbnrnye yg buatkan biskut tu lg sedap kan..bila bakar je semerbak satu dapur..apepun best sgt recepi ni..nak try yg lain plak..
Assalamualaikum Kak Rima,
I tried baking this but the cookies turned out to be a bit rapuh..is it supposed to be like that? I would prefer it to be a bit keras, how do i fix this?
I emailed you about this, i appreciate your reply.
Many thanks,
Lea Hannah, Brunei
salam Sis, Im new to ur site..nampak cam BEST gitu !
I nak try this recipe , but dnt understand "put batter on curn flakes, then roll & lift"..
can u clarify? Tqvm
Rohani S Falli
Salam Rohani
welcome welcome... u pipe ur batter on ur cornflakes.. u roll roll kan batter sampai menutupi ur batter.. macam kat gambar tu..
note.. batter tu macam buttercream so u hv to gaul gaul kan dia pelan pelan ok
Happy baking!
Salam Rima, im 99% sure i will not be able to bake any cookies coz our helper run off last 2 weeks. sob sob... but i sure want to bake this one. teringat2 kesedapan nye last year.
Salam to u too Yan
Sorry to hear abt ur maid.. haishhh nape lah dia buat gitu!
I ingat nak buat but tak tahu if i hv the time.. busy banget :op
salam sis rima....
i love this recipe....cookies ni sangat-sangat crunchy and sedap....tq so much for sharing the recipe...i adore u so much la sis...
Ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. Alhamdullilah.. sedap kan.. tahun ni ingat nak buat but tak kesampaian.. no time pulak huhu
Hi Rima,
I made this cookie last weekend. I don't quite like it lah. Same like the femmy cheese button. It was little messy and not up to my liking. So far only these two recipe is something that I don't like. The others are all good.
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