We are flying back home tomorrow... finally the long week has ended.. it wasnt an enjoyable day today cos all I can think of is my first born.. "Mama is coming home to u son.."
Anyway.. I am gonna fill my short entry with some of the photos that were taken yesterday.. later peeps!

Sonia by the pool

I love this pic of dad sitting and watching ppl while waiting to be picked up by the driver..

The not so cheap Rose Apples..

Titan.. will definitely not be going to the one at MOI again cos it wasnt as big as the one in Fatma

The super crowded Tanah Abg.. nevertheless mom got what she wanted.. ( when these pics were taken it was only 9am!)

Street vendors

Our trip to Jkt would not complete without a trip to Pondok Laguna

Mosque that is next to our hotel..
Shopping at 9am? hehehe. Hey why not kan?.
When it comes to wholesale market.. The earlier the better kalau tidak tak leh jalan pun :(
Salam Rima, found out bout u 3 weeks ago and has been visiting ur house almost every day. he he... tak tahan tengok ur food and Sonia's pic. She is soooo adorable. Tried baking the butter cake last Sunday and its sooo moist and soft. Sedap betul! Thanks for all the recipe and the great pics. Your pics yg buatkan i teringin nak cuba. They look sooo yummeh!
Salam Yan..
Ty for singgah kat sini almost every day and glad u tried baking one of the cake.. i like to try out new recipe tu yang i bake almost every day.. jaga jaga.. baking ni very addictive tau.. kalau dah mula tak leh stop heheh..
Haah... betul tu. Mmg addictive. I started to bake when i was preggie with my 3rd child. Now dia dah 18mths dah. Last weekend buat 4 jenis. Butter cake and Brownies (amik ur resipi), choc cheese cuppa and philadelphia cheese cake. semua sodap tapi tak la cantik like urs. belum rajin deco.
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