So once again Rima's guest blogger steps in - the husband. I must be good, cos she always calls in the same guest blogger.
Today is a good day for Rima. The burden she has been carrying, the issues she has been having are finally over - solved today. Bottom line is, we hope that Hairi does not do nonsense anymore and stays out of trouble. Your mum was a wreck for the past few weeks you know... (yes, even her son reads this blog from camp...)

I'm looking forward to Eid. Rima goes all coo coo. Then again she's always coo coo. I mean who bakes as much as she does? I'm glad I have supportive staff who eat whatever is given to them - and they are nice enough to always say "whaa so nice". Take this afternoon for example - I come home from work and she complains of being tired. Why is she tired? Because she went to bed at 2am last night, woke up at 5 for sahur and then slept till 8. When Sonia slept for 1 1/2 (!) hours she decided to make cake kukus and her own new creation: Rima's Truffles (more below).. She needs to rest, but is too degil to do so... Ah well. What to do; mother stubborn, daughter stubborn, grand-daughter stubborn, and her two sisters... aiyoo same pot. Lucky I have nice brothers-in-law - they keep me sane... haha...
Anyway, back to Rima (she's complaining that her readers are falling asleep)...

Hehehe ty hb.. I didnt expect u to write so much! So ok.. I am not gonna bore u guys with more yak yak.. just to let u guys know that once again I appreciate all the doa's.. am blessed.. this morning when i received the good news.. I gave my thanks to Allah.. super big load off my shoulder... Alhamdullilah...

Oh heres a simple recipe fm me.. u dont need to be a genius to come up with something like this.. hb lovessssssssss it!!
200g chocolate cake - u can use any kinda leftover chocolate cake .. even cake yg " bantot" hehe
Abt 100g of leftover chocolate ganache
5 tbsp orange juice -
A handful of golden raisins - u can replace with almond nibs if ur not into raisins
Dark cooking chocolate for coating - I used chocolate couverture
Place chocolate cake in food processor - blend - place in big bowl.
Cook orange juice and raisins for a good 10mins over low heat - switch off fire.. add raisins into chocolate cake and stir
Melt leftover ganache and pour it over the chocolate cake (double boil).. mix and let it sit for 15mins or so.
Roll cake into balls - set aside
Double boil dark chocolate - hmmm i didnt weigh it.. dip chocolate balls into melted chocolate and place it on ur tray (line with baking paper)
Chill tray ..
Place truffles in paper cups

Haha! gd job mr guest writer..u bule diharap buat entry..tell Rims, I am sure glad that everything turns out well for her..err u too i guess :)
am jeles here..adakah position available at company awak? saya pun nak jadi employee disana sebab bule dapat makan kek delicioso yg orang rumah (?) awak buat itew..muahha..so keep me in view..ahaksss...
Leh tahan ada guest writer ek..ada kah guest writer akan balas komen2..hehehe..anyway babe, glad that everything turns out well..have faith & things shall turn out fine, insyaAllah..that truffles is sinfully delicious..baru tengok nih & belum rasa..tapi disebabkan size badan yg sungguh tak kena ngan height, cuma 1 jer yg dapat ai nibble..BBPJ..ek cik som..mueheheh..
Habis.. u tanya if he will balas comment comment.. dengan rela hati dia akan buat tau.. dia ni pantang sikit part part gini hahaha
Ty dear for the doas.. right now I am just overwhelmed.. happy and lega tak terhingga.. wanna put everything behind.. thats all..
Eh i dah tertelan 2 biji dah.. fattening kah?? hahah.. tak pe... i dah lost like 6kg since the day i received the bad news.. jgn pulak lepas dah solved makan berselera pulak hahaha
Eh cik som BBP kan .. kan .. kan..??
alhamdulillah kak Rim..berkat bulan Ramadhan...boleh masak kek best2 la pas ni..
Alhamdulilah things work out well for u at the end of the day Kak Rima.
Fuuuh creative woooooh ... very cute and chocolate always looks yummy!!
it 7.40am and im oleidie looking at food ... boleh batal posa...
Take Care Kak Rima and have a good day
I'm happy to hear that your burden has been lifted. Nice of hb to contribute. I can't even get mine to read my blog without urging. Another great looking recipe. Thanks!
Salam Rima, ALHAMDULILLAH its over and all is well.
This Rima's truffles taste something like ur "rum" balls? yes? no?
Shukur Alhamdullilah Izah.. lepas ni tak tahu if i will try out yg susah bangat kinda cake cos i work well under pressure hehehe
Ty Ilah.. jangan blog hopping lama lama.. terlalu banyak gambar food and desert disana sini .. nanti karang lunch break TERmakan pulak hehe
I didnt know u hv a blog Shaz.. mine will read every single day without fail.. so when i ask if he wanna be my guest blogger again.. he took my lappy and start typing hahaha
Alhamdullilah Yan.. shukur kehadratnye..
This truffles is so so so much delish than the rum balls.. that rum balls when my hb took a bite he straight away said.. ekk whats this?? he thought all round balls = truffles hahaha
This one he took a bite and he sits back and said... now this is what u called the real truffles!
Its very very nice and u can use just abt any kinda of chocolate cake.. yg belen belen.. yg terbantut .. jgn dibuang.. blend it.. add ganache then salut.. punya lah rich and sedap.. :o))
Mr Guest Writer,as usual the BIG kpo at all time.. :0 Dun complain on our "stubborn head" ya--u chose it and you cant reverse urself out from the "Tijah's Ambon" family!! hehehe...
My sista,M super duper glad the hu ha is over now at last... Thank GOD for all that--so more food cumin to me...hehe..
Muaks, Li-Lin.
that's great to hear, rima!
Sis Lyn... Ambon rocks!! muahhahah
woo hoo, gd for you!
guess i 'll make this gems for raya! i've tried once for an order!
alamakkk! ni yg buat i tak keruan ni. he he... love everything chocolate. and definitely will make this for eid (kut?). and to loose 6kg in such a short time without any medication or sorts? wahh... tapi tak best la turun berat sebab susah ati ek? take care Rima and cook lots and lots of delicious food ya.
You want a comment right.. ok lah I give comment: The rum balls - yuk. Don't try. (Sorry ah, I Mat salleh, very direct).
But these RIMA CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES (promote promote)... sugguh sedap. Like aphrodisiac... :) haha
Alhamdulillah, Syukur.
Best gak ada guest writer lagik. Boleh berkenalan? Princess Sonia lak bila nak jadi guest writer nih?
Coba blog sikit ape ke menda problem U tu Rima? Buzz Z...bee
Tell me abt it Edi!! :)
Buat for raya?? Adehhh macam gitew if 5 orang dtg rumah.. Boleh keluarkan 5 biji saje cos this thing is so so rich hehe
Yan i can turun berat badan dgn mendadak if i am super down.. I lost 15kg just like that when i had problem with my ex so 6kg is nothing.. U tengok aje.. I can gain it back easily waktu raya heheh
Buat ah for raya.. Ppl will love u for that ahakksss
obstacles are inevitable and unavoidable. i still remember an ustaz telling me "allah akan uji orang yg dia sayang". so dear, u r the lucky one chosen by god to be tested.
easy said than done, but when once its over and u looked back again, im sure u'll be smiling ear to ear. anyway, its a testament of patience and maturity. so cheer up ok dear.
wah, ur guest writer rocks la.
anyway, will definitely give a try on this new dessert.
p/s- ur "almost famous" is a hit at my home... :)
Aduhh hb.. Arent u supposed to be working?? Yess u mat salleh always very direct.. Lucky i very the season already.. If u hv gotten married to a younger woman probably she will chase u with parang u know kahkahkah
My guest writer memang selalu on ur mark.. If i kasi dia chance blog something dua suka bangat hehe
Tak yah nak blog abt it.. Sungguh menyiksa batin ku.. Nahiii nahiii :op
Well said Maya n alhamdullilah semua dah berlalu.. If he put me thru this again i will rotan dia hehee
My guest writer tu memang rock selalu hehe
Your resipi ni I mesti try sebab promosi dari hubby you kata sedap. Kalau tak buat nanti menyesal. Thanks Kak Aida Klang.
salam rima. terlalu kat blog u and I'm yr fan now. thanks for sharing the sedap2 kuehs and keks etc.. with recipe on it sommore. wahh gereks! Selamat Berpuasa dan salamat berkenalan:))
Hehehe Kak Aida.. my hb ni part desert ade cerewet sikit tastebud dia.. everything also harus european kinda of desert baru dia ngam.. chiffon ke.. marble cake ke dia tak suka at all.. he called that kinda cake.. kek terbegek haha
Then it's about time your guest writer has a blog of his own *wink*
Salam perkenalan Manis
When i first started berblog i told myself that my blog harus ade recipe cos i myself kalau gi blog others yg tak de recipe rasanye macam frust sikit tau.. tu yg if i can share I will definately share recipe.. sharing is caring kannnn hehehe
Hehe cik som.. nanti lah if my hb jadi house husband boleh lah dia ade his own blog.. hmmmm i can imagine dia jadi hsehusband.. tentu berserak rumah ku ini hahaha
Hi Rima, stumbled upon your blog a few days ago. Was very excited about it. Honestly, it's so INTERESTING ... with lots of nice pic & recipes to try, think it'll keep me busy for a while .. Thx a lot .. selamat berpuasa ...
Selamat berpuasa to u too Anonymous.. ohhh plssss i wud love to call u by name dear... :op
Ty for dropping by and leaving footprints.. appreciate it..
kok lupa ai nak menjawab pasal marble cake tu...soweee... the butter i tak whip sebab ai let it be really soft, adalah braper jam gitu ai letak kat luar..bila part mix tu ai mix it well..hope it helps..ekkk..rasa janggal menjawab, sebab sifu yg tanya..nanti part ai wat kek lapis, ntah2 seribu saru macam soklat ai tanya u.. :)
Ty.. I no sifu lah.. am still learning and hv lots to learn too
You can tanya I anything.. akan ku jawab dengan sabau nye.. must try and bake kek lapis ok.. ku nanti ketibaan kek lapis mu itew hehehe
Hi Rima
Found your blog a while back and now I am "hooked" on it! You've got such lovely and yummy recipes..and not forgetting the beautiful pics.
The Rima's Chocolate Truffles is "so enak buanget deh!!.." Will try some of these recipes of yours.
Take care & selamat berpuasa.
salam kak rima..
bestnye ada guess writer...tp this mat salleh suka berleter yer...hehe tak sangka...
jelesnyer senang jer kak rima lost 6 kg...leh la melaram raya nanti...
Hi Nurwin
Ty and do try out some of the recipes.. ni truffles tak leh makan banyak banyak tau.. bahaya hehe
Salam Noor
This mat salleh of mine special sikit.. he tak panggil ni semua leteran tau.. he calls it.. caring hahaha
Melaram sudah pasti but dah lepas a few house melaram jadi merana cos kaki sakit pakai high heals kahkahkah
Ahaksss dia dah mai.. beauty beauty.. nak kuih raya apa lagi.. tu ade oven.. pi bikin kuih sendiri hahaha
Hello rima,
your blog is one of my favourite cooking references..
aduiii..you chocolate truffles teramatlah mengoda.. rasa mcm nak makan je gambar tu... boleh i try your recipe this weekend for my 5 yrs old son yang hantu chocolate tu before he goes for his tonsil operation next week..
Hello to u too blue4sky
Ty hopefully the recipes menepati citarasa u.. Kesian ur son n i'm sure he will be fine in no time.. Go ahead n try this truffles.. Just make sure u use gd chocolate for the ganache yah :)
hello rima,
my name is winnie. found your blog soooo interesting. have been reading it for days now. even tried one of your recipe yesterday, the steam mocha cake ....oolala !!! my kids & hb love it so much ... thx a lot . will definitely try out more of your cakes ....
meanwhile have a blessed bulan ramadhan and a happy upcoming hari raya ....
Salam Rima it has been a while since i last visited n leave my footprint on here:).I love truffles so this recipe is def a must try.Thanks for sharing another great recipe and i hope you and the family is having a wonderful Ramadan.Gosh i miss Sg esp this time of the year.Btw,was reading ur previous post on ur nephew's birthday,i must say i love ur mum's house and her china collection.simply gorgeous.TC.
Hi Winnie
I am glad u tried that one cos that cake is one of our fav too.. I hv to make a few for the upcoming Eid so am looking forward to that..
Ty for coming by and enjoy ur stay hehehe
Take care!
Salam ZeeB
Salam Ramadhan to u and ur family too.. I can imagine how u rasa right now cos masa ramadhan orang melayu kita ni sibuk kat bazaar Geylang tu heheh..
How long hv u been living there?? tak balik Sg ke this year for Raya??
My mom ni memang suka benda benda gitew.. when she nak beli barang she always tanya pendapat I.. I am into all that but my hb tak so the only thing i can do is to help my mom spend her money on things like that hehehe
Cuba truffles tu cos memang enak :o)
I have been living on main land USA for over a year now.Before that i was in Hawaii for 3 and Japan for 2.Living the life as a nomad.The last time i went home pun was 2 years ago for raya.
This year tak balik lah since my daughter starts kinder in Sept.Insyallah, i balik at the end of the year or next year whenever school lets out.
I love tau benda benda antique especially the almari & china collection at ur mum's gives a slight vintage touch to the house.I think most men r that way when it comes to buying & decorating the house heheh but hey your husband makes a really good blog guest though.And i am impress by his command of the malay language.May you guys have a good Ramadan and a wonderful Eid.
Ahhh I hv been to the US a couple of times but ever since i got married to my hb.. I tak de chance gi sana lagi.. we travel quite a bit but never to the US together.. entah lah.. maybe someday bila i can persuade him but in the meantime our long haul will always be to Europe.
My hb memang can speak Malay very very well.. amah dia dulu orang melayu so first word dia pun malay jadi tak hairan lah why he can speak our language very well.. he can also speaks good Mandarin, German and French.. kira tak leh klentong dia hehehe
Akum rima,
how are u both... i hope u get enuf rest ya. Btw i wanted to tried out ur truffles (since i bake choc cake yesterday and left some for ur truffles). I made choc glazing (thicken cream + dark choc) yesterday and ada lebih. can i use it to replace the ganache? or is it a different thing? thanks
We hv been well.. Tks for asking..
Of cos u can.. My truffles is all abt leftovers hahaha.. Last wkend i tried using kek lapis+ganache (kek tu fm all edge of my lapis cake).. Rasanye same aje :))
akum rima,
yum yum la ur truffles, everybody loves it, hb said the raisins adds texture into it, which makes it very sedaaapppp....
my 2yrs old daughter loves it but she said 'tak mau kismis' she loves chocolate but she like it plain, she loves raisin but raisin alone fussy eater.
i even used orange juice in a box pemalas hahahks...
tq yek, sungguh sedap sekali and addictive. btw kalau i nak buat banyak macam mana nak simpan huh? nak stack takut penyek lak. how???
Glad the whole family suka.. if ur daughter tak suka kismis.. use raisin lah.. i use just abt what i hv in my fridge.. janji u cook it over low heat dgn orange juice..
If u nak buat banyak banyak u hv freeze the balls dulu.. bila nak dihidang kan u salut dgn chocolate the night bef or paginye.. i did this during my open house..gentel 3 pagi.. 7 pagi i salut dgn chocolate :o)
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