I woke up yesterday thinking abt this cake... Sis Wati told me the night bef that theres someone who sells steamed fruit cake for $35 (10x10).. to me thats cheap considering u hv to steam this cake for 4hrs! Anyway I hv always used the same recipe over the years.. hb is a super big fan of my steamed fruit cake but I thought i shud gv other recipes a try.. just to see if there is any other good recipes around..

To be honest.. I hv had this recipe in my folder for like more than 2yrs.. never had the urge to try it out tho.. probably cos I found the recipe that suits hb's taste.. This recipe belongs to CMG.. according to him if u want ur steamed fruit cake to be moist and oily.. its best to keep it for a week bef serving it.. so ok.. thats exactly what I am gonna do to the rest of this cake.. err maybe can keep it for Eid ?? duhhh why on earth am I thinking abt Eid already! hahaha

I've cut a few slices for photo taking aka testing and hb said he prefers the taste of this cake but much much prefers the moist and wetness of the other steamed fruit cake.. will definitely let him try a week fm today and see what he says.. I am hoping to use both recipes for Eid tho since I hv to bake it for grandmama too this year - she wants her cake not to be too sweet.. ok Nyai.. I will bake one especially for u - less sugar of cos hehehe

375g mix fruits
250g butter - "Golden Churn"
300g flour*
1 tsp of sodium bicarbonate*
1 tsp cream of tartar*(* mix and sifted)
3 grade A eggs
150g castor sugar (can also use the 'brown sugar') - i used brown sugar
150g sugar (for sugar burn)
1/4 cup almond slices (almond flakes) - I didnt use
A seed nutmeg, grated
Cherry red / green for decorations - didnt use
1 tbsp black treacle (I added for darker colour)

Meet my new addition - Mr Scrapper - no spatula needed anymore - this baby works like a charm!
- Boil water in kukusan (steamer). Grease and layer with baking paper an 8x8x3 inches.
- Mix flour with cream of tartar and soda bicarbonate - sieve.
- Add in grated nutmeg seeds and mix well.
- Add mix fruits in the flour, mix well. This is to avoid fruits fm sinking - Set aside.
- Beat butter & sugar until fluffy.
- Add in black treacle - mix well (I added)
- Add in egg one by one & continue to whisk till well combined. (add in egg and whisk for a minute bef adding the second egg)
- Add in flour/fruits mixture until just mixed.
- Melt sugar in a non stick pan with slow heat until bubble starts to form.. let it bubble for a few sec or till sugar colour turn dark
- Quickly but carefully pour into the cake mixture while stirring with wooden spatula.
(It will get harden once it touches batter, so fold in fast.. dont worry if there is some crystallised caramel in the batter).
- Pour batter into baking tin.. arrange cherries if u like.. cover with aluminium foil, trim and tie with string or plastic ropes all around the tin.
- Steam for 4hrs on medium heat.. (on high for 2 1/2hr.. medium for 1 1/2hr)
(whenever u wanna add water to ur steamer make sure u use boiling water)

Thank you CMG for sharing this wonderful and controversial recipe.. aaahakksss!
fullamakk rimmm.. nih yg bebetol wat aku teruja..nak buat nak buatt! haizzz klu masuk dapur ko nih semua mende aku nk buat !! huh! mencik ai...
Coincidently, dude pun gemar fruit cake..whats with guys & this sweet thing nih? hehe..U give me lapis prune anytime...ku sawi jek..hajat hati nak apply 1 day leave to try a simple lapis cake..maybe try half batch..boleh kan?? at least ai tak lah shivering bila handling all those egg yolks..kek lapis pun can be kept for long kan..eleh..kalo jadi takkan sampai 2 hari pun tu cake..haha verangan memanjang nak simpan konon..ahaksss..
sis...sent to me,let me try lah..me suka jadi tester (barang free katakan)
fuuuuuuh ibu ilah suker kuih nie ... but is it true kalau tak happy jgn buat cos dia tak menjadi?
erm den again kalau tak happy buat ape2 pun tak jadi kan hee hee ...
Tak baik menci menci tau nanti kena potong 50% percent pahala posa hahahah - eh try ah fruit cake controversy ni.. and also try si Diana punya recipe too.. can compare compare bef raya..
Kek lapis u cannot simpan lama.. unless u wanna freeze it.. kek kukus.. 6 bulan pun masih boleh tahan if u keep it well in ur freezer.. lagi lama lagi sedap.. kak rumah I.. we memang hantu kek lapis prune.. sebab tu i said tak leh simpan lama.. hehehe
My hb memang pengemar kek kukus sejak dari kecik cos nenek (amah) dia orang melayu n selalu bikin kan dia kek kukus.. tu lah dia cerewet sikit bab kek kukus ni.. harus yg similar dgn nenek dia punya.. harus lembab and rich(we visit her every year on first day raya.. lepas lah rindu dia dgn kek kukus fav dia tu)
Beauty kononnnnn hahahah... nak try tunggu seminggu baru boleh ambik hehe
Ilah actually kan hati mau senang bila nak buat any kinda cake.. tu si macarons.. orang kata kalau hujan tak leh menjadi cookies tu tak ngam dgn cuaca sejuk but kan nowadays hujan also i bake cos the bottom line is u jgn rasa terdesak or terpaksa bila buat any kinda dessert
Can we shorten the time, 4 hours to steam. Very looooong hours. I did this cake before and steamed for about an hour, it turned out ok and by nite the cake already decomposed. Ha..ha..ha
Could the long hours steam is to make it last longer??
Ai bukan jenis tak sabar tapi tak cukup masa cos I only have 2 days per week jadinya apa pun yg nak dibuat kena catu waktu.
An hr is too short.. at least nak kena steam it for 3hrs gitew.. but i guess if it turned out ok.. than its ok lah.. so far for this recipe or the other recipe i akan steam it for 3 1/2 hrs max.. min 3hrs ... tak pernah an hr pulak hehehe
The long hrs is to make it last longer.. yes..
Fruit cake my favorite :D.
mcm sama aje...got different taste ah? i'll put my recipe soon, but mine tak dak treacle....which am going to add this time! tqs rima....drool drool already!
Fruit cale hb's fav.. My mom likes it too but harus yg basah basah gitew
KG i think all kek kukus resepinye sama aje cuma method aje lain.. The recipe yg i always use tak leh pakai mixer waktu adding egg.. Yg ni boleh pulak.. Even when u add fruit pun masih leh pakai mixer..
I love to use black treacle bila buat kek kukus cos colour cake jadi darker.. :))
hi Rima....I've been silently enjoying yr blog for almost a year. Based on yr food pics one can tell that u're a lady with gud n refined taste...on both food n de finer things in life.
I've tried a few of yr recepies ~ some with success....yr famos choc chip. Failures - kueh Apam. Followed yr instrcns to a T like leaving the mixture to rise overnite but they flopped the next morning.
I've made Kek Kukus several times using Diana's recp n yes its gud. Will stick to it for Raya but will def try CMG's one fine day. Tell me....can i substitute molasses for treacle coz i unstand they are not much different rite??
Luv yr blog...luv yr pics. Great work.
Hi Laksa
Ty for coming by here since almost the day i first started blogging.. I'm glsd to know that u hv tried a few recipes.. I dont what went wrong with ur apam balik.. Maybe someday u might want to gv it a try again?
We all love Diana's recipe.. Even my family loves it.. I am gonna keep this cake n see how it taste after aging it ..
Regarding ur question.. Yes i heard u can sub with molasses if u dont hv black treacle.. Neverless if ur in malaysia u might want to get it fm Bagus.. Hope that helps!
Rima, rajinnya mengukus kek tu eh? Akak duk pk byk kali bila ngenangkan 4 jam n kukus tu..xleh pi mana2 la eh..duk tdo tepi dapur je laa..hehe..Your's look as nice as CMG the Sifu..hahaha
Hehe ummi.. Mekasih lahh.. Kembang semangkuk kita kat sini..
Nak kukus kek yg satu ni memang weak sikit but dlm masa 4 jam tu macam2 faedah tau kita boleh dapat.. Wap aka steam didapur tu ibarat macam gi spa.. Bagus untuk mengembang kan roga roga kulit ku ini hahaha
this is my favourite Kuai in the world. whenever I think of going to a malay person's house, this is the kuai I always secretly hope they have :-) my nenek used to always have it. i liiiiiik!!! :-)
Yep.. ur bro likes it alot and he likes it only if it taste like neneks cake kukus.. anyway we visit nenek every year during Eid so in a way ur bro gets to eat nenek's cake on yearly basis hehehe..
Tell u what.. I will do it for u when we meet in November ok .. :o)
ahhhh! the beautiful SIS knows how to read between the lines! haha I have hit the jackpot ;-)
You are too sweet. If you don't manage it then, we can make together in Feb - i can't WAIT to see your pantry filled with crazy backing stuff :-)
LOL SIL.. rest assure that u will get it in November.. hehe
Awesome blog..Loved the recipes and ofcourse the photography as well.. Keep it up dear..
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