
I have been "Aid" - ed


Yes!! Yes!! Yessssssssss... finally... my baby has arrived in my little kitchen... YOU complete me - I will be having a baby shower this afternoon.. everyone is invited! kahkahkah


Anonymous said...

At last u got this piece..... Congrats!! Best gift ever.. Li-lin

Unknown said...

wakakkaka baby shower... hee hee congrats!!! it a .... mixer!!! hahah

when the night light is off said...

Congratulation! Ni yang I jeles ni.

Kalau beli KitchenAid Equipment ni drpd Sole Distributor(diPuchong), ada kelas memasak given as a complimentary gift. Beli di Sg dapat g kelas memasak ke? Lepas ni bertambah-tambah sedap lagi la dessert(s)

CS said...

*sambil menjeling cemburu buta*
nevertheless, congrats.. and 'happier' baking :-)

Yat Maria said...


Wahhhhhh!!!!! congratz babe! i want one too!!!haha..

to Cik Som..
I jeles..jeling2 sampai kero mata lagik tawww!

CS said...

(tumpang lalu)

Yat, ingat sikit.. kita nak raya, kan? Mata nak kena jaga. Nanti dah kero, baju raya terus nampak tak cantik dibadan.

I wonder bilalah cik Aid akan hilang its 'V' (ooops, nanti Sonia dengar)

Rima said...

Sis Lyn ty ty.. dah di opper.. ku kebas aje lah hehehe

Rima said...

Ilah.. si mixer tu bukan sebarang mixer tau.. tu lah mixer idaman hati ku kahkahkah

Rima said...

Yes Melati.. besides their cooking book.. I also dapat kelas memasak fm them.. errr entah bila kah dapat ku attend tu class.. dulu beli my camera pun i tak attend attend class nye sampai sekarang ape kah lagi si kelas memasak ni.. :o(

Rima said...

Sambil menjeling mata balik ke somuffins.. jangan jelessss hahahhaha... tak ah joking aje ok.. yg benar kan i baru lepas molest my mr "aid" .. agak agak masih "V" lagi kot cos baru kasi 'ringan ringan' muahahha

Rima said...

Ty Yat.. harus kerja 'overtime' kalau nak dapat encik "Aid" ni.. wink wink kahkahkah

Babe tmrw ur appt pagi ke??

Yat Maria said...

Yup dear not early morning but semi morning..just hope they can see whatever it is they wanna see from the scan..if not my boobs kena molest 2nd time just like last year..sebab u know ni not pamela anderson with those humongous fruits..senang kena tarik & penyek...haha..dah lah gotta wait for ages.. i just dont understand why they choose mondays when somehow, most often than not..ramaei jer orang nak scan itu la ini lah on a blardy bluey monday!!!!! then as luck wld have it, usually i always kena gi 2nd round + scan geli geleman that sticky thingy they put on you before the scan...geli semacam ai..tapi kugagahkan juga..

3E said...

Kak Rima...
wah!!!! sungguh cantik sekali mixer u tu....berkilat-kilat sampai silau mata I ni...anyway, congrates la ya..
(dalam hati ni berkata-kata.....mmmmm,I kena simpan duit la untuk dapatkan mixer macam ni jugak lah...hahahahahaha)...

Best best!!!! sure u bertambah semangat nak baking 'kan...

Rima said...

Tak pe tak pe.. bersusah susah sekarang.. bersenang senang kemudian.. ceeehhh macam betul aje heheh.. well i really hope that u dont hv to go back again for the 2nd round.. gd luck!

Maizatul said...

mine lost her virginity last september.hehehe...i told my hb,you just had one, same color mcm ur gift to me, but her hb bg extra bowl, he just smile n malas nak layan ckp i....ish. But yes,alangkah indahnya hidupku andai ku ada extra mixing bowl.takyah la nak transfer2.lagi rancak la u kat dapur pasni.congrats anyway.

Rima said...

Jangan nak tambah semangat.. tambah tak leh tido cos asyik blog hopping cari resepi baru hehehe

Rima said...

My old Kenwood chef dah more than 15yrs.. masih berjasa lagi si encik kenwood ni tu sebab asal my hb nak beli kan I si Mr 'Aid' ni, I always kata no need cos tak nak membazir but kan semalam bila dia opper lagi.. i macam dengan pantas accept the offer hehehe..

He bought me an extra bowl and also another attachment which i will get it sometime next week.. tungguuuuu heheheh

hana said...

waweeeeee.. jeles sehhhhh! ensem gler! tunggu berjanggut dululah nampak gaya! hahahahaa.... congrats!!

Jun said...

kitchen aid, auwwwww! he's so damn sexy..hehhe...congrats rima...pas ni bake banyak lagi....

Rima said...

Sudah pasti yg ensem gler aje menjadi PUJAAN HATI ku kahkahkah

SurayaCoghlan said...

wahhhh...Rima..finally kau terima juga opper itu...congratulation!!! sungguh mengancam...hahaha..hai..bila lah pulak i nak dapat ni..

Rima said...

Jun hes so so sexy that i sleep berdengkur semalam.. penat weiii.. he wears me out ahakkksss

Rima said...

Bila dah di opper dua tiga kali ku terima jugak pinangan nye hahaha.. ty gf.. one day u akan buy ur sexy red Mr Aid too :op

KG said...

hmm patutlah dia kemas kitchen sakan hari tu :)

Rima said...

Hari tu kemas kitchen cos kemaruk tengok dapur si Julie tu hehehe.. benda ni my hb belikan tanpa diduga duga.. patut lah pagi pagi dah bangun n ajak i gi Mayer.. rupanye nak beli kan I benda ni (actually kan I rather wait till Mayer yearly sale cos last year during their sale my hb nak beli kan but i malu malu meow pulak heheh)

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...


Rima said...

Hehehe yes its niceeeee SJB

MANISAH said...

Salam Sdri Rima,

Singgah di blog sdri bila saya surfed tentang kitchenaid. Congrats kerana yr blog sungguh menarik apatah lagi bila tengok juadah2 yang dibuat amatlah membakar semangat saya. Sebenarnya saya di sg minggu lepas beraya di sana dan berkesempatan singgah di Mayer Jurong Point dan terjeling kat Kitchenaid tu. Sales price SGD779 (UP SGD899. Sales person siap offer nak bagi discount tapi bila difikir rupanya harga boleh jatuh lagi ke around SGD599 time sales... so saya terpaksa tunggu (hehehe... alasan utk sedapkan hati supaya tidak buat implusive buying). Sdri Melati ada kata distributor kitchenaid di Puchong, Selangor. Mind sharing berapa harga kitchenaid dijual di situ?

Rima said...

Welcome to my humble blog.. Hope ur here to stay.. When mayer ade kan sale once a year .. u can get as cheap as $549 but usually colour yg tak cun nevertheless a discount is a discount kan.. I tak tahu abt the one in puchong.. Maybe u can google if melati tak reply.. I bought mine at $799.. I get class n cooking book.. U can get it cheaper kat chinatown here for $699..

MANISAH said...

Thanks Rima. Really enjoyed yr ramblings and especially the pictures (huh tengah puasa and saw yr pic of bubur som-som... tergoda seyyy). Will wait for the sales (colour tak cun tak apa, janji dapat hehe). The sales guy at Jurong Point offered me at SGD703. HB provoked me beli saja hand mixer like as if I'm gonna bake every day... (grrr..rrr.. hehe but sometimes he's true, I'm once a year baker!)So Rima, apart from having to hold the machine, is there any different in terms of product quality when using a hand mixer? (thinking of the philips hand mixer which has a price tag of 2 digits (MYR). Have a good day ahead.

Rima said...

Of cos ade big difference btw handheld and stand mixer.. bef Kitchen Aid i hv been using Kenwood chef for more than 15yrs.. bendanye masih pertahan sampai lah sekarang.. not only senang bagi baker.. stand mixer juga gv more volume to ur batter.. kecepatannye memukul lain dari handheld.. so my advise if ur hb thinks too ex.. why not u use kenwood but if u can wait for their warehouse sale.. why dont u just get KA instead..

Rima said...

oppss belum habis rambling terpost pulak muahahha.. and then if u get KA u can buy attachment.. i think bila they all ade sale again i nak beli their pasta maker lah :o)

Selamat berbuka and hv a good wkend!

MANISAH said...

yesss... danke danke (thanks) advice dari pakar. yahh... tunggu saja sales

MANISAH said...

Salam Rima, salam dari Temasek hehehe..salam kitchenaid hahaha... yes! Got it at last. So bersemangat now to bake. 3 bulan waiting to see how low a price can I get. After all the research done, we ended up at Robinson, and tarra... beli not only 1 but 2!! (kawan tumpang kirim sebijik..siap called her to ask u want it or not!) Cerita membeli kat Robinson menarik, while looking at the machine, I was assisted with a promoter who actually saying the tools are not as good, so it's not a wise buy for me bla bla. I dengar saja until I asked her, Have you tried this machine? Are you a promoter from product X? Lepas kena tanya tu terus dia lesap... heeee geram, I almost asked my hb to take me to different store (kat HV) but outside hujan and the rebate we will get is quite attractive so cari another people to assist us to buy. Satu hal lagi, sampai kat casher, maam sorang ni kata ni mana ada additional discount, no more, regular price you have to pay... ehh ni tak boleh jadi hehe, my hb terus kat if you don't have additional discount why is there a tag saying ada discount.. you know what , the cashier and the sales assistant pula naik urat pasal tu ...hahaha... no discount no buy ler... BUt in the end we got it. Drama betul! And now thinking of going to TOTT ..hmm... should I? hehe I think I should as hb dah present me a new GPs for me before our trip down here Papago, here we go!

Rima said...

Muahahahaha CONGRATS CONGRATS!!! ahhhhh kan macam feeling semacam aje bila dah kena Aided kahkahkah.. am happy for u.. am glad u got the discount.. am looking forward to ur bakes and now my dear.. what are u waiting for?? go to TOTT hari ini jugak! hahaha

MANISAH said...

Salam Rima, sebelum lupa, have a prosperous and happy new year 2011 ahead. Hope you're feeling better today. Yeap, pergi TOTT to check out things. Saw the bundt mould but tak beli lagi as kena polish baking skills baru boleh venture into pro like baking. Psst... actually I bought 2 KAs, kawan pesan satu, ...kereta senget sehhh... itu belum masuk bags2 etc.

Rima said...

Tak pe.. senget senget pun tak kena bayar excess baggage heheh.. eh how much did u pay for ur KA in Robinson>> what colour did u choose??

Have a good year ahead to you and ur family!

MANISAH said...

Happy New Year... masa tu ada 10% for electrical goods, dapat dalam sgd703, tu belum kira privilege store member, Colour? Noir ...hehe black is beautiful (and slim). Actually nak grey but colour not in stock. Son opted for apple green but that would really clash with my kitchen. Hmmm bila ler nak mula buka kotak (hahaha it has been sitting there on the floor..adussss) Now I'd better look up for fav recipes to get going.

Rima said...

Hehehe pi lah bukak itew box and then place it in the kitchen so that every single day u will hv the urge to bake :op

MANISAH said...

Cik Rima ... for yr info, I tried the SOC recipe to `deflower' my new KA...wah bau harum betul masa bakar tu. TQ for sharing the recipe, yes TQ too to Little Taochew n Almost Bourdai (I surfed their blog to study the recipe - kita ni researcher hehe so kena study betul2 takut tak jadi, almaklum masih novice dalam hal2 baking). yes, kek ni cepat garing. So kena hati-hati. The KA was... yihaaaa a really good aid, sonang tul, selama ni menggunakan tulang 4 kerat ku adusss (teringat lagu lama Saloma .."jari2ku sakit semua". The best thing was that the cake berjalan ke rumah2 jiranku - sharing is important!! Errr... hari ni nak buat lagi ler. Reason being ada sebiji navel orange yg dah nak masuk sebulan bertapa dalam fridge - so better bake SOC so that I have more space in the fridge (HAHAHAHAHA)

Rima said...

LOL kira kira Mr Aid boleh memuas kan nafsu membaking hehehe.. yes ramai yg dah mencuba SOC.. i sampai sekarang also suka bangat dgn cake itew.. eh the other day i saw an advert.. mayer in singapore selling mr aid for $699 ..maybe lesser.. woot woot

MANISAH said...

Aha ... that cld be a trap coz when I passed by Mayer at Jurong Point after Xmas, saw the same too but bila dibaca the small prints, it seems discount hanya bila beli oven. Tak tahu jika Mayer beri new discounted price. Pasal SOC tu, err.. baking time macam kena lebih lama dari yg ditulis dalam resepi, kinda more than an hour. Anyway, dapat buat 2 bancuhan petang semalam.

Rima said...

I ternampak waktu gi plaza singapura that day.. tu pun dari jauh cos tengah jalan nak naik gi tengok wayang heheh..

Hmmm i hv no probs with the baking time pulak..

NuRuL HuSNa said...
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About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..