Wifey: Babe.. I've been thinking... can I hv a pantry next to my kitchen??
Hb : Huh?? another pantry??
Wifey: No not another pantry.. I wanna pantry like George's wife.. and their kitchen.. ohhhh I love their kitchen.. their oven.. their kithen 'toys'.. the whole kitchen is super spacious.. open concept.. I like lah..
Hb : Aiyoh.. I gv u a pantry in the basement and now u want a pantry right next to our kitchen..
Wifey: No no.. u dont understand.. tired u know.. climbing up and down to get stuff.. aiyah.. actually ah.. I like their house lah.. in fact I like the houses in aussie land..
Hb : Ok pack ur bag and I will ask the Georges if they will take u in..
Wifey: Aduhhhh u so lame lah ..

These couple of days i have been going thru my old pics and found my Oz folder taken fm last November... dont u think their kitchen looks awesome?? so neat and spacious... Julie doesnt cook but look at her pantry... she has all sorts of gadgets.. all sorts of stuff.. and look at me in the last pic.. eeekkk so' round'.. thank goodness I've lost almost 10kg now... Anyway on that day mom and me decided to cook them briyani and ayam masak merah for dinner... haizzz whats with women and kitchen/pantry...
Gut nite peeps.. I am soooo gonna be dreaming abt Julie's kitchen tonight
ai agree lah cik rims...nice open concept kitchen, but it works only for those who doesnt cook (much) or those with OCD..me nak letak island in the middle of moi kitchen, but as my kitchen is only sekangkang monyet, only calista flockheart wannabes jer bule lalu pat situ..for me who is so much rounder than yr old pic, pasti akan tersendat perutku bila lalu island iteww...so the idea was scrapped lah.. :)
That's how big the kitchen is when she doesn't cook. I wonder how humungous it will be if she does cook! hehehehe...
I pun nak dream of her kitchen tonite lah, boleh tak? hahaha
I dari dulu sampai sekarang pun memang suka si island macam gitew but sampai sekarang pong tak dapat dapat heheh.. houses kat sini kecik so the kitchen pun jadi kecik.. my old house walaupun 2 floors... the rooms and the living area punya lah spacious.. the kitchen pulak punyalah kecik, rect shape... my current kitchen besar sikit ah cos its more to a square shape but all the other rooms kecik pulak cos we live in a townhouse type.. anyway i just nak a pantry next to my work area.. macam dapur si Julie tu.. senang sikit .. tak yah turun naik but again i think pasal turun naik lah i lost weight hehehe
Tu lah.. when we were there and when George told us that wifey dia tak masak.. cuma tahu masak instant noodles and cook pasta i macam terdiam and dalam hati.. haizzzz tak masak and built a kitchen that big? kasi aku sua kitchen ni.. i know what to do with this kinda of kitchen and pantry.. i can even sleep in there hahahha
Rima, open plan ni satu aje problem, kalau tumis cili dengan sofa-sofa sekali melekat baunye..haha.
i pun suka kalau dapat walk in pantry tu..haish..kena tunggu lagi 10 tahun lagi ah..kumpul duit lagi..hahaha.(camne nak kumpul kalau yg ini pun nak, yg itu pun nak..hehehe)
mak oii..cunnyer kitchen...if mine like this, hbby pon kna teman wife dia tido next to d oven, hahhaha...hari2 masak twice or more a day...i shud have a kitchen like this...i pon nk dream from now..tonite bg hint kt hbby, ekekeke
You know what, I'm going to send this entry to hubby now to ask whether i can have this kind of kitchen for the new house....rima, i dah start to mimpi dah ni...heheheh...boleh tak? anyway, I like your house too, your basement pantry tu pun dah cukup buat i termimpi2 tau...lucky julie...
Memang pun.. kalau tumis menumis jangan nak kata yg open concept.. yg close concept pun boleh bau jugak leh.. my kitchen ade sliding door.. dah tutup pun boleh bau jugak lah satu rumah.. tu belum goreng ikan sepat .. sekali sekala bila teringin .. ahhhh tah leh angs baunye.. dari tingkat bawah sampai tingkat atas.. semua bauuu hahahha
Pantry dia i like sekali.. pantry i tu.. haizz jgn complain.. 'better than nothing'.. as what hb kata heheheh
Hahaha.. Kannn i sampai sekarang pong masih teringat dapur dia.. U lum tengok the whole hse lagi.. Dah tu their back garden lagi... Haizzz bila lah nak dapat macam gitu..
I dah gv hint pun tak lut lagi. Haha
Mai.. Some ppl can be pretty lucky eventho tak suka masak.. Tetap dapat kitchen idaman kalbu.. Boo hooo if that kitchen is mine... Hai pakai nampak lagi lah banyak i terbake hehe
Cukuplah dgn dapur n pantry tu; jangan ikutkan hati .. (gaya emak2 menasihati anaknya).
Psst .. best kan dapur cam tu? Boleh berkejar2an n can play hide n seek, hehe.
Word verif. is insle. Ingatkan insaf, kih3
Muahahaha insaf hamba!!! Tobat but kan meminati dapur orang merajin kan diri kita tau.. I dari pagi sampai sekarang berkemas.. Ni baru lepas shower n sedang minum petang.. :))
Tell me abt it SJB :))
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