I cant stay long.. a short entry on this cake that I've baked for the soccer match get together last weekend... I think I've baked this little gems like a zillion time lol... every year come Shawal.. this cake will always be a big hit in my household.. the kids love it.. the oldies love it... my hb is my nbr one fan when it comes to cake with nutella fillings hehhe
So heres the recipe taken fm Bro Rozzan blog... original recipe is fm Puan Aini Salim.. tks to u that this cake is one of the sought after cakes during Eid hehhe..
10 eggs yolks
5 egg white white
225g Castor sugar
110g plain flour or refined flour (I use the Hong Kong flour)
10g milk powder or vanilla ice cream flour
135ml melted butter
1 tbsp sponge stabilizer (ovalette)
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp chocolate flavoring (I used chocolate emulco)
1/2 tsp baking powder
Nutella or chocolate hazel nut paste for filling
1. Combine eggs, sugar and stabilizer.. whisk at low speed and then to medium high speed on ur stand mixer and whisk for a good 8 mins or till thick and fluffy. Add sifted flour, milk and baking powder. Beat again till well mix.
2. Add in the cool melted butter and vanilla essence, mix well.
3. Take five scoops of batter and add chocolate paste to it.. put it aside. Place the rest of the plain batter into a big piping bag.
4. Prepare two greased with baking paper (10x10x1").. Pour chocolate mixture and spread evenly in pan. Then pipe in plain batter on top of the chocolate batter (the reason being so that the the plain batter will not mix with chocolate batter)
5. Bake in oven at 180c for 20-25 minutes. Cool slightly (mine was done within 15mins)
6. Remove cake fm pan. Cut around edge of cake... ( i cant be bother hehe) Spread Nutella. Cut cake into two or more. Roll into two tightly.. wrap with clingwrap.. store in refrigerator.
I baked mine using 4 brownie pans so that its easier for me to get an even size plus that way i dont hv to slice my cake into a two.. less job.. less messy..
I weigh my batter (abt 1kg) took out 200g of plain batter and added chocolate emulco to it.. that way each brownie pan consist of 50g of chocolate batter... I used 150g of plain batter on each brownie pan since i get abt 600g of plain batter.. confused?? hehhe
Owh the tapak kuda cake looks super delish!
Will try this weekend ;)
Hi bedah
Try n bake em ok.. Its easy n straight forward.. Enjoy!
oooohhhh why why why this recipe uses 10 egg yolks????? why???
p/s whats stabilizer, is it ovallet? tak nak buat pun nak tanya..cehhhhhh!
hai kak rima,aida always googled recipies frm ur blog.. nice piccas also.. hehe. t ve tried your pandan chiffon cake.. so delish.. tq.
dis kek really mengconfused kan saya especially on cara2 potong tuh. nk try but then.. tak paham. really sedap ke?
If u gi phoon huat .. they dont sell ovallete.. kalau u tanya they akan kasi u sponge stabiliser... I hv both in my fridge.. so to me same aje benda tu..both pun untuk stabilised ur cake
Most of roll cake memang pakai banyak eggs.. ade yg pakai 7.. ade yg pakai 5... if indon punya pakai 15-20 egg yolks lehh.. if i kan kalau dah pakai sampai more than 10egg yolks.. i am better off bake kek lapis :o)
Sorry eh i buat u confused.. u can ikut cara abg rozzan.. use two 10x10" pan.. for chocolate batter he ketepikan 5 senduk.. letak 2 1/2 senduk chocolate batter on each tray.. dah tu pipe in plain batter on top of each tray.. kira ur plain batter u divide by 2 ah.. then u bake both pan..
Once u take it out.. u sapukan nutella.. jgn tebal tebal ok.. then u potong ur cake into two.. so kira u get 4 pcs fm that 2 trays
Then u gulung/lipat each pc.. jangan gulung jadi swiss roll pulak hehhe.. nanti baik baik nak buat horse shoe u punya jadi swiss roll hehhe.. the size macam the one that i tunjukkan dalam gambar no 4
If tak faham u ask me ok... i will try to explain to u again..
yummyy!!.....i tried baking this cake before after my fren gave the recipe...lepas tu jiran lama asyik kasi for Hari Raya...jadi malas nak buat lagi...hahah...
Lahhhh Ain.. kalau dah dapat yg perrrr buat ape nak susah payah buat :o)
hi..i would like to know, do any shops sell this cake?
May i hv ur name anonymous??
Not too sure if u can get it outside.. Why dont u try to bake it?
Hi All, mine is in the oven now. Hope it taste great!
Hi, I try to bake this cake, selalu nya the outcome bila I fold the cake, the cake petach, why, where is my mistake..can you explain, please
Hi Norzah
Hmm maybe the next time u bake it u turun kan ur oven temp.. roll it when its still warm and use parchment paper ok aka baking paper with wax
Is there any substitution for that mill powder or vanilla ice cream powder?
Hi Rima, i've been reading ur blog and decided to try baking this tdy. Comment i got was that the cake was too dense/rich. Any tips how i can overcome this? Will reducing the butter and/or egg yolk help? Or is there something in the method i should take note of?
HOnestly Yuana.. i hv not bake this cake for the longest time... as always whenever u bake swiss roll.. pls try not to over fold ur batter or it will deflate the batter.. judging by the way u describe i think u must hv over fold it.. fold in lightly and gently ok
Thanks for the tip. Yea i think that's wat happened. I tried baking it a second time, this time being extra careful with the beating/ folding, and the oven temp. 90% there.. Heheee. Tapi the outside crust macam ter-fragile sangat. Some parts peeled off in the process of rolling. I probably need to let the top brown a tad bit more.
That aside, i must say ur blog inspires me to bake more. If only i hv more time on my hands :)
hi :) nak tanya, how many rolls does this recipe make?
Kak!! Just to update u.. I succeeded!! Yeay!!
am sorry for my late reply.. i think three rolls? not been baking this for the longest time so cant really remember
Well done Yuana!
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