Remember this oldies cake?? I used to buy it every single day when I was still in primary school.. back then I was so so into sponge cake that I wud rather save my lunch money so that I cud buy this cake in the old bakery shop near Bendemeer Road..
So its natural when I first saw it in NCC.. I knew I had to bake it.. nothing out of ordinary actually.. its more abt wanting to bake this oldies cake and remembering how it was like back then...

The texture of this cake is super soft n moist.. in fact its much much more softer than ur typical sponge cake.. you can add just abt any kinda essence or paste that u like and u will get a rainbow cake.. leave it plain and u can use it as ur cake base.. nevertheless I decided to add vanilla extract and a few drops of colours to my bolu hongkong just like how mbak Fatma did...

8 egg yolk
6 egg white
150g sugar
1 tbsp emulsifier
140g low protein flour (cake flour)
10g corn flour
1 tsp baking powder
150g margarine - melted (I used butter)
1tsp vanilla extract (I added)
a few drops of pink, yellow and green colour (I added)
1tsp of chocolate paste (I added)
Wax paper line cups

Put all the ingredients except the dry ingredients and melted butter into a mixing bowl.
Beat everything on high for at least 7 mins until ribbon stage (This means that if you use your whisk with batter to write an "8" on the batter, it won't sink in but will appear visible for a while. This will be the right constitency for your batter) Add in sifted flour, baking powder and corn flour and continue to whisk on low speed for another one or two minutes.. once combined.. add in melted butter and mix in thoroughly.
Line some waxed papercups with baking paper. Pour batter into the lined cups abt 3/4 full and bake it in a preheated oven at 175C for about 20 mins. When done, remove the cake from the cup immediately and leave it on wire rack to cool.

I WANNNNNNT thissssss!!!!!! li-lin
Lyn no more lah.. all dah masuk dalam sis Wati tummy by now hahaha
salam sis Rima, i would like to try out this bolu hongkong recipe, may i know what tpye of papercup u used as in the photo, where can i buy it? TIA. sis lia.
salam sis lia.. u can use just abt any kinda papercups available as long as its a wax kind.. ya know the disposable ones u used for hot drinks?? u can either use a small or a medium size.. I am using the smallest available and i got it fm Daiso
Waalaikumsalam sis Rima, thank you for yr reply. I will try this recipe soon. Thank you so much..
sis lia.
Hi Rima, chanced upon your blog and couldn't stopped reading!! I love the colours on your Bolu Hong Kong but how do you get the colourful swirls? I mean when and how do you add the colouring? Dying to try your recipe! Thanks in advance.
Would love to call u by name anonymous and I hope ur here to stay hehehe.. anyway regarding ur question.. all u need to do is to divide ur batter into four parts.. add colouring of ur choice to every part.. scoop each colour on top of one another.. dont swirl it ok.. then bake it.
Gd luck!
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