Venue: Vienna, Austria.
Mood: Tired.. jet-lagged.. trying my best to stay awake... arghhh its almost 2am in sg... Sonia is asleep and lets just hope that shes not gonna get up at 3am (9am sg) and starts making all sorts of noises... I COULD sleep now... yes i COULD...
Weather: Brrrr.. raining...
Peak agenda: Sonia gets to meet bibik Silvia for the first time!! yayyyy

Sweet!! Dapat bibik yg pasti akan menghujani Sinia ngan peluk cium kan..kan..mama dia dpt jugak kan :)
Hi Rima,
I baru jer nak pack my bags konon nak tag along, tup2 you dah tiba sana? Owh man!
Sylvia is Sonia's aunty, kan?
Have a nice holiday! Shopping jgn tak shopping ;-)
how fun to go on hols!...hope u guys esp Sonia had a great time!
eeehhh jg nak peluk cium.. ade baby sitter lagi melayan kerenah si Sonia.. pagi bangun tido aje dah dapat peluk cium and pertanyaan yg sugguh menyenang kan... did u sleep well?? kalau back in sg.. cuma my hb aje yg tanya cam gitu tiap pagi.. :o))
ah ah bibik Silvia is auntie si Sonia.. hb i cuma ade adik pompuan and she works in Vienna.. tu lah we took the opportunity to fly to Vienna since hb has to go to Rome for some exhibition..
Shopping tu harussss lagi lagi kalau ade yg sudi nak baby sit Sonia heheh
Hols memang fun selalu especially kalau negeri tu ade lots of H&M and factory outlet store.. i loikeee! kehkehkeh
just came back from salzburg.. and i love love looovvveee salzburg so much! :) maybe pasnih kena g vienna lak... errr... esp kalo ada byk factory outlet stores!?!!!! hehehe ;-)
btw lucky sonia to have such a lovely 'bibik'! have fun, dear! :)
shopping?!?! tuuuuuu....nak shopping gak!!...
I like the last picture. So sweet.
Hi Wan
Oh u went to Salzburg?? did u met the Mozart?? hehehe
Vienna is a lovely place too.. we will be heading to the factory outlet tomorrow... already loving the shopping here.. H&M rocks!
Yes Sonia is blessed to hv bibik Silvia who adores her!
Power gila... i got pants and shirts all under eur5 each... even the baju in Zara is cheaper than in Sg.. tks to the exchange rate!
uuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaa.......nak ikut shopping!!...spore tgh GSS tapi tetap takde mood nak shopping kat sini...mcm takde beza gitu.. :S
ekceli nak mintak tolong...tapi segan nak ckp...ekekeke...tapi abang kata ckp jer..takyah segan..haha...errmm..agak2 kat sana...bag Longchamp cheaper tak?
That day waktu kita baru sampai.. I saw kat airport ade jual Longchamp but lupa pulak how much.. nanti when my other half bangun tido i will ask him... u want what size?? berapa harga kat sg?? u sms me what u want and i look for it when i go to their factory outlet today..
oh ya..kat vienna...i think the boutique is at airport...
saw the Le Pliage range...the small one S$189, medium one $222
waiting for ur number from my bro...nanti i sms u k...thanks kak ima!
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