Dont ask me why I hv not been baking for the past few days... no mood plus two days ago I was down with a pretty bad migrain.. hb on the other hand had to fly to Vietnam to attend to some urgent matter and without him.. it doesnt make sense for me to bake anything.. hes back now tho .. busy watching world cup on the big projector screen in our home theatre room! seriously.. is there any difference between watching world cup on a 42" telly instead of watching it on a projector?? men! anyway do u guys know that tomorrow is fathers day? errr.. I only got to know abt it a moment ago and I dont even know if i hv the mood to bake something for my other half :(
Photos below were taken bef our trip... Papa bought Sonia her first car.. look at how surprised she was.. priceless!

Oh yesssss!!!! big difference watching on projector & 42' telly..ask any men la.., bule tgk peluh players tu jatuh, leh tegk jari gollie bengkok tangkap bola, hatta players fart pon bule dengar kalo sound sytem first class..LMAO!!!!!....for us..err..lebih kurang sama jer kan kan....ha ha..
absolutely love those pics of Sonia, pandai mummy dia tangkap gambo..capture her expressions well..k dah pass jadi mamarazzi..
hehehehe... so cute! The surprise look on her face :-).
Siap with sunnies lagi tu naik car. Ikut sape lah tu agaknya ye? ;-P
To me same aje.. but to him.. aduhhh.. pantang game nak start.. mula lah dia macam missing in action.. baik baik tengok tv kat living room.. pelan pelan dia naik tingkat 3 and duduk dalam gelap sorang sorang.. cuma boleh kedegaran sorakan yg kuat sekali sekala.. nasib baik tak mintak bikin cookies kalau tidak tak kuasa makcik nak layan!
Eh semenjak that jakarta trip i dah dapat sijil mamarazzi tau.. kalau tidak tak kan dapat ambil gambar si chocolate tu hehehe
Bukan sunnies aje.. siap snap gambar kita lagi hahhaha..
Kalau attitude yg nonsense semua ikut papa dia.. if ikut i.. tak macam gitu cos kita wanita lembut.. tak suka gaya hahahah
Ofcourse tengok bola lebih bagus dgn projector. tp I tengok ngan 19 year old 14" sony tv je.Tv kena petir kut.
We got rid of them. Beli baru lagi baik sbb upah baiki mahal sangat.
Oh! Princess Sonia is so CUTE and her expressio as well as her excitement. Agaknya, mama dia masa kecik-kecikdulu pun mesti sebiji cam Sonia.
Cam nelah agaknya mama dia boleh ambil gambar spontaneous tu.
Eh noooo .. I tak macam gitu tauuuu.. Mami i kata i budak baik.. Tak ganas n tak kerenah .. Sonia tu dah lah orang kata sebiji macam papa dia.. Sampai rambut dia pun colour sama macam papa dia so i rasa kan keletah dia pun ikut papa dia.. Not me ok.. I wanita lemah lembut kahkahkah
Kita sembunyi kan her car in the basement so bila my hb took it upstairs i dah standby with my camera.. Tu sebab i managed to get all that photos.. Hehe
Lama ur tv pertahan.. Umurnya sama dgn my convection oven.. 2 days ago i nak pakai but something went wrong.. Haizz my first love has passed on rupenye.. Sob sob :(
Lucky girl.
Hi Wanita Lemah Lembut *grin*
Keletah dak Sonia tu kan? Mesti mama dia cam tu dolu kala.
Keadaan rumah I qte sombre. Sekali sekala aje riuh bila ada makhluk terklik to sports channel. Sports arent my cup of tea!
We are blessed to hv her in our life.. finally after 4yrs baru dapat si Sonia ni.. dah tu papa dia kata.. no more.. my factory closed hahaha
"Grinning fm ear to ear".. lemah lembut betul.. tu sebab kita kalau ketawa terbahak bahak hehehe
Kat sini if my hb decided to watch it kat living room.. I tak de chance lah nak tonton lain channel waktu world cup ni.. terpaksa lah i go to my room to watch telly.. :o(
hi kak rima,
really love this notti gal.. :)
Hehehe dari kecik sampai besar.. memang fav part part bila orang kata.. sonia cheesseeeeeeeeee
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