First off.. "Happy Fathers Day" to every father in the world... Last night I was still contemplating if I shud be baking something and look at me today.. not only did I bake something for everyone to enjoy.. I also managed to bake another type of cake so that i can present it as a gift (pics in my 2nd entry)... all this thanks to hb who had bought me lots and lots of chocolate fm our last trip.. (what u see here was just a some of it.. he bought a few blocks of each type lol) Anyway yesterday for whatever reason.. I bought another bag of Valrhona Chocolate eventho my chocolate stock is more than enough to last me for a few weeks hehehe

So ok enough rambling abt chocolate.. let me just tell u a little bit abt this super wonderful recipe.. I found this recipe in Ibu Tio site and she mentions that the original recipe is fm Mbak Junita, a chef fm the Hilton.. felt intrigued to gv it a try especially the way the ganache was prepared... the result?? worth every gram of chocolate that is used in this recipe.. worth every effort that was put in preparing, baking and piping the ganache.. everyone especially my better half loves it.. I had two in one go lol

Be it cake batter or ganache.. my hb has the habit of cleaning up my bowl by scraping it and licking it!

Ingredients (Makes 20)
5 eggs
125g caster sugar
75g flour
40g cocoa powder (I used Valrhona)
50g dark cooking chocolate (I used Lindt dark chocolate, 50%)
65g butter
Ganache topping
250ml fresh cream / whipped cream / heavy cream (I used double whipping cream)
250g dark cooking chocolate (I used 150g of Lindt chocolate, 50% and 100g of valrhona chocolate, 64%)
30g unsalted butter

Preheat oven 180C.. prepare paper cups
Melt dark cooking chocolate and butter.
Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, add sifted flour and cocoa powder, stir well
Add melted butter and chocolate, stir well, scoop batter into paper cup.
Bake at 180C for approximately 15 minutes or until cooked
Cool cupcakes before piping Ganache.
Heat whipping cream using double boiling method until u see steam.. Add chocolate that has been cut into small bits, stir until chocolate is completely melted, turn off the heat, add unsalted butter, stir, let cool, put in the chiller. Once chilled... whip until fluffy and its ready to use!

Note: You can also use this recipe to bake in a 20x20cm cake pan...
Its hubby birthday tapi I tak sempat nak bake anything for him...:( Looking at your cakes...OMG drooling la tengok choc tu swirl....Will give a try yg ni looks simple to do....
Rima,when i saw this entry i thought i had died and gone to cupcake heaven.I will definitely try this recipe kalau ade masa.Just dropping by to let you know that i have tried your lovely black forest swiss roll recipe.Twice:)It is a hit with my daughter and husband.
I am wondering if you have a fruit cake recipe.Have a good week!
hohohohooo...udah drooling nehh! kat sini mahait btollah cooking choc! time white day ngan valentine jerk murah! mmg harus borong byk2! tp cepat juga abes! sbb ari2 klu bleh nk baking berasaskan coklat! hahahahahaaa
hi rima..come across ur blog from hana's..hmmmmmm....so many nice cake's recipes...want to copy n try some..hope u dun mind ek..hehhehe
nak buat cupcake asyik xbuat2..tp tgk k.rimanye ni harus buat hehehehe ;)
Cute cup cake.
Kadang kadang tu kita gitu.. part part important event kita macam malas gitu nak bake.. part tak de event ade aje yg nak di bake.. u try ah.. the ganache is to die for :o))
Good to know that ur orang rumah suka that swiss roll.. my other half pong suka.. but ah he likes any kind of cake .. err well except sponge and chiffon cakes.. he said tu cake terbegek hahaha
I hv steam fruit cake and also bake ones.. both i like.. but is that what ur looking for??
Jgn nak kata untuk baking aje.. orang rumah kat sini siap dgn munching lagi.. sebab tu he likes to "buy for me" chocolates.. tak kira lah cooking or makan chocolates..
Kat sini pun expensive jugak tau.. but mana kan i like to stock up.. tak terasa jugak lah bila nak bake using chocolate tu sebab bila dapat gi negeri owang putih.. harus stock banyak banyak hehehe
Hi Jun
Welcome welcome.. ape nak mind.. of cos u can do so.. recipes are meant to be shared anyway.. come back soon ok! :o))
I hardly bikin cupcakes.. prefer to dump the whole batter into a pan.. senang kerja.. only if i hv the mood and kalau ade occassion baru lah i rajin buat cupcakes..
Ah ah.. my mom kata macam ice cream hehehe
Hi Rims,
ni takder kena mengena ngan the yummilicous cuppies tu..do u know where can get those nice colourful wafers yg sometimes the bakers lekat kat keliling cake tu? any idea?
I tak pernah nampak pulak colourful wafers but kan if u want chocolate yg berdesign untuk lekat kat keliling cake u can get it kat Sun Lik.. (inside her fridge ade all sorts)
I smile when you mention cake terbegek because my husband didnt have a good reaction to chiffon cakes either.
On the subject of fruit cakes pulak,i would prefer a recipe for the bake ones itu pun kalau tak menyusah kan you.Thanks Rima.
Lil Sonya looks so adorable in the pink car btw.Lucky little girl!
Look under cakes n u will be able to find it in there.. Recipe fm Alex Goh.. I've baked it a couple of times bef.. :))
salam Rima,
aduh lamanya tak datang sini..
banyak menu yg terlepas, sampai u pergi holidays pun i tak tahu..dah balik pun ha!..
this cupcakes look so, very, damn, bloody,(dont mind i say this) chocolacious..delicious..yummilicious..apa2 yng belakang dia liciouslah..felt like menjilat creamnya tuuuuu..aduh dah tak ada words nak describe!!..can only shut up if i can get to taste at least 1!!!!! pleasse...pleasee i m drooling..oh my god..pls stop me..going crazy already!!..(over pulak aku ni eh)..haha
Thank u Rima,i appreciate it.Have a good day.Hopefully my fruit cake turns out good.
Ayu kau ni pong.. over gitu hahaha.. nak kasi u testing satu pun tak leh.. dah tak de lagi ah.. ape kata u try bake this weekend.. but ah i also want u to try and bake the donna hays cupcake .. same sepadan sedap nye tauuuu hehehe
No worries and good luck!
Hi Rima,
I really appreciate your recipe. It's very nice. When you mentioned cake flour in the ingredient list of Vanilla cupcake, do you mean self raising flour?
Also, for the butter, when you said 2 sticks, how many gram do you mean?
thank you in advance. appreciate your reply.
Hi Sunny
Cake flour is not self raising flour.. if u cant find cake flour .. u can always google to find the combination on how to make cake flour by using all purpose flour with hmmm corn flour .. i think..
2 sticks is 226g of butter.
Hi Rima,
i dah bake dah cupcake ni... the rasa is very2 da bom but nak tanya texture cc ni sebenarnyer mcm maner yerk...
yg i buat ni cam "bantat" ckit...
recipe ni mmg tak pakai baking powder n soda bicarbonat kan...
sory byk pulak tanya (baru belajar membaking)
Hmmmm bantat sikit?? the cupcake has a texture of normal cake.. memang sedap cake ni.. we all like it alot!
Yes memang tak pakai both rising agent pong
Hi Rima,
For this recipe, which type of flour do u use?
Can't wait to try this recipe........so tempting!
good choice! i used all purpose flour
I've tried this recipe yesterday and everyone loved it! :D
glad to hear that aisha.. been awhile since i last bake cuppies
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