Venue: Roma, Italy
Weather: HOT
Mood: Sleepy - Tired - Been walking.. only god knows how far we walked!
Peak Agenda: We got into Rome late last night.. the weather was extremely hot today but its better than raining... hb got sunburnt! Anyway, I am gonna continue tomorrow when hb is out working... yes yes my hols end today cos come tomorrow hb will be busy with work... sob sob.. we took like more than 250 photos today and i hv narrowed it to this much.. enjoy the photos first.. will write the captions later.. ciao!

Hanging out with papad..

Arch of Constantine

In front of Colosseum.. we decided to take a guided tour and pay an extra of 8 euros just so we didnt hv to queue for the entry ticket... the queue to get in was wayyyy tooo longggg so what did we do?? pay extra lol

I bet Sonia was wondering what on earth shes looking at hahahha

Too hottttt.... Too biggggg was among her fav words on this trip!

Imagine how long has this building been standing and how strong the construction was back then... simply awesome... and the floor... ceilings - all using marble tiles - so said the tour guide of cos!

This photo was taken fm the hop on and hop off bus that takes us around Rome.. u pay like 17 euros for a 24hrs pass.. View towards St Peter's Square and the Vatican.

St Peter's Square with the Obelisco Vaticano..

This square has the largest number of visitors in the world!

The Tiber River - with the San Giovanni dei Fiorentini Church

Area Sacra - 4 old temples discovered during excavation in the 1920s

HUGE in real life... Piazza Venezia - Romans refer to it as a wedding cake bec of the shape and colour...

Oh my goodness... I really really love bruschetta .. cud hv this for brekkie, lunch and dinner lol

Papa smitten by the Italian sales girl.. got all our souvenirs fm her shop only to find out that we paid too much for the colosseum miniature hehehe

Just like in any other country.. thats how chestnuts are roasted except in sg u see Apek roasting it hahaha... oh the chestnuts.. they are humongous!

Trevi Fountain

The only city where u can see nun and priest every where u look...

.... and also McDonalds.. they are everywhere!

Circus Maximus - sports field... used during the Roman time- still being used now... it cud hold during its time almost 380 thousand visitors!

Dont leave home without Papad ey...

Look at her... u cannot loose sight of this girl... shes super independent and wud just walk and run... not good when ur in some malls or supermarket.. especially if ur overseas

Happy aje cik Sonia kita tu, hehe. Bagus juga ada stroller if not, letih juga kan? (masih terbayang2 cara dia sulk).
Rima, yg ada charcoal tu diorang jual buah berangan ke?
This is my kinda city..Boleh ronda in the ruins for ages..from morning till nite..enchanted with the archi, scenery, belum lagi posing kan?? don forget the roti k??
i see little Sonia, enjoying herself.. :)she's one lucky where's her beads now??
and i also tak notice yg u ni sebenarnya kecik & petite esp sebelah yr hubbs..he he..
Yay Rima, thanks for these lovely photos of Roma...reminiscing my good old time-doing-nothing there :).
Have fun
Ah ah tu buah berangan... ingat nak focus gambar dekat but takut kena beli pulak hahaha... besar tau buah berangan they all...
You know this is the 2nd time kita gi Italy... Turin, Verona and now Rome... i like Rome of cos.. banyak hitory behind it... kita took guided tour masuk Colosseum ... u get infor as well as u get to cut queue beli ticket kah kah kah...
In real punya lah gedik all the hisotric buildings... sampai tak leh take photos dekat... semua nak kena go across the road... i will probably ronda again today with Sonia if that panas sangat... nasib ade free shuttle dari htl to city
Small and petite bila stand next to my hb but in Italy i sama height with the rest hahahah... Sonia tinggi for her age.. follow papa's genes... oh bila u say like that i teringat ape bapak mertua ku kata bef kita kawin... (i tulis dalam bahasa ok...banyak spy) "Rima kau ni terlalu kontot untuk anak aku" ahhhh tuuu dia orang Austria bila berkata.. sungguh power one... dia lupa perfume yg mahal selalu comes in small bottles kah kah kah
Hi Suhana
No worries.. kalau boleh nak load all the photos... but better not cos nanti ppl get bored pulak hehhe
Wah kah kah..tergelak besar bila baca comment BM (bukan breadmaker ya ;))and tambah lagi gelak baca jawapan mu on the botol wangian kecik..LOL!!! leh tahan cik Rims kita..kikih..
Eh ramai yg membaca dari belah dia tu sebab harus dalam BM bila menjawab soalan sensasi hihihi..
Rima.. psst.. apa kata diorang ada jurubahasa yang mantap? Habislah youuu...huhuhuu..
P/S: Hi Cik Yat Maria... :-)
Kah kah kah.. tak yah jurubahasa.. google aje semua rahsia ku terbongkar hehhe
awesome pichas
Grazie Ilah :i)
Nice pictures.
Ah ah.. thank goodness we hv good weather to take all the photos.. if hujan habis lah tak de chance nak take photo
Hi Rima....
I'm back...luv all the photos n deja vu when I read the Vienna trip...uhuks...bila la lagi dapat ke sana.. :( ....Uhuks..Venice...Venice...
Anyway enjoy your trip..Hv fun!
Mrswongjowo!!! woahhhhh are u back dear?? for good??? windu lah dah lama tak bersembang.. hope all is well with u ok...
Anyway kita baru aje balik.. memang seronok bila dapat merayap negeri orang.. then bila tengok gambar macam teringin nak gi lagi.. padahal dah gi pun.. macam gi KL jugak.. gi sana tiap bulan pun masih teringin nak gi lagi dan lagi dan lagi hahahha
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