
We are backkkkkk !!

First of.. to all my cyber mamas out there... HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

We are finally back home fm KL... oh wow.. a week in KL feels like forever hahahha... dont get me wrong ey.. i love to go there and i am fortunate to be able to see my kaki's at least once a month but a week in KL can be pretty boring ... anyway after we got home last night.. we went straight out again to celebrate mothers day celebration with mom... we decided to celebrate it earlier since we had wanted to just chill at home today... lots of laundry to do... housework.. etc etc etc.. hmmm is today Mothers day?? hey kidsssss i thought its mama's day off today ?? hmmm

To be honest.. i dont need a day off... all i want is my family to be around me today and i got my wish... Hairi took us out for dinner.. ahem he paid for it... my boy paid for it with his hard earned National Service salary hehhe.. we hang out for a couple of hours.. had a quick catch up bef we send him off back to camp... ty son!

And ohhhh ty to u too Sonia for behaving during dinner! hehhe

Oh bef i go.. this morning while everyone was still asleep.. i decided to try my hand on puteri salat durian... i didnt get the smooth top that i want... the kaya part is a little soft but overall i like the taste of it.. (first time tasted it) almost like eating serawa durian with glutinous rice hahhaa... i will definately try to make it again .. maybe add more corn flour to the kaya to make it a little harder.. and until then i will not post the recipe just yet till i get it right..


SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Happy Mother's day.

Rima said...

Happy Mothers day to u too SJB.. :o)

CS said...

Hi Rima..

Hujan emas dinegeri orang mana nak sama dgn hujan batu dinegeri sendiri, kan? (eh! betul ke I cakap tu? hehe).

Memanglah boring kalau 'tak buat apa2' which translates to mean 'tak membaking'.

Happy mother's day to you ;-)

CS said...

Hi Rima..

Hujan emas dinegeri orang mana nak sama dgn hujan batu dinegeri sendiri, kan? (eh! betul ke I cakap tu? hehe).

Memanglah boring kalau 'tak buat apa2' which translates to mean 'tak membaking'.

Happy mother's day to you ;-)

Rima said...

Betul kata u tu... where ever i go .. i mesti homesick one.. bukan ape.. dah biasa jadi "maid" bila sesekali jadi puan besar .. tak buat ape ape.. jalan jalan aje... macam tak kena gitu hehehe

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..