Today is the day Ms Rima gets to put up her feet, rest her fingers and not crack her head on what word to type after "bake"...
Today I have the honor of being the "Guest Blogger". "i" being the man in Ms Rima's life...
I will not share the latest baking tips, or comment on what a wonderful mother/wife/chef/homemaker/maid/CFO/pain-in-the-neck Rima is, but just share a few photos of the other lady in my life: Sonia.
I was playing around with the camera yesterday and this is what the two of us came up with... enjoy!

Finally a video that Rima took while in KL. I think our little one will turn into a real singing pro when she gets older - just like mummy.
My two girls, I love both of you dearly and look forward to the sun rising every day to spend another day with you; growing up & getting old together.
xxx Papa
gosh ;o) ur lil gurl is sooooo fallin in luv wit her! xoxo
hugs to sonia from aunty yan!
Wahhhh!!!!! I'm in luuurrrvvvveeeeee!!! with Sonia..You made the right choice, bringing her up is way, way berbaloi than having a carrer..priceless, this kinda of stuff yg gives us great pleasure...melayan toddlers..
she's getting cuter & cuter my the day eh..& she's also full of expressions..ngalahkan model pat posing ;)..we shd treasure the moments with our kids...they grow up too fast, too fast..kelip mata jer dah besar, another chapter pulak..
always nak tanya this thing but lupa jer...bila you find time nak berkemas coz I tgk rumah u tu spick & span..u ada part time maid ka? i just wonder bila u kemas rumah...aku yg lenggang kangkung anak dah beso & tak yah main kejar2 pun cant keep to the standard piawaian u bila bab rumah spick & span nih..he he...lagi umah aku sekangkang monyet bila compare ngan yours..pls share trick2 mujarap u pat I k???..kiss sonia for me ya...muahhhhhhhxxxxxxx...
So so sweet :-D
Psst Rima, your 'guest blogger' dapat cenderahati for appearing in your blog tak? hehe...
Part Sonia terbatuk2 kecil tu yg mahal ..
Aunty Yan
At this age.. whatever they do pun cute mute... hehehhe
Memang betul u kata... when i got pregnant.. hb told me to quit and stay home .. maklum nak dapat Sonia ni susah bangat and up to now pun i belum lagi teringin nak balik kerja sampai my hb asked me last month bila i nak go back to work kah kah kah
Nanti lah.. for now i am happy being a stay home mom... shes growing far too fast and i dont wanna miss anything... keletah dia and who never fail to smile.. baik pagi or malam or petang.. shes a happy baby...
Part kemas rumah tu... i ni tak suka serak serak sampai my hb kata i OCD hahahahha... i kemas on daily basis.. vacumn and mop .. like yesterday i busy bangat.. mengosok, housework, scrub balcony, masak dalca lah.. sampai tak sempat nak bake anything... tu lah sebab i didnt even hv the time to update my blog and when he offered to be my guest blogger... i terus kata OKKKK
My part time maid tu si Sonia lah.. tak nampak dia heret vacumn cleaner dia tu muahahhaha
Sweet lagi mama dia muahahah
He over excited bila sekali sekala dia dapat contribute something to my blog.. dah lama dia nak jadi my guest blogger but i said.. NO! hehehe
awwwww so sweettttt.... jeles...jeless..... thanks for the creamy mango pudding resepi... will buy mango tommorrow cant wait to try it out....
Try and let me know if u like it as much as we did.. gd luck!
Love all the pictures. She looks like a doll :D. Very cute.
Your missy pun ape kurangnye.. lagi cute mute.. pipinye nanti auntie Rima cubit baru tahu hihihi
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