It’s hot in the morning... its cold, it’s wet in the evening, why did I even wanna make a cold desert... err cos the recipe looked oh so simple and tempting?
I so happened to have a few frozen mangoes in my freezer courtesy of "on sale" week for mangoes in Giant bef we went to KL.. and since this recipe only uses 300g of mango flesh.. i thought why not prepare a cold desert for a change!

Don’t you love summer aka the month of april onwards.. when there are bountiful of berries and all kinds of fruits around you? That’s whats happening now.. I wud buy all kinds of berries.. all kinda of fruits and I wud freeze some of them... it comes in handy when u feel like preparing or baking something with fruits :o)
300g mango flesh - pureed
50g sugar (optional)
10g gelatine powder
50ml water
250ml thicken cream - whipped (i used whipping cream)
1 mango - diced
Puree mango flesh with sugar and put it aside
Micro on high gelatine and water for 20sec - stir and put it aside
Mix gelatine to pureed mango flesh
Whip whipping cream till soft peaks form and add it to mango mixture
Pour or pipe enough mango pudding in any kinda mold.. top with diced mango and let it sit in ur fridge for abt 3hrs
Serve chilled

Another excellent recipe fm Dapur Ibu Tio... superb taste... rich and creamy... PERFECT!!
I love mango! Been eating it with oatmeal for breakfast; but a lot of times I would have more mango than oatmeal.
Anyway, I bet those pudding were wonderful. yum...
Hello dear....
Gd that u're back ya...dapat melayan I nyer merapus..ha ha..this one looks so tempting..abisla diet ku ini..gonna nuy some mangoes and see what happens..BTW, boleh freeze ek the mangoes..bila nak pakai for stuff ok ka?
oatmeal n mango.. Nice?? I dont know how to eat oatmeal.. Not a big fan.. Dont know why hehe
Yat dear!!
Woahhhh meriah kembali rasanye comment box ku ini Dgn kehadiran mu hahaha.. Eh seriously memang harus dicuba desert ni.. Sedap n err diet?? Alamak i forgot i too am on diet!! Abis aaaaaa hahaha
Mangoes r best frozen if u nak buat smoothie or pudding.. I ape ape pun masuk freezer.. Roti also i letak kat freezer if nak expire.. Can use to make jemput jemput ke.. Bread pudding ke etc etc
dear Rima,
semalam i tried out ur mango pudding FINALLY!!!. and it so gooooodddd so easy to make and i guess it is great dessert for family/friends makan2.
actually gelatine i beli dah berabad dah, dah berabuk box dia hahahks, finally i can and know how to use it. thank you.
my next project is to try out your marble choc cake (humph dalam tahun nie i bake that cake)
Glad u like it.. Marble cake actually have different taste n texture.. Yg u wanna try yg shiela mambo one eh??
ha'a tot of making the sheila mambo marble cake.
i actually crave for melt in your mouth butter cake,maybe u have some suggestion. i havent found a good butter cake, normally it's dry, too much essence etc.
hope i could make it using my 'cap ayam' hand mixer sob...sob....
Shiela mambo marble is definately not the melt in ur mouth type.. I like sicilian cake., moist n taste nice.. I think out of all butter cake there is one yg i like.. Lemme think first eh
S.Rima..thanks for the recipe..I kidnap recipe ni last Monday.. sedap banget..;p
Kidnap tak pe janji tak de ransom to be paid hehehe.. good to know that u liked it..
hv a good weekend!
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