I HATE getting the cough...the thing abt the cough and me, it wouldnt just last a week. I could be coughing for more than a month! And it's so damn annoying, especially at night. .. can't sleep.
It all started yesterday while I was munching on "Muruku".. I know.. I know I shouldn't be munching in the first place but oh well I did it.. this couple days I hv been eating like a pig.. menses around the corner.. attitude problem.. mood swing...body aching.. tired.. yikes!! Anyway while munching Muruku I accidently choked on it.. it was so so bad that I had to keep on drinking water... since then I hadnt stop coughing... sigh
Anyway last night bef I went to bed... abt the same time my "guest blogger" invaded my blog.. I decided to prepare a simple kuih for todays breakfast... hb likes it.. to me.. its not sweet enough but hb said the sweetness is just right.. oh well.. probably its just the coughing acting up on me!.. I gave mom the rest of the kuih to be shared among her neighbours..

1 1/2 cup flour
3 tbsp rice flour
2 tbsp corn flour
1 cup sugar
5 cup coconut milk (i used 350ml KARA and top the rest with water)
1 tsp salt
red colouring and a few drops of rose essence
Combine dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Pour in coconut milk mix well. Strain the batter to ensure it is free from lumps.
Divide batter into two equal portion and add red colouring and rose essence to one part
Place a greased 8 inch tray in the steamer and heat up for 4–5 minutes.
Steam the batter layer by layer. Pour the 1st layer of batter on the heated tray. Cover and steam over medium heat for 5 minutes or until set.
Follow by the next color and steam for 5 minutes and then the next layer.
Repeat the procedure, alternating the color until all the batter is used up.
After the final layer is set, steam the kuih for a further 20 minutes.
Cool the kuih thoroughly before cutting into it.

Source: Yatie
Poor you Rima, it happen to me last month. So I try to drink few cups of ginger boil in hot water and also preserved kumquat & honey. Hope you get better soon.
In your recipe what find of flour to you mean by 1 1/2 cup flour?
Hi stephie
i might gv that a try.. Ty ty..
11/2 cup of flour is all purpose flour ..
me too kak rima ... i dah mc 3 days dah gi doctor 3x since 1st may ...
ur kuih lapis colour so pwetty ... soft pink i like!!! ...
Tengah musim batuk agaknye.. I was all gd .. Well except for my mood swing hahaha until i si meruku tu ah.. Hb told me not to munch.. Belakang dia kita bedal.. Padan muka gue hikhikhik
i hope u will get well soon.. Take care n no coke for u :ox
hahahha si muruku lupernyer ... for me i think jangkit ar ....
hahhaha i tgh windu my sang coke
Hi Rima, I tried this too.. I cud not belive how easy to make this kuih.. tahu makan je previously ;p Thks for sharing it!
Hi Ribbon Clown
Yep its as easy as when u eat one slice after another haha
I made the Kuih Lapis and it was yummy! i didn't realise it was so easy to make. I can't wait to try making your baked Lapis, they all looked so wickedly delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipes.
Hi Jean
Glad u made it! yummeh right?? hehe.. well baking lapis needs a little patience but if ur mentally prepared that u gonna sacrifice a few hrs doing it.. i wud encourange u to do so cos once u hv tried baking em.. its llke u will never wanna buy it fm outside anymore
Good luck Jean!
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