Yesterday hb came home with a little good news and this is what he said to me.. "It feels good when years of hard work start to pay off"... I had tears in my eyes.....
From the bottom of my heart.. I am happy... am proud of you babe... all your hard work, effort and the late nights.. paid off... u deserve it.. so now.. can we go shopping?? hahahahha

So yesterday after sending off my camera lens for service (thank god it was my lens and not my camera that needs repair) .. i whipped up my age egg whites... baked his fav desert and this morning he took some to work to share it with his working colleague...

I'm using the same recipe... did two batch.. to one batch.. i added 5g of cocoa powder to my icing sugar and almond powder.. I added 1/2 tsp of red powder colouring to the 2nd batch.. filled it with our fav chocolate ganache... of cos u can use other type of fillings like lemon or any kinda berry buttercream.. cream cheese, nutella or dulce de leche.. whatever u like.. place it in ur fridge and its ready for everyone to enjoy.. ohhh aren't they the prettiest!

Oh guess what.. we gonna go on a date tonight... hehehe... let me gv u some hint..

Yep yep... gliters... ballroom... masquerade... Le Fantôme de l'Opéra for him and me?? heheheh... shud be fun!!!
wah..congratulation to him!! so, apa lagi Rima, kitchenaid jgn lupa masuk dalam list shopping tu..waweeee...
Eh kalau ikutkan hati.. The list can go on n on tau.. Nak satu bakery supply shop boleh?? Hahaha
Gd job, well done to him too!!!
Err.. I had tears in my eyes too... from ogling the macaroons and knowing I cant bake one...
well...enjoy yr....date:)
Ty.. one fine day when u dah mula bake cake lapis n u hv lots of egg whites to clear.. I am pretty sure u will try to bake macarons.. Its challenging and thats the best part.. Trust me..
got a tag & awrd for u..meh ah umah amik, k...btw, I nak buat struddle pastry..shd I get the readymade frozen pastry yg butter ker apa eh?? thot of going to cold storage...ada diff ker amgst the pastry nih?
Have fun. Oh can't wait to see the picture :D.
Ok Yat.. will do it when i get home.. I'm at vivo now hehe..
Pasal frozen pastry.. I usually buy kawan brand kat tesco.. Tak suka buy other brand cos dulu i bake pakai the ones i bought kat ntuc jadi lembek seh.. Nanti i check kat giant n let u know ok
My hb yesterday macam camera man hahaha.. nanti when i hv load it i will put up photos...
Salam rima,
Kak siti again, this time nak tanya powdered colour utk macaron boleh beli d mana? tq so much.
Kak Siti
Most of the powdered colour i bought it fm Sun Lik kat sini.. it comes in small bottles too..
Salam rima,TQSM for yr reply n kongsi ilmu..amat2 kak t hargai.
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