Who doesnt hv a love and hate relationship when it comes to keeping their home tidy... whole day yesterday i hv been doing just that... fm basement to the top level... welp.. this is when u think having a maid is worth it hahahha and Yat .. this is my pantry aka bomb shelter.. i dont bake in here.. i bake in my kitchen which is on the first floor.. (yep its a form of exercise for me.. climbing up and down to get my baking stuff.. NO?? lol).. in the kitchen is where i hv my 18yrs old Kenwood chef mixer which was given to me by my ex SIL when she got a new one (God knows how long she had it bef she gave it to me, ty ty), my fav Mastrad digital scale together with 5 other cookie baking trays... oh we do hv a huge fridge in our kitchen which my hb bans me fm keeping my baking ingredients hahahahha.. he wishes.. someday i will invade his territory muahahaha

Hello Rima...
Uwahhhhhh!!!!!! I WANT a pantry like yours..it resembles a mini baking supplies shop actually, & complete with a fridge for the perishables ya?? I want a special baking fridge too..errr also a new mixer, emmm.. a new digital scale, different kinds & shapes of baking trays, muffin trays, from silicon ones to those super ex one from delphi, and all kinds of papercups, baking utensils, all the different food colourings, emmm...oh yes!!! gd quality CHOCS!! ok..did I leave anything out? muah ha ha..
HAHAHAH.. Yat u funny lah.. eh jauh bara dari api lah.. tak de lah macam mini bakking supplies shop pun.. i was just joking aje yesterday.. tu i masih wishing upon a star lagi.. eh 2wks ago Mayer had a warehouse sale.. they were selling Kitchen Aid mixer for $599.. i almost beli tau but tak jadi pasal my oldies kenwood mixer masih berjasa kat i.. but ah after that i macam menyesal pulak.. if i know i took up hb's offer nak belikan i as our wedding anniversary gift hahaha
Bab bab cooking chocolate i actually tak cerewet but ah my hb yg selalu stock up valrhona in my fridge.. he said a good chocolate is a must.. Shermay's cooking school in holland v is having offer for their valrhona chocolate tau.. if u wanna get it .. get it there bef next weekend.. 10 to 30% off
Kalau I pergi rumah you Rima, I think I'll tuju this area first, hehehe. And then I can go oohs and aahs at all your stuff, sambil2 mengelap air liur, hahahaha..
Psst.. the only thing yang I ada sama like yours are the blue boxes from IKEA and the Coles pink shopping bag, muahahaha.
My kakis all very funny lah hahaha.. Eh tu pink coles bag my fav tau.. The purple ones are my fav.. My pantry tu lah juga tempat ku tuju bila merajuk hahaha
Ni bukan pantry ni, ini dah kira sanctuary ni..hehe.
Sungguh lah i berangan-angan kitchenaid mixer tu..nak yg warna merah punye...haishh...tunggulah lagi beberapa tahun sampai dia turun harga lagi rendah..hehehe.
Ah ah seh Sue.. Hehehe.. Mine too but tak Rahul lah why I malu malu meow that day.. I like red or white or purple or orange or brown hahaha semua pun boleh!! Now got another Mayer sale but $699.. Puiii
What la you..Rugi!!! Lenkali hubby dah offer tu amik aje lah....grrrrr..hahaha.
wah seyyyy....da mcm kedai cake jugak...ekekek...i likeeee!!....not bcoz i like baking...but i like to see the neat & organized things...best best best!!....if i have a bigger room...or better still a house wiv spare rooms....it will filled up wiv my beading stuffs!...n books!!...hehe
OMG! OMG! All of us dah mcm kena rasuk dah nih.. :-)
Gitu rupanya rupa pantry orang yg 'suka2' membaking eh? If you bake for sale, ntah camanalah gaknya, huh huh <- sambil mengurut dada.
Rima, do you bake using that oven? If so, tssk, tssk.. if you can do it, so can I <- kata2 semangat untuk I.
Aduh Sue.. i think ah if that day waktu i gi Mayer warehouse sale alone sudah pasti si KitchenAid tu berada di kitchen ku sekarang.. Also i realised eh dari dulu sampai sekarang.. whenever nak beli barang if my hb ade macam susah gitu.. guilty lah konon.. tapi kan bila dia tak de... ohhh sungguh senang hendak menyopping hahhahah
Buat masa sekarang at least ur mom sacrifice almari for ur beading collection.. kira ok lah tu for a starter! Lagi besar tempat lagi banyak kerja tau .. rajin kemas tak?? hahaha
Hahahha jaga2 kadang2 bila dah kena rasuk.. keesokan harinye bila gi shopping, belanja nye pun macam orang kena rasuk tau.. semua pun nak beli muahahaha
That oven and also my kenwood chef has been with me for 18yrs.. lama betul berjasa pada i.. both in good working condition sampai lah sekarang.. touch wood ey.. since i moved to this house.. i hv been using my built in oven in my kitchen so that convection oven i only use it to micro or defrost stuff... but to be honest.. i much prefer baking using convection oven cos ringkas.. i even bake cake lapis in there using grill mode.. the only thing yg tak shiok is that i cannot fit in a pan that is more than 10".. other than that.. convection oven works wonder for all my baking...
OMG..so many stuff. Macam di bakery shop lah pulak heheh.
ouhh...wat i meant is...a room for me to keep the beading stuffs n do my beading ah...hehe...yg almari tu...showcase jer...mayb this raya kita showcase balik perfumes...hahah...
part kemas n atur mmg feveret...bole kemas many2 times juz to make sure its neatly organized...eekekeke...
Senang bah if semua barang ade depan mata.. nak buat ape pun boleh.. malas sia nak pergi kedai bila nak buat cake :o)
Sabar eh .. nanti once dah ahem then dah pindah boleh lah ade that special room khas buat ur beading stuff... :o)
wahduh!!! macam nigella!!! i loike!!! ... suker skali all the perkakas in 1 place.
ain: u nak kene have a few basements ... 1: beading 2: books 3: all ur baju kurungs hee hee
wahduh Ilah!! ape nye yg macam nigella?? orang nye ke?? hahahha sexy tu! i loike too!!
OMG!!! Hye there! it's my first time visiting ur blog and i love this entry the most! hahahah! nak jugak macam ni!!!!
LOL Mommy
Nak?? cannnnn .. all u need to do is to picit picit bahu ur hb.. sure he will gv u this kinda baking pantry ahaks
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