Touch wood but as u guys know, i hardly fall sick... same goes with Sonia... hb always says that among the four of us.. Sonia and mama are the strongest... well err not really this time round... first it was Hairi whos not well.. then hb .. then both of them were not at home.. Sonia and mama were feeling healthy for almost a week.. hb got home fm Vietnam.. Hairi got home fm camp.. both still sniffing and coughing away and bef we know it.. I was down with a very bad gastric flu, vomiting and cant even stand straight.. and my little Sonia has a fever of 38.5 deg... we took her to see Dr Kumar yesterday.. her fever subsided and out of the blue.. the very same evening, she had diarrhea... my poor alone she pooped like 7 times!!
We decided to take her to a 24hr clinic nearby.. doc said that she seems ok.. tummy slightly bloated but she didnt look dehydrated... phewwww... still we were asked to keep a close watch on her over the next 24hrs... :o((((
As for me, I woke up with a bad headache and runny nose and know today wasn't gonna be a great day. Sure enough... Right now, my head is so stuffed up... Yikes. The doctor said that it should be clear by the end of the week. END OF THE WEEK? YIKES! That's 7 days of blaaahhh for me. 2 sick kids, a sick hubby and me feeling not so great? Soooo help me God..
On a lighter note, my tummy seems ok... no longer having gastric or even vomiting.. tks to Bismac and Actal.. alhamdullilah.. somebody has to be strong and healthy to look after the sickies..
Oh and guess what?? Hairi's dad got married today.. we went to his wedding with mom and dad.. a pity, Hairi wasnt there to witness his dad's marriage cos hes not here and guess what i said to Hairi's dad when he came to our table with his new bride... "SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU ENCIK JAMILLLL" (remember the P.Ramlee movie of madu tiga??) muahahahha congrats congrats to Ali and Shima, we are happy for u guys.. phewww finally... :o))

The newly weds...

I am blessed that my little Sonia can still smile and play eventho shes sick...
LOL @ the dialogue!! that film tickles me no matter how many times it's been aired :)..
I hope all of you recover soon fun to be rest well, lots of water & you'll be gd as soon pretty soon..take care!
Kesian you all satu rumah sakit...tak pe, tak pe, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian..heheh.
wah..wah..wah..boleh tahan bini dia Rima! hehehehe.
Yang gambar ngan Sonia tu sapa ye? (soalan kepoh)
Poor you guys, everyone sick in the house :-(.
Hope it's not going to be a prolonged one and hope everyone feels better very very soon.
Put your feet up and get a good rest and don't forget the liquids.
Take care ye!
Salute kat you boleh attend ur ex's wedding.. Dua sejoli in pink :-) Lawo gak mrs 'Jamil' tu ek? Anak dara ke? Ooops, soalan kepoh :-)
P/S: get well soon ..
Ah ah cepat cepat lah i bersenang senang kemudian.. penat wooo.. macam nurse tau kat rumah heheh
Boleh.. boleh tahan... but kan dot dot dot lol
Thats ex punya niece.. Naqia.. shes a flight stewardess.. her mom is in the first pic..
Dont u just love all of P Ramlee's movies.. every single dialogue pun u can remember seh..
When he came to our table.. i had to say that... its funny and everyone aka all my ex SIL and PIL were laughing..
Ty and will do.. i hv to get well fast or i will look like and feel like yikes! hehhe
Ty gf.. If i am well.. i'm not worried and knew i can handle it but if i am down tu yg buat i rasa helpless.. hate that feeling but what to do kan.. sometimes ur antibody can take so much.. kalau dah nak kena attack.. kita rebah jugak.. I will definately try to put up my feet and rest but ah if i'm too stress i mesti ended up baking to release my stress hmmmm
Ty .. will try..
Soalan panas tu .. boleh keluar kat rancangan Melodi and Terjah hahahhaha
My relationship with encik "jamil" family is very very good... we are still close... we respect one another and i still visit my ex PIL whenever i can in JB.. i had to go cos i knew its not always i get to see everyone in one go...
Eh lawo jugak .. pandai encik "jamil" cari penganti.. tak sia sia he waited almost 8yrs to remarry lol.. psstt shes a "J" model with 2 kiddoes .. kwang kwang kwang
Thanks Rima ..
Penjelasan yg sungguh padat; kalah Melodi n Terjah combined together ... *cheeky wink*
p/s: ex orang JB? kesahnya..
LOL Somuffins
Alah benda baik tak yah nak sorok sorok kan.. benda tak baik harus di sorok sorok hahahha
No no hes not fm JB.. his parents moved to JB like more than 15yrs ago kot .. so whenever i can.. maybe once or twice a year.. i will visit them..
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