Thank you for all the well wishes... so touching hehehe.. Sonia is a lot more better than yesterday even tho shes still down with diarrhea .. shes playing and singing and even started jumping again.. I decided to cook her chicken porridge for a change even tho shes not a porridge girl.. surprisingly shes eating it and drinking her milk (liquidized milk) happily.

I feel much better this morning and hence the reason why i started baking again hahahha... if only hb was at home.. he wud be saying (his fav wise word) "Rima ... Rima... dont u know how to just chill for a change??" hmmmmm

500 ml egg white
325g caster sugar
1 tbsp cake emulsifier (ovalette)
1/2 tsp salt
100 ml evaporated milk
50g melted butter or oil
1 tsp baking powder
200g flour
50g corn flour
25g milk powder

1 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp strawberry paste
1 tsp lemon paste
1 tsp mocca paste
1 tsp pandan paste
1. Whisk egg white, sugar, salt, ovalette till light and fluffy (abt 10mins)
2. Sift flour, corn flour and milk powder and put it aside
3. Mix melted butter and evaporated milk and put it aside
4. Add melted butter mixture into egg white mixture and mix till well combined
5. Add in vanilla essence
6. Add in sifted flour a little at a time
7. Divide batter into 4 parts (mine abt 320g each) and add each paste to each part
8. Prepare steamer.. greased a 20 x 20 pan (8x8)
9. Steam 7 mins for each layer .. starting fm pandan, mocca, lemon and top layer strawberry paste.. steam a further 15mins ... take pan out of steamer.. let it cool, unmould and slice.

Hb loves the taste and the texture of this steamed cake (bolu).. mom likes the colour and taste.. i wouldnt use less sugar as i feel that this bolu tastes nice as it is.. gv it a go if u hv lots and lots of egg white left in ur fridge after baking layer cake.

Welp!! I think i spent a few good hours searching high and low the owner of this recipe or at least where i got this recipe fm .. finally i found her lol... recipe is fm ibutio.multiply.com
You can either use my method or her method which u can get it fm her site.
Hi Rima
Glad that you are better now..baking already kan?? ha ha..just wondering braper byk khazanah baking u ada ek??? seems like apa u nak buat ada in yr pantry tu..jeles I..my kitchen sekangkang kera..hu hu..storange space lagi la jgn ckp:(
u wanna come by n take a look how full my baking fridge is in my pantry but ah it's in the basement ok.. U hv to turun naik tangga tau hehehe
to be honest., whatever I wanna bake I can just do it w/o having to go to kedai.. My baking pantry macam baking supply shop.. Kena do stock take every month hahaha
Rima, I nak buat Portuguese egg tart yg guna 4 egg yolks aje tapi I terfikir tentang egg white yg tinggal. Baru smlm I terkenang nak tanya apa you buat dgn egg white tu. I got the answer already, tq.
Kek tu mmg mengancam!
I keep my egg white kat ziplock then place it inside Tupperware.. Tak pernah buang.. Sayang lah.. Bila bila nak pakai benda tu ade.. This is a nice steam cake but if u only hv 4 egg white aka abt 120g.. Tak cukup tu dear.. Unless u hv more in ur fridge.. Anyway gd luck n I'm sure u will like the taste if this bolu kukus
hi Sis Rima,
I made this steamed cake just now and thinking of bringing it to my mom house in Melaka.. can the cake stand for 2 days in a tight tupperware?
Yes it can.. but its best if u place it in ur fridge if ur planning to only take it to Melaka in 2 days time..
Dear Rima,
I have tried making your egg white steamed cake on sunday and it came out perfectly. Thank you for sharing this nice recipe with us. My nieces and family find it very beautiful to eat and they cannot imagine is using only egg white. And i find that i am in love with any steamed cake.
Best Regards
I used to not like steamed cake but after i 'invaded' all the indonesian steamed cakes recipes.. i got addicted to keep on trying their recipe.. tks to them i am not officially in love with steamed cake too hehehe
Congrats and maybe someday u shud try the steamed brownies.. that one is super awesome!
i already make dis cake....love it so much..thnx rima
No worries.. glad it turned out good err anonymous... wish i cud adrs u by name :o(
Hi Hi Ms Rima, I have tried out this recipe but mine turn out like kueh. What could have went wrong.
Btw I love browsing your blog =)
Oh no... sorry that it didnt turn out well.. i did went to ur blog to take a peep.. ovallete is a must and u shud steam it using medium high fire and not high fire.. (high fire is only meant for making apam mekar).. did u use a room temp egg white??
S. Rima, I buat lagi cake ni...again, it's for my parents.. they love it to bit.. thank you for this wonderful recipe..I really love it.. :D
Woah.. i only did it once and sampai sekarang tak buat lagi.. maybe i shud since i hv loads of egg whites in my fridge out of all the kek lapis that i had baked..
Ms Rima thanks for the tips. =) I have finish almost all of the whites. Guess will make this again after I have collected enough whites! Yeah I will defintely challenge this again!
Hi Rima,
Your rainbow steamed cake looked beautiful!
May I know if i can replace the paste with just coloring gel?
Usually how long the egg white can be stored inside the fridge and are still good to use for baking?
yes u can but as we all know egg white cake has not much taste to it.. so if u add paste it will enhance the flavour of this steamed cake
I hv egg whites as long as one month.. u can keep it in ur freezer if u want and it will last even longer..
Got it Rima and thanks for the info.
I am busy since I found your blog. Guess what?
I am reading all your posts back from 2009.
I really enjoy reading your blog. : )
Will sure try out some of your recipes after I get my new oven.
Now i can only "play" with steaming.
oh ya, your Sonia is beautiful.
She is so sweet and lovely!
Hi, thank you for sharing the recipe, it come handy where I had a lot of egg white frozen. I failed making the cake, is the emulsifier a must to the recipe?
Hi Teck
oh gosh.. am sorry to hear that.. u hv to use emulsifier for this cake .. maybe u shud gv it a try again??
Thanks Rima, I'm in Melbourne, I will try again if I could find the emulsifier. Pls dont be dishearted when there is no comment, people dont always share their comment. I noticed you have 2 different recipe of Apam, do they taste the same?
Hi Rima, I am Teck. I am going back to Singapore in Dec. Do you need anything from Melbourne?
Hi Teck
Ty for the offer.. ur visiting someone here in S'pore? family members?
I am visiting my family and staying for CYN
Hi Rima, Happy New Year to you and family. I made this cake again, this time with emulsifier bought from overseas. The cake just came out of the steamer, by the look of it should be OK. Too excited, can't wait to tell you that I made the cake. Thank you
Hi Teck
happy new year to u too! so how?? did it turned out alright?? lemme know? am excited too hehe
Hi Rima, nuce n colourful cake. M steaming it in the steam oven nw...hope it will turn out well. M juz afrraid tat it will nt unmould nicely although I hv greased the pan coz itz aluminum...keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi Rima,
This is such a beautiful cake! I am going to try this out. Sorry I am a novice in cake steaming & baking. Please advise will the cake texture be affected if I cut down the sugar to 280g instead of 325g? Oh, may I know where do you get the Mocca paste? I can't find it in Sun Lik. Thank you.
Kak, i wana try the steamed cake, but wana check with u about the paste first. Is it ok to replace paste with essence, kak? Also, what's the difference between paste and emulco?
Thanks ya Kak....
did u finally got it? most of my paste comes fm my trips.. i think i must hv bought it while in jkt
u can use essence but the taste and colour will not be the same.. u cant find any paste there?
Salam Sis,
I must first compliment your amazing baking skills and I am really impressed by your work.
I tried this recipe last year for Hari Raya as I had all the excess egg whites from baking Swiss Rolls. It was surely a hit..only that the cake lasted for like 2-3 days before it started becoming sticky and goo-ey. I am not too sure what went wrong as i normally bake and not steam.
Would love to do this cake again in a week's time and i hope you can help me in sorting my mistake. Thanks in advance :)
W'salam Nadiana
Usually steamed cake will not last more than a couple of days.. try placing ur cake in fridge? as far as i know the only steamed cake that an last long is kek kukus buah..
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