Woooaaahhh did u hear the thunder earlier on?? the lightning... scared the s*** out of me lol... it was raining so so heavily and now it has stopped.... the blue sky is out... and the weather is absolutely wonderful now...

So anyway.. today I decided to try out Donna Hay's Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies... Brownies and cheesecake? What is there not to like? I have said bef that desserts are my downfall. I'm not a potato chip kinda girl. I dont like to snack, really (hubby says: "Sure"...)... I dont like candy. Mildly ("Sure...") interested in ice cream ... unless it's on a brownie. Cookies are fine.. but it has to be homemade. To me, the best cookies are the ones just out of the oven. Heavenly! Chocolates are ok.. but a chocolate cake? Oh gosh...the right chocolate cake can give me an orgasm.. hahahahahah I am KIDDING! But you get the drift. Basically .. I like my desserts... Cheesecakes, puddings.. you name it.

Honestly, if you are a chocolate lover, you gotta try this brownie. Seriously. You have to!! Make it for your loved ones, for Valentine's, for birthdays.. or even for ur afternoon tea... enjoy the recipe!
185g butter, melted (i used unsalted and added 1/4tsp of salt)
1/4 cup cocoa powder, sifted (i used valrhona)
1 cup caster sugar
2 eggs
1 cup plain flour
285g cream cheese, softened and chopped
4 1/2 tbsp caster sugar
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 160 degree C
Place butter, cocoa powder, sugar, eggs and flour in a bowl and mix well until smooth
Spoon into a 8" square slice tin line with baking paper
To make cheesecake, process the cream cheese, sugar and eggs in a mixer until smooth
Place large spoonfuls of the cheesecake nixture on top of the chocolate mixture and swirl with a butter knife
Bake for 45-50 minutes or until set

LMFAO!!! right choc cake kasi orgasm...ntah2 bole pun jadi aphrodisiac kot..trus jadi nympho...muah ha ha...buat lawak sendiri...sorry ah..meraban sket kat sini..ni gara2 the cheesecake brownie..:)
Salam Rima ..
You so in love with desserts, yes? Me too cumanya I tak berapa 'ringan tangan', unlike you.
Boleh tanya something? You masak apa setiap hari besides baking. You masak lauk2 kita or ikut style omputih steak etc.
ROTFLMAO good.. I am keeping these cheesecake to myself.. awayyyyy fm Yat!! hahahahah
Salam somuffins
Besides baking.. i macam isteri isteri mithali yg lain juga .. "cough cough" kena masak setiap hari.. well except on weekends ah..
I dont take lunch.. so usually i will cook something simple for Sonia.. fishball soup ke.. macaroni soup ke.. anything simple lah.. our dinner on weekdays semua nye simple aje.. pasta.. sandwiches.. grill chicken ke.. u know.. that kinda thing.. friday/sat i will cook nasi cos Hairi balik dari camp.. so lauk pauk .. my hb tak cerewet one.. ape i masak semua dia makan except my lemak cili api cos he said too pedas and wud always say the same thing.. "eh u wanna kill me ah" hahahahh
rima dear :o)
love drooling at your cheesecake brownies! if makan ya ampun sure tak tengok kiri kanan...hehehe...
i love cheesecake...my fav..just had caramal cheesecake from secret recipe for my besday :o)
wish your house nearby sure tiap2 hari tengok muka i jer...hehehe
happy baking :o)
laa....lupa put my name
regards from yan,KL
ok..this recipe looks easy enuf to make.....*tapi bilanya nak buat* :S
and i've yet to get the chiffon pan... :S angan2 tinggi eh...tapi tak tercapai...haha...
Hi Yan
Happy belated bday to u.. hope u had a good one.. secret recipe cake nye pun sedap sedap.. when i gi cafe i jarang order cake for desert.. if terasa baru lah i order tu pun desert like sticky date pudding ke.. or crepes ke...
Memang senang lah recipe ni.. guarantee jadi one.. cuba lah.. suruh mak tolong Ain hehehe
hye rima,
thks for sharing the recipe.. i'm gonna try this soon :)
if you love choc cake, hop on to my blog for the best choc cake with cheese topping.. i guarantee you, mesti 'terangkat'!
happy baking!
Hi Edi
tks fir stopping by.. I wish i cud comment on ur choc cake but i cant since there is no recipe for me to try on ur blog.. :(
Hi rima :-)
the one i told you is here
sorry about that. my blog is mainly about cupcakes but sometimes is if 'divert' from cupcakes i usually put up the recipe. tp jarangla.. sbb balik2 asyik buat cupcakes je :-(
Hi Edi
Ty for the link.. much appreciated.. i wish i hv the time to do cupcakes but with little Sonia running around.. sigh.. its impossible.. anyway hv a good weekend.. happy baking and i will definately try to bake ur cake soon :o))
so I made this just now ....
the brownie base is devine.
the cheesecake turned out like the texture of scrambed eggs!!! oh no! and also tasted mainly of eggs, Rob said.
Granted, I forgot to swirl with a knife ... but aiya ......
what do you think went wrong?
Sorry ur brownie didnt turn out as planned...
Hmmm.. it will only hv a texture of scrambled eggs if u double boil ur cream cheese and didnt let it cool bef adding eggs.. in this case u dont hv to double boil anything.. did u whisk a cold cream cheese or did u use a room temp cream cheese??
This was what i did.. prepare brownie part first.. whisk cream cheese for a few minutes.. add sugar.. add eggs.. whisk till smooth.. pour cream cheese mixture over brownie mixture and make a swirl.. i used chopstick.. swirl didnt turn out well.. shud hv used butter knife instead..
Hee Hee I'm going to try this for mother's day tmr... insya-allah.
cos im ibu loves brownie
Good luck Ilah... make sure ur cream cheese tu room temp ok... and use butter knife to make the swirl... let me know the outcome..
the end product not too good ... hee hee im too excited ... so my brownie mixture abit sticky ...
the cheese cake alhamdulilah menjadi ... but hee hee tak leh swirl ... it became patch-ed... later i dah load ...i link kan kat u ...
Sticky?? Lahhhh nape pulak eh.. Hmmm ur baking time n temp betul tak?? Brownie shudnt be too soft n definately not sticky at all..
my mom kater maybe telur dia kecik ... maybe butter dia belum betol2 soft ...
i will try again ar ... nie baru skali try kan ... hee hee ...
hee hee later lepas mandi i will load the pix ... hee hee belum mandi ...
my mom kater maybe telur dia kecik ... maybe butter dia belum betol2 soft ...
i will try again ar ... nie baru skali try kan ... hee hee ...
hee hee later lepas mandi i will load the pix ... hee hee belum mandi ...
u try tgk kan ape yg tak kene dgn i punye cake
Salam Rima,
nice to know your blog..amazing blog with wonderful recipes..I'm a silent reader of your blog...hehe..here I come again to copy your brownie recipe...minta izin ya copy and paste the recipe.Terima kasih.
Salam nuridah
tok sah segan silu.. Datang lah lagi.. Recipes n knowledge r meant to be shared.. Happy baking!!
Thanks a lot for sharing all these wonderful tried & tested recipes Rima!
Since it's the hubby's birthday today, I made this earlier today and the result is so bagus lah. I enjoyed baking it and the family enjoyed eating it!
Thanks again.
No worries... baking is my passion and sharing is caring heheh
Glad it turned out well and everyone enjoyed it.. happy bday to ur hb!
Hi Rima,
I've been a silent admirer of your blog, will check in to your site first whenever I log in everyday haha...
I made this recently and my whole family loves it, including my 4-year old granddaughter who is a very picky eater.
I also made the fruit pastry last weekend and intend to make the Heart Jello soon for my son-in-law.
May Allah bless you and your family for being so kind to share your fabulous recipes including your splendid photography skills.
Hi Zainab
Awww ty ty for dropping by everyday to this humble blog of mine.. its a nice feeling when someone else try baking it and the end product turned out well..
So glad everyone is able to enjoy the fruit of ur labour and good luck on the heart jello - good choice by the way!
Happy baking!
Salaam K.Rima! Wanna try this out today
but was wondering how u do the brownie...pukul semua dlm mixer atau pakai whisker tangan je? Tq!
Hello Kak Rima,
I dah try buat this donna hay cheesecake brownie....and best sgt2..!
Thanks for the recipe ye kak.
-idamawar, Selangor-
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