Back to basics...
I hv been thinking abt baking this cake for months now.. this cake brings back memories.. i remember mom used to bake Marmer cake alot... she used to bake it in a square pan and wud always use a condensed milk can or even the golden churn butter can to bake us a small cake... another thing that i can easily remember was the use of powder colouring and also vanilli powder (it came in a very small bottle) in her bake... wonder why she didnt use vanilla essence back then.. perhaps it was way too expensive to use vanilla essence or extract.. or maybe all her recipes used vanilli powder???... "shrug"

Now i got this recipe while blog hopping and saw it uses vanilli powder and i had bought a small bottle of vanillin crystal powder while in jakarta.. thought i shud gv this recipe a try and will gv mom a loaf tomorrow and see what she says.. (oh i got two small loaf of marmer cake with this recipe) Love the simplistic taste of this cake.. love the moist texture.. love everything abt this cake...
Back to basics... :o)))
6 egg yolks
5 egg whites
300g margarine (i used unsalted butter and add 1/4 tsp of salt)
250g sugar
200g all purpose flour
25g corn flour
25g cocoa powder
1/4 tsp vanilli powder

1. Beat butter and sugar till light
2. Add in egg yolk one at a time and continue to beat till well combined. Add in vanilli powder.
3. Fold in sifted flour and cornflour.
4. In another bowl, whisk egg white till stiff peak and fold into butter mixture
5. Take a bowl of batter and add in sifted cocoa powder
6. In a greased 9 x 22cm of loaf pan pour in half of white batter.. top it up with chocolate batter and end with the rest of white batter. (u can also use a 10cup bundt pan)
7. Use a fork or a chopstick to make a few swirl
8. Bake in preheated oven of 175C for 50mins

Source: Elkaje
this cake brings back memories of my hari raya during childhood days...my mom used to bake this too..wonder if i shd bake her one ;)& play her one of the oldies hari raya songs?? he he
Mermer is marmar = marble. Kan?
Good idea tu.. pasti mami u suka tau.. i know my mami will love it cos the taste of this cake macam oldies style cake hehehe
Marmer = Marmar = marble.. sama lah tu.. this recipe is fm an Indonesian woman and i think the indon spell it Marmer instead of Marmar..
Hi Rima, if I don't have vanilla powder can I replace it vanilla extract? If not where can I find vanilla powder? Thanks
Yes u can replace it with vanilla extract..
U can buy it fm sun lik or phoon huat if ur in singapore
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