Dont u just love it when ur super duper hb calls and tells u that hes 15mins away and that hes coming home with an Italian supplier cos we hv to take him out for dinner?? I mean its all good if ur not doing anything.. its all good if ur ready to go.. its all good if u smell like a sweet rosy posy lol ... definitely not good especially when u hv been busy baking trays and trays of tarts since morning! arghhh anyway .. We took him to an Indian restaurant.. taught him to eat fish head curry.. took him to Geylang and taught him to eat Durian.. did he like it?? ohhhhh yeeeeaahhhh and guess what he asked me?? "Rima u think this durian thing will still be fresh if i were to take it back to Italy?" ... errr say whatttt???? hahhaha and my answer.. "you will be lucky if u get thru immigration without being spotted/smelt" ... by the end of the day.. it was all good.. we had a few good laugh... it was nice to finally meet u Alberto!
So ok enough rambling... this was what i hv been baking... i swear baking rose tart alone can be pretty boring and monotonous.. I am just glad that I hv done baking this tart.. hb u owe me one!.. Honestly, I hv been dragging abt baking em since last month.. now its packed nicely.. sent and whats left is a few pieces for me to enjoy tomorrow..

You can get recipe fm my previous cookie jar post...
Your hubby makan durian?
my hb was born and raised here in Singapore so of cos he makan durian.. hes only white on the outside.. dalam semua Asian hahahah
Rima, boleh pinjamkan I seminggu 'sifat sabar' you tak? I've been longing to do just that but never get the patience, whoahh!
Buat banyak2 tu nak hadiahkan kat kawan hb ke?
Hahhah u say what?? sabar?? muuahahha tuhan aje yg tahu mulut i ni popet popet ke tidak
Haiii nasib baik dah habis buat.. its meant for hb's customer ah.. hb just won big project lagi so konon nye dia nak beri sesuatu buat penghargaan ah.. dah tu meka meka tu nak tart pulak.. aduhhh punya lah weak bila hb requested rose tart...
i hv been looking for pineapple tart recipe and saw you rose tart.. nak tanya where you buy the 24 cups-muffin tray. kalau tak keberatan boleh give the tray size, coz my oven internal width max. only 370mm.
tq, hanny
Hi Hanny
I bought that tray fm Australia.. tak salah i got it fm Walmart.. will hv to ukur dulu bef i can gv u the measurement..
Hi Rima
I dah search online for the tray size, the length mostly 40cm. But I dah got substitute alum. mini bun tray 12-cups, the tray width is only 18cm, so can use two trays side by side. Anyway thanks for sudi reply.
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