Eversince our last trip.. Sonia has been waking up in the middle of the night wanting to sleep in our room... we hv tried all kinds of ways to put her to bed when she wakes up but of no use... so lately hb and I hv not been sleeping properly and whats worse she wud always kick me in her sleep... grrrr

So yesterday for a change hb had "prohibited" me fm baking.. I decided to just chill and not bake anything eventho my mind kept on thinking abt baking sugee cake.. I hv never eaten sugee cake before and when i saw this recipe on the little teochew blog i felt intrigued.. err well i think its more abt the stories of 2 ladies behind this recipe... sooo without further ado today i decided to bake not one but three types of desert lol.. I gave mom half of this cake (she lovessss sugee cake!) and half of the other cake to my aunt.. I will let u know if i like the taste of this cake tmrw tho..
Note: No comment on the taste of this cake cos i didnt even take a bite.. mom said its yummy and super soft... so i guess thats good enough to say this recipe is worth trying.. :o)

250 gm butter, softened
250 castor sugar (i used 220g)
125 SR Flour (i used all purpose flour n add 1tsp baking powder)
1 tsp baking powder
125 gm semolina flour
50 gm cashews, ground (I used ground almonds)
1/3 cup evaporated milk
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp buttercream essence or rose essence(i used cranberry extract)
5 eggs plus 1 yolk, the whole eggs separated
Preheat oven to 150 C
Stir semolina flour, Self Raising flour, baking powder and nuts together in a bowl and leave aside.
Seperate all the eggs. Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks one at a time. Add cold milk, vanilla extract and buttercream essence and mix well.
In another bowl beat egg whites till stiff. Fold in flour mixture into creamed mixture. Then fold in beaten egg whites gently until well mixed.
Bake 150 C for 50-60 mins until skewer comes out clean

Source: The Little Teochew adapted fm cherry on a cake
Hi Rima,
You should put her bed next to your bed. This way she can be next to you and sleep in her own bed.
Good luck
Hi Rima..
Let me know the taste ya...if it is good, i'd like to bake 1 for my sis who loves sugee cakes..
BTW, what brand of pastry puff did you use for the sardine puffs?
looks gooooood!!! kene dgn coffee or tea kan best ....
I've never eaten sugee cake before but the soft pudding like type pernah ... i loike!!! ...
Hi Stephnie
Been there done that eversince she was born.. when we moved to our new place a few months ago, we decided that she shud sleep in her own room.. she has no probs napping for 3 to 4hrs in her own room in the afternoon.. and if we're lucky, like last night, she will sleep thru all night.. so.. i guess we just hv to keep on trying to put her back to bed in her own room whenever she wakes up at 3am :o(
I used Kawan brand.. bought fm Tesco kat JB.. if i tak de stock i will buy the one fm NTUC.. but ah i still prefer to buy Kawan brand cos of its size..
Ade a slice of sugee cake yg i tinggal kan for me to taste later... i memang tak minat lah sugee cake but teringin nak bake it heheh
For some reason.. even the soft pudding type pun i tak minat nak try.. am hoping i will like the cakey type..
So was this cake worth it? Did it get good reviews?
My mom loves it.. she still talks abt it .. I on the other hand still doesnt know how to appreciate sugee cake.. I wud recommend u bake sicilian orange cake for ur aunt :o)
Salam Rima,
I have baked the sugee cake. It's so yummy and moist. Thanks for sharing.
Salam Zana
So glad it turned out good... happy baking! :o)
Hi Aunty Rima,
I love your recipes. They're all very good. I have tested and tried a few and have attained success. I personally love your macaroons too. Thank you for always posting great stuff! :)
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